
Friday, September 16, 2022

Confirming my Exposure to friends/contacts

 Anyone who visits and views my personal Facebook page or the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" can see links and posts that are available that allow them to see or discover my exposure.

David Steckel on Facebook

David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist - Facebook page 

What can't be seen or known are if the settings of my personal page are set to allow friends and contacts to view or be notified about any posts made, and if friends and contacts have really been invited to the Exposure page.

To avoid any doubts that anyone might have, some screen captures exist to show some of this, and some apps will allow anyone who wants to see and confirm anything they'd like to confirm.

First, a screen capture of the settings page for my personal page showing the current settings for who can see what and who receives notifications.

The settings are as least restrictive as each one can be, but this can be confirmed by actually viewing it if desired using one of two apps.

The first app is called Anydesk. The address for it is 990 573 524 and the password for it is Showmystuff1

The second app is called Teamviewer. The address for it is 1 054 262 400 and as far as I can tell, the password is Nakedandexposed1

Teamviewer is irritating, since it shows a random password but lets one be created too, so it's confusing about which will work. The random one changes when certain actions are taken, but hopefully the one listed will work.  

Anything that is desired to be looked at, checked, or confirmed can be done so. The limits would be nothing that changes files or functions on my system or posting anything that wouldn't be allowed or acceptable due to rules for any website or page, 

If something is found to be wrong or incorrect, such as a setting on Facebook or something similar, it can be corrected if it doesn't violate any rules.

If it's desired to see that friends and contacts really have been invited to view the Exposure page, a few steps would be necessary. 

The first would be to be on the Exposure page, and then find a series of dots not far down the page.

When the dots are clicked on, a menu is shown. One choice is "Invite Friends", which would need to be selected. A box will open to show the current invite status of friends and contacts. It would show that more than two hundred friends and contacts have been invited.

This should enable anyone to see for themselves whatever they might have questions about or are curious about. 

If I am informed beforehand of what someone wants to see, the related page can be left loaded and open, especially if I'm away or unavailable. If I am online at the time, assistance in locating something can be provided. 

The current state of my exposure leaves me with little or nothing to hide or conceal.

Note: If either app is tried and does not work, please inform me in some way. This can probably be done anonymously on this site if it's preferred to remain anonymous.


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Temporary exposure not so temporary

 I often forget for a few days about the four posts exposing me on the website, and I don't always get around to checking on them even when I do remember them.

The "temporary" posts have been there for more than two months so far and it's so hard to believe that some still have close to another month before they expire. 

The posts are one situation where there is absolutely nothing that I can do, since the settings do not allow it. All I can really do is look at what anyone else can see of me, and accept that they can not only see it all, but also copy or download any of it. 

Even though I've surrendered all rights to those and all photos of me naked, it's not often when I literally have to stay exposed, and when it's only up to others how long I have to stay exposed there. There's no discussing it, no suggesting anything, no bargaining possible, or anything else besides remaining on display naked for anyone to see.

This is one time where the rights of others to keep me exposed naked for even more people to see is all encompassing, and where my only option is to stay exposed and be seen naked. 

Just after the posts became available, I would have bet quite a lot that they would only last for a couple weeks at the longest. I doubt I would have believed they'd be there even for a full month. I couldn't have been more wrong, and I would obviously have lost any bet.

Instead of finding the posts being nearly expired on my most recent look there, I see them no closer, if not further from expiring than they were when I last looked. 

                                                Status of posts as of September 15th, 2022

It's clear that I am helplessly exposed naked for as long as others wish for me to remain that way, so I can only accept their wishes.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Monthly (September) video on Facebook

 The video for the month of September is now publicly available on Facebook. The video was chosen by votes received in the poll:

On the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" the video is available through the blue "Watch Now" button on the page.

On my personal page the video is available through a public post containing a link to the video, and through a qr code which can be scanned. 

The video shows me masturbating naked with my legs above my head and cumming into my face and into my mouth. It's one of the videos I would most prefer not to be widely seen, especially by friends or people who know me, but no video can receive any special considerations. It was selected through voting and the poll results are always final.

A few images from the video and a link to the video:





For me this is a particularly humiliating video to be available so publicly and to friends and people who know me. In the days after it became clear that this video would be made available, I hoped for anything that might at least delay its availability, but no such thing happened. 

