
Monday, August 15, 2022

Facebook Exposure Page reformat and update

 The Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" has been reformatted by Facebook. 

A few things have changed there as a result, with one thing being that the "Watch Video" button is now the "Watch Now" button. The button continues to link to the "video of the month" that is chosen by poll results.

For several weeks before the reformatting, the means to "invite friends" was unenviable without any explanation, so several recently acquired friends were not sent invites to the page. This has been restored after the reformatting, but all prior invites had been removed. 

The simplest solution to identifying who had not yet been sent an invitation was for an invitation to be sent, or resent in many cases to more than a couple hundred Facebook friends. Any and all new friends will of course receive an invitation to the page upon or soon after becoming a Facebook friend, as it was before the invite option became temporarily unavailable. 

The reformatting only occurred on the Exposure page and had no effect on my personal page or any of its posts, including posts with links to the "video of the month".   

Each month when the video for the "Watch Now" button is updated, a post on my personal page is also added which contains a link to the video of the month and a qr code that when scanned links to the same video. These posts will remain even after the "Watch Now" video is updated each month, enabling viewing of the prior videos as well as remaining available through the search option on Facebook.

There is no tracking whatsoever for who watches the videos or even how many times they may have been watched or downloaded. I have no idea who watches them, but once they are linked by the button and in a public post on my personal page, there is no doubt at all that they are being watched and have