On top of that, a fairly close and long-time female friend discovered and followed the Facebook Exposure page, and are automatically notified about any posting. It's a pretty sure thing that they have already seen me naked and watched me masturbate in the previous months video. They will inevitably watch this months video due to receiving a notification about the update to the "Watch Now" button. They are also a Facebook friend, and friends and followers receive notifications for any posts on my personal page.

So far they have not contacted me directly about seeing me, but whether or not they ever do, they will or have already seen this months video of me.

Since other friends and an unknown number of others will inevitably watch this video of me, it can seem pointless at times for me to feel such humiliation due to any specific friend seeing it. This friend is especially well known, has spent a lot of time with me, and has known me for many years without ever seeing me naked or even being aware of my online exposure until recently. They are likely not to keep what they see of me to themselves, at least for long, which could lead to additional friends seeing me.

There is still some disbelief for me that this friend followed the Exposure page just as an extremely humiliating video of me was about to become available to so many others on Facebook, but there's nothing that can be done about it now or ever. 

I have just been completely and forever exposed to one more person who knows me, and they received almost immediate access to one video that is particularly humiliating for me for her and other friends to see.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Facebook Exposure Page reformat and update

 The Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" has been reformatted by Facebook. 

A few things have changed there as a result, with one thing being that the "Watch Video" button is now the "Watch Now" button. The button continues to link to the "video of the month" that is chosen by poll results.

For several weeks before the reformatting, the means to "invite friends" was unenviable without any explanation, so several recently acquired friends were not sent invites to the page. This has been restored after the reformatting, but all prior invites had been removed. 

The simplest solution to identifying who had not yet been sent an invitation was for an invitation to be sent, or resent in many cases to more than a couple hundred Facebook friends. Any and all new friends will of course receive an invitation to the page upon or soon after becoming a Facebook friend, as it was before the invite option became temporarily unavailable. 

The reformatting only occurred on the Exposure page and had no effect on my personal page or any of its posts, including posts with links to the "video of the month".   

Each month when the video for the "Watch Now" button is updated, a post on my personal page is also added which contains a link to the video of the month and a qr code that when scanned links to the same video. These posts will remain even after the "Watch Now" video is updated each month, enabling viewing of the prior videos as well as remaining available through the search option on Facebook.

There is no tracking whatsoever for who watches the videos or even how many times they may have been watched or downloaded. I have no idea who watches them, but once they are linked by the button and in a public post on my personal page, there is no doubt at all that they are being watched and have been watched.

Below: An embed of the most recent public post on my personal Facebook page containing a link and a qr code to the video of the month. These posts will remain available there even after the month is over and a new post is created with with a new link and code to a different video.

So once a video becomes the video of the month there will always be a link to it in a public post on my personal page regardless of the current video of the month. All posts there are always permanent.

On a separate but related topic, it's been noticed that five prior classmates of mine have been followers of mine on the Quora site One male and four females. This means that much or all of what was posted or shared by me there has been included in their homepage feed once they began following me. Since they are lower on the list of followers, they have been following me for some time now and are very likely to have seen responses that contain photos of me naked.

I hadn't paid the least bit of attention to who followed me there, at least since I first joined the site and did some initial exploring of the options there. I occasionally receive notifications of new followers, but I don't recall any notifications for a majority of those who follow me there, including these classmates.

These five classmates are all also Facebook friends, so it's likely that they had all seen photos if not also videos of me naked even before the Exposure page was created and before links to my exposure became public in posts on my personal Facebook page. 

Overall this is probably not significant, since my exposure would currently be available to them through Facebook whether they followed me on Quora or not. It's just a bit of a surprise for me to find that they have very likely been among the viewers of responses by me on Quora for quite some time, which include many responses that contain photos of me naked.



Friday, August 12, 2022

Images (of me) submitted by others

 A few others have used photos of me naked to create images, which they notified me about or sent to me. They were and are all fully aware of the photos public domain status and knew they had every right to use the photos. 

Since the images they created are their own property, their permission was given to include the images in public posts online.  This was not only recommended by the creators of the images, but preferred by them, Obviously information about those creators mustn't be revealed so as to ensure their privacy, but their created images of me can be publicly shared.

Although I tend not to ask where the photos of me were found and obtained, since that is mostly irrelevant and is not really any of my business, but in some cases it is mentioned to me where they were obtained. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Monthly video updated - Facebook pages


 In accordance with the ongoing poll results at: , the "Watch Video" button on the page: has been updated with the video that received the most votes at the end of the month of July. A link and a qr code for the same video is also posted publicly on the personal page:  The video will remain available on these pages until the next video update on September 1st, 2022. 

The qr code posts along with any links they contain will remain on the personal page even after future updates, even though updates to the "Watch Video" button also update all previous posts related to the button on the Exposure page. 

The August video that was most voted for and is now available on both pages is:


As usual. the video can be watched by anyone anonymously, and surely will be watched. I will then be seen naked and masturbating by all who view it.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Temporary Exposure Post? Updated 4th post

 A new exposure of me naked has become available at:

 Like on some previously existing websites, several photos can be viewed, downloaded, and also extended by a day for an unlimited amount of time. There is also no ability to delete the photos or post unless the time runs out. 

All are invited to view the post, since all exposures of me naked are necessarily public.

Update: Second post available at:

As mentioned in a comment on this post, I only recently discovered that a slightly different link for the posts will show that the option to remove any post has been removed, and that only when the time for all extensions runs out. The links that can show that and a code that can be scanned are:

Post 2:

Post 3:

Those links should show that the posts can't be removed. They show that to me, so it should be the same for everyone else too. 
That does leave me with no option besides continuing to stay exposed there for as long people extend them for. That's unless the website does something like a previous but similar site did by purging their servers. I don't see that as being too likely to expect again on a different website.

Update: It seems that even the links that are supposed to show if there's a removal option or not show nothing about it. It appears that only posts made in the last few days will have a new formatting that doesn't apply to posts before that time. Other differences seem to be that web searches will be able to pick up any post there that lasts long enough. I don't know for sure, but I don't think that can happen to posts made earlier. 

The only other method to show there can be no removal is a screen shot of a version of the posts that only I seem to be able to see, at least aside from giving out the log-in information that gets me logged into the website. 

Update: A fourth post is now available.

 This is one under the new settings for the website. There doesn't seem to be much difference in the actual posting except that a country flag is visible under the photos. 
Other differences are more hidden. 
One is that the post cannot be hidden from search engines like Google.
Another appears to be that all comments are now also extensions, probably only if a comment is made after an extension, since I'm not sure there could be more than one extension by one person. 
The new settings include an "Extreme" setting that automatically enables downloads, allows no option for removal, sets the original time for the post to one day, and automatically makes extensions be for one day, the maximum setting.
The settings for this newest post have that extreme setting. 

I don't know how or why Google or another search engine would include anything from a temporary exposure website, or how long that takes. Since this is the first posting of me under the new settings, I'll just have to see how it goes.

Monday, July 4, 2022

David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist, July 2022 status

Updated July 16, 2022  

The Facebook page David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist is still active and is getting views. The daily views are in the single digits, but a day rarely passed without the page receiving views. For the most part, I have no idea who the viewers are. Of course I have no real right to know who views my exposure unless the viewer wishes for me to know, and I have almost no control over who has access to and views my exposure.

On my personal Facebook page, some posts from the Exposure page have been shared, although Facebook flagged one post that had already been on the exposure page for weeks. The others are currently still up, but are set to friends only. The posts are friends only since it appears that some non-friends who visit my personal page are reporting posts that show an image that suggests that I am naked. 

The posts on my personal Facebook page do contain links to sites such as the Google album "Public Domain Photos and Videos of David Steckel Naked" and to the image "David Steckel Naked in mirror" which is offered on Wikimedia at:

A link is also included to the poll for voting on which video will be available for one month through the "Watch Video" button on the Facebook Exposure page. On my personal Facebook page a qr code image is posted, which goes to the same video as the "Watch Video" button. This allows any visitor to my personal page to scan the code and view the current video without a need to visit the Exposure page. 

The poll has received and is receiving enough votes for there to be a clear selection for the next video to be made available. In cases where several videos have a tie vote, by selecting "sort" in the poll results, one video will have attained that number of votes first, before the others. In cases of where a video has the higher vote count, that video will always be the one offered next. The current video was updated on July 1st and must remain until August 1st. The qr code image on my person Facebook page is updated each month to match the current video.

There are also the links to my exposure in the intro of my personal Facebook page which must remain in place permanently, as voters in a previous poll have decided. Links there can only be added to but never removed. They are just one of several ways that make my exposure available to just about anyone, including Facebook friends and others who know me personally. 

Some who know me have definitely already viewed my exposure, although none of them have mentioned it or asked anything about it. Every day it is more likely and more probable that even more people who know me are seeing my exposure. Of course that is exactly what the purpose is though. I am to be seen naked, exposed, masturbating, and more by many people who know me and by anyone who cares to view it. Even if I try to convince myself that no one is really looking or seeing anything of me, I know it's impossible for that to be the case. I know that not being told that I've been seen doesn't mean much, and viewers have every right to view me and to not say a word to me about it. Anytime I meet someone in person who knows me, I never know if they have seen me naked already or not. But I know they can and possibly will see me naked at some point. 

The friends only posts on my personal Facebook page are almost sure to have generated a notification to Facebook friends, which would absolutely cause at least a few friends to view the posts. I can only suppose that more friends than I realize may already be aware of my exposure and are not reacting to it in any way... for now anyway. It's a bit intimidating to know that I must and will be seen exposed naked by many more Facebook friends and by other viewers/ visitors, but there's no changing how things are now. 

One clue that friends and people who know me are viewing or becoming aware of my exposure is that some friends of friends on Facebook have sent friend requests to me. The requests are accepted of course, since there is no reason not to accept them and my exposure has likely already been viewed by them by the time they sent the friend request. Even if they haven't seen my exposure by then, not a thing can limit or restrict anyone from viewing the entirety of my "public domain" exposure. 

Although these new friends do have every right to view, possess, or share my exposure as they choose, even when they do view my exposure, it's not really accurate to consider their viewing of me naked as me being viewed naked by someone who knows me personally. That basically requires past classmates, coworkers, neighbors, or a person who knows me or has met me in person in some way. 

Whenever I'm visiting a store or any business that has employees that I encounter regularly, I'm not always conscious of the fact that any one of them may have viewed me online naked in some way, especially in cases such as when visiting a bank or anywhere else where my name is required to be given and even proven. 

On occasion in public I will see a person looking at me for an extra long time, and without knowing why it's easy to think they might be trying to place where they may have seen me before. If they did view me naked online then some might even be fairly sure I am the one they saw online, but not sure enough to mention it. Others may be positive it's me but prefer not to say anything to me. Even though I've surely only been seen by a tiny fraction of those with the potential to see me naked online, it still means that anyone I encounter may be included in that fraction. 

I feel pretty sure that while I'm obliviously walking around somewhere or some place, that there have been times when someone else there was only picturing me exactly as they saw me online. I just didn't know it. That's just something I will have to get accustomed to though, even if the odds for it occurring are low... for now anyway.

The only thing that is sure is that as time passes, more are viewing my exposure. Since the entirety of my exposure is public domain, each and every one who does view it has the legal right to do so, and to copy, download, or share it as they see choose, all without asking or mentioning it to me. Even if I am notified about some furthering of my exposure to others, it's not within my rights to have any say-so about it. 

In public I'm sometimes oblivious to the fact that I may be recognized by someone who has seen me naked online, but at other times I can feel quite exposed, almost as if I am walking around like this:

  Nothing changes the fact though that privacy for my naked body and for anything I do naked is non-existent, and that every photo and video of me naked belongs to the public.


A Facebook post that was viewable by friends only is now a public post. The post should now be viewable by all visitors to the page:

The post contains a qr code which when scanned will go to the same video that the "Watch Video" button goes to on the Facebook exposure page. 

Having it pointed out that the button to watch the video was public on one page, but the code to watch it was not public, and that friends could already view the code, made the inconsistency clear. Even though friends could scan the code and see the video, others who know me but who are not Facebook friends, and other visitors to the page had no access to the code or the video. 

The post also contains links to a photo of me on Wikimedia commons, and to the Google album containing photos and videos of me naked. The links were already present in the post for friends only and removing those links was considered before the audience for the post became public, but turned out not to be possible without the entire post being deleted and  starting over. This could also be considered as a limitation on my exposure or who could see it, so to avoid that the links had to remain in the now public post. 

Friends and followers on Facebook almost certainly received a notification when the post became public, and at least a few of them are sure to have then viewed the post. What they scanned, clicked on, or saw of me was and is their choice. 

The embed code for the post on Facebook was included below. It's not clear if it will function, since embeds often have issues when included in a blog post here, but the post should be fully available on the page itself. (link at top of update above).

 The direct link to the video that both the button and the qr code post will go to is:

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Increased Exposure to Facebook friends

 My exposure is now more available and easier to see for friends on Facebook. First there were the links to my exposure included in the intro of my page on Facebook. They are still there and are permanent.

Next came the page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" 

All friends and also the public can see and click the intro links and visit and view the exposure page and quite a few have done that already. Since I can't know who clicks on links or what they view, I don't know much about who has seen me or is seeing me. 

After the intro links were there, I was asked a few times why there were no posts including them. One reason was that I was horrified by that idea, since posts show up in the Facebook feed of friends and followers where the person can view the post without ever visiting the page it's on. The other reason was that on Facebook every post generates a photo. Trying to post a link to a photo, video, or album generates a photo, which is always a nude photo since that's all there is on those pages. Anything nude immediately kicks in the anti-nudity algorithms on Facebook. 

A way around this was recently pointed out. Including an edited/censored photo or multiple links avoids the automatic photo generation that occurs from a single link. This removed the issue of an automatically generated nude photo when including a link in a post. It's still quite an issue for me for an actual post visible to almost every friend to have a link to a page I'm exposed on. As of now there are four posts like that posted on my Facebook page and visible to friends. 

One post has a qr code image that when it's scanned, goes to the same video that the "Watch Video" button goes to on the Facebook exposure page. It also has a link to the Google album "Public Domain photos and videos of David Steckel naked"


Another post has a link and header photo of the Facebook Exposure page: and also a link to the Google album.


The third post is contains the photo from the page: with the photo cropped to avoid the algorithms. A link to the page on Wikimedia Commons is also there along with a link to the Google album. 

The fourth post is an invitation to vote in the poll to choose which video the "Watch Video" button (exposure page) and the qr code image will go to. It has a link to the poll, and the poll page contains links to other related pages.

It's likely that these posts ended up in the Facebook homepage feed of friends, but it's unclear to me if they did or not. These are the first page posts to ever have links to my exposure that are completely available to friends, Even though it has to be this way it's not easy to see my complete exposure so available to friends. Right after the posts were made available to friends, the page views for the exposure page did go up but there's no way to know whether any viewers were also friends. Further humiliation for me seems nearly inevitable, but I know that's something that is both completely irrelevant and an intended result. The posts are also never to be removed.

Already it's been pointed out how the posts being for friends only is an issue, since I do not have any right to keep, hide, or conceal any photo or video of me naked from anyone. I do wish there could be exceptions, but obviously there can't be any. The only way it can be is for the posts to be public. If the posts didn't show up in feeds already, they will for sure when the posts become public. That's the horrifying part, but one that can't be avoided for much longer. 

For now I must apologize to anyone who isn't a Facebook friend, since they can't view the actual posts (yet). Sometime within the next ten days of this posting, the posts will have to become public and stay that way. 

Also, to anyone who prefers, likes, or enjoys the idea of me being completely exposed to the public and to people who know me, or who likes or enjoys the humiliation that may result from it for me. Once voters in a past public poll decided that photos and videos of me naked had to be seen by Facebook friends, that decision made it unavoidable and mandatory that it happen. It's proving to be more of a process that an event or a single step, but it is occurring even now. More than a dozen friends have "liked" or followed the Facebook exposure page so far, and other friends from the 230 invites sent are likely to have at least visited the page.

With four posts now visible and available to friends on my personal Facebook page, all containing a link to an album of all photos and videos of me naked and other links to pages exposing me, there's already been a coincidental increase in views. The views could be from random viewers or from friends. There's no way to tell, but in any case it means I've probably been seen or viewed naked once more. Each view could also potentially be someone who has known me for a long time and who had no idea that I was naked on the internet anywhere, discovering photos and videos of me naked. It's probable that they'd look at or watch a few things, but even if they don't they would now know I was exposed naked online. Some might never acknowledge or mention having seen me to anyone else, but there's at least a small chance that some will feel obligated to or even like sharing this information with others they know, especially if those others also know me.

Since the posts became available to friends I can almost feel my exposure to them occurring. It seems they are seeing the posts somewhere, either from a search of my name on Facebook, from their homepage feed, from my page itself, or from some sort of notification that went out to them that I wasn't sure would or did happen. 

There's a certain dreadfulness combined with eroticism that results from just waiting for friends to see any of the posts and for them to see me completely exposed and displayed naked in so many ways. They get to see everything of me, including seeing me naked and masturbating, and I get to see nothing of them or even know they saw me unless they want me to know. It's irreversible for those friends who have already seen eveything of me naked, and I can only live with any humiliation from it. Just having to wait while additional friends see the posts and discover my exposure, but knowing it's almost definite that they will is also a bit humiliating, along with the dread and eroticism. 

No complaint was intended in anything mentioned. It's mostly acknowledging how it is and how it has to be.

 I know I have to be seen naked by friends and people who know me, and they all have to be able to see everything of me naked.

 I know this is already humiliating me and is sure to humiliate me much more, but that I have to accept and endure every bit of it that occurs. 

 I know that I don't have any rights at all about who sees photos and videos of me naked, how they are used, or where they might end up. I know they are all attributed to the public domain (CC0) and are "of me" but not mine in any way. I know everyone has an equal right to view and use them as they see fit, and that it is outside of my rights and possibly even not legal for me to do anything that does or appears to violate those rights in any way. 

 I understand that because I intentionally and purposely hid, withheld, or kept the photos and videos from friends, it infringed on their right to see, copy, or share the public domain photos and videos of me naked. I understand that I now have to be exposed naked to as many friends as possible, and for them to view or be able to view all photos and videos of me naked. I understand that there is no possible way to avoid this exposure no matter how humiliating it ends up being for me.

To the extent possible under law, David Steckel has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to All existing images and videos depicting David Steckel naked in any manner.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist page (Facebook) May 2022 update

 The Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" has now existed for six months. I can mostly only guess at the amount or degree of my exposure that has occurred during this time.


A couple friends and a few past classmates are among those who have viewed my online exposure through the page, but the actual number could be and probably is much higher than those few. 

Nearly 300 of my Facebook friends have been invited to the page through its invite feature, which sends a notification to each of them. Of those, just over a dozen have liked the page so far. What they saw there or viewed isn't known, but they almost certainly visited the page. 

One surprising thing was that a couple of the page likes came from a friend or contact that had not yet been invited, which meant they found it indirectly, most likely from seeing the link to it in the intro of my Facebook page

The remaining friends that remain uninvited can still find the exposure page in the links there. In fairness to those friends  a post on my own page was added, but with only seven friends/contacts excluded. Those excluded are direct relatives, some of who are elderly and in poor health, although they can still find the link to the page in my intro or through typing my full name in "Search Facebook" box and viewing some of the post or photo results.

The post itself is an invite to vote in the poll for which video the "Watch Video" button will show. When it's clicked on it goes directly to the poll page, which has links displayed to the Facebook exposure page and to the Google album of photos and videos of me naked. Of course it also points out the "Watch Video" button. 

The post audience is set for every Facebook friend of mine except for the seven mentioned, so every other Facebook friend can view the post. The worst aspect of a post on my page is  that friends are always notified of any post automatically, and turning that off completely in the settings seems impossible. I don't know if I'm avoiding that, but at first the post will be made with "Only Me" as the audience. Then a bit later, the audience is changed to "Friends Except" with the seven exclusions included. I don't know if a notification still goes out to friends then, but if it does then almost every Facebook friend of mine received one. 

Screenshot of post: 

At some point, the post audience may become public, but for now it's only for fairness to any friends who haven't been directly invited to the page.

The next potential post on my own Facebook page already exists having "Only me" able to view it. The post contains a qr code image goes to the same video the the "Watch Video" button goes to on the Facebook exposure page. The post also contains a link to the Google photo album itself.

Screenshot of 2nd post:

The post is likely to be set to be able to be viewed by the same audience as the other one (all friends except seven), but as of now it's kind of there but not there since only I can see it.  The post would make it very easy for any friend to view the current video for the "Watch Video" button directly from the post if they were able to scan a qr code, and also give them full access to all of my exposure in the Google album:

Update: May 20th. The post with the qr code image and a link to the Google photo/video album has been made available to and viewable by friends. Both posts described must now remain available to current friends at all times, and immediately available to any new friends. If not and it is pointed out then as a consequence both posts will become available publicly and remain that way.



Sunday, April 17, 2022

David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist page (Facebook) update

 The Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" is continuing to receive views and has existed for close to five months now. Posts on the page seem to receive a lot less views than the page itself, which could probably be for a lot of reasons. 

Poll for next video 

One is that the page has no interest for that viewer and they move on. Another could be that they are only clicking links or buttons there that the page doesn't count at all. If that's happening then those viewers are probably seeing a lot more of me than just what's on the page, since links and buttons do tend to show more of me.

Even the viewers whose views are counted stay anonymous and are never more than a number, so there's absolutely no way to know who might be among those viewers. It can only be known who likes a post or the page.

Anyone who has viewed the page recently may have seen the photo below in a post there. The original photo was cropped for the post, leaving just the tip of my penis visible in the photo. More if the tip was to be left visible, but it risked the photo being flagged. With so little shown of my penis, it was expected that it would go unnoticed. Someone did notice it though, so I can only wonder how many others will notice it too. The full photo can be seen below the cropped photo even if it can't be seen on Facebook.


The month of April 2022 is proving to be a long month for me. The current video of me being offered through the "Watch Video" button on the page is one of the few that are harder for me know is being watched. Because there are no private videos of me naked, and because the video was voted to be there in the ongoing poll, the video does have to be available until the month is over. Knowing that video is so available to anyone whether they know me or not makes the days feel like they are crawling by. 

I would almost welcome the end of the month and a change in video for the button, but at the current moment the video with the most votes would feel similar if or when it's available. More than half of the month is over at this point, so there's less time for it ahead than behind, at least for its current availability. But for the next two weeks or so I know it does have to stay there to be watched.

A majority of Facebook friends have already been invited to the page. Nearly 250 of them so far. It's unknown how many of them actually visited or viewed the page unless they "like" it or a post there. With many friends there being mutual friends with other Facebook friends who may not yet have been invited to the page, I can only wonder if friends not yet invited have seen the page already. 

I know a lot of this seems pointless to think or wonder about, since it does appear that by some point close to all Facebook friends will end up at least being aware of the page if not also viewing it and what's available there. But it's too hard not to notice or pay attention as that point seems to slowly get closer.

Last of all is that page editors are being sought. An editor is listed as: 

 Can publish content and send Messenger messages as the Page, respond to and delete comments on the Page, create ads, see who created a post or comment, post from Instagram to Facebook, and view insights. If an Instagram account is connected to the Page, they can respond to and delete comments, send Direct messages, sync business contact info and create ads.

In fact if they choose, any editor does not have to do anything. It seems likely though that an editor can invite others to the page, which they can do as they please. It seems all that is necessary is to have a Facebook or an Instagram account to assign the editor role to. Apparently there's no need for a friendship or connection otherwise. 

Anyone interested (who has not been offered an editor spot) can notify me on Facebook Messenger. If a spot was offered through a notification, please feel free to decline it since it's obviously not something that everyone can do. 

There are lesser roles available on the page, such as moderator, advertiser, and analyst. Each of those have access to less about the page although all can view what is called "insights", which are basically any page stats that are kept.Those spots don't seem fitting or proper for those who have viewed my exposure or who might enjoy my ongoing exposure to others. 

An editor's name or page doesn't appear on the page and are not identified to visitors of the page. An editor could create posts if they choose, but of course the usual Facebook restrictions still apply. They can invite who they want to or promote the page in any way they care to, or they can just sit back and observe. It's their choice alone. But having one or more editors is a way for viewers and members of the public to have more access to a page that essentially exists just to expose me naked publicly. 


Sunday, April 10, 2022

"Watch Video" button / Poll update

 The format for the poll and for which video of me the "Watch Video" button goes to has changed a little bit, and possibly simplified too,

The button will go to whichever video was voted for the most since in one month period. In case of a tie for the most votes, the button will go to whichever video had the higher count first, The poll will be updated each month, leaving in place any votes for videos that had lesser votes.

The one month duration for the button going to each video is to provide ample time for visitors/viewers to see it, since two weeks was deemed to be too brief of time period for several interested parties.

Of course the "Watch Video" button can be seen and clicked on at: 

The video the button currently goes to was selected by votes in the poll, and must remain that way until its month is finished. The first day of each month is the scheduled time for a change in video, and the next video will be decided only by the poll results at that time.


Then there are always the personal aspects of it all for me, such as one month feeling like an eternal amount of time, more so for some videos over others when the button goes to them. From the moment the videos were made until recently, it seemed extremely unlikely that any of the videos of me naked would be as "available" as they are now. The idea that even those who know me can easily click a button that goes right to a video of me naked at a minimum is still hard to fathom even though I know they can and even though some already have seen one or more of them. 

Until the button was added, I might wonder more about which of those who know me might be seeing the page or clicking random posts on it, for now I wonder more about which of those who know me might be clicking that button and going straight to a video of me naked at the very least. 

In the recent past, several people who knew me at one time or another have found me through a search on Facebook, The results of doing a search of my name on Facebook now include the exposure page where the button is located. Anyone searching for me seems likely to find that page in the results of their search.

Of course anyone finding and viewing the page will at least see some video of me naked if they click the button, so all I can really hope for is that if or when they do click the button, the video it goes to at that time is less humiliating than some other possibilities. 

If I don't look at or visit the page for a while, I can almost convince myself that it's not really so easy to see a video of me naked just by clicking a button on a Facebook page, but going to the page and clicking the button for myself confirms it really is that easy. I usually end up closing the page after that, since I almost never watch any videos of myself. I already know what each shows. Watching them is for others to do and more than ever before, those others are including people who know me in some way.

The potential, and in a few cases the certainty of being exposed to people who know me, and also to others as well mostly feels like a sort of ride. One that goes from one place to another and I only know for sure where I got on the ride. I don't know exactly where it goes, although I know where it's headed, and the duration of the ride is unknown. 

Anyone can vote for the next video in the poll here:



Monday, March 21, 2022

Poll for next video on Facebook Exposure page.

 A new poll/survey is available to allow anyone interested to anonymously select their choice for which video of me naked is made available through a "Watch Video" button on the Facebook page:

 The poll/survey can be found at:

 SuperSurvey The button will go to a video of me, naked of course, and will stay available for at least two weeks. Any video that has the most votes will then replace the current one. If a video has the most votes and the votes are 5 or less, then the video selected will remain available for at least two weeks, If the video with the most votes has 6 to 10 votes, then the video will remain available for three weeks. If the votes are eleven or more for a video, then it will remain available for a full month. 

Any video made available will be replaced in the poll with another selection until all videos have been available for voting. The order and duration of availability of videos created through voting will then be the "cycle", to be repeated for as long as the button is there.

For now voters can decide which one comes next and for how long. 

Since some of the videos in the poll/survey are likely to humiliate me a bit more than others of the button ends up going to them and if anyone who knows me sees it  Two weeks will feel extra long if one of the more humiliating videos ends up being what the button goes to. Even though all videos of me naked are public and can't even be kept or hidden from people who really do know me, it's different when more humiliating videos of me are featured specifically. 

I know it's actually just the public voting anonymously about which public videos should be available for the public to see, and I know that part is really none of my business, so I'll just have to see if the poll/survey gets any results and what they might be.

UPDATE: The date for the first replacement of the video the button will go to is supposed to be April 4th 2022. If no video has a higher number of votes in the poll at that time, the change will be made if or when a video has more votes than any other. 


Sunday, February 6, 2022

Facebook page: David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist update

 The Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" has existed for another month, making it more than two months old now. I still can't believe that my exposure is occurring on Facebook, but it is. 

The page has received some likes and followers, mostly early on and mostly by Facebook friends. The page continues to receive views every day, but it's impossible to know who is viewing it. It could be someone on the other side of the world just as easily as it could be someone who knows me.

There are analytical pages that show graphs and bars for page views and post views. I'm still trying to figure out those pages, but as near as I can tell, the page had received at least one view per day since its creation, but more recently it's received from three to five views per day.

More invites have been sent to Facebook friends of mine.  I spun a wheel online with the understanding that the spins would decide if more friends would be invited to the page. The wheel had a 10 and a 20 on it, and eleven friends had already been invited, so the odds seemed good that either no more or only a few more friends would end up being invited. The rules were to spin the wheel until the same number was landed on three times. 

The first spin landed on 120, and I was sure that wouldn't happen again. Spinning went on and just about every number was landed on once. After that 120 came up again and it wasn't looking good. The very next spin was 120 again. I think what I felt then was disbelief, but it sunk in soon enough.

Since I do now feel like there is very little separation between my personal life online including my online exposure and what the public and people who know me see, 120 Facebook friends have been invited to the page.

The link to the wheel page is: 

An attempt at embedding the wheel:


In a couple months I've gone from assuming the page would only get a few views, to now feeling like I'm naked and jacking off in front of people who know me even if I can't see them watching. I don't know that one way or another. 

All I really know for sure is that six Facebook friends have "liked" the page and it has seven followers. For some reason followers are unidentified for the page, so there's no way to know who is following the page. I also know that every single day people are visiting the page and that they are pretty likely seeing me naked in some way. But I guess an "Exposed Exhibitionist" is literally there to be exposed and exhibited, seen, and watched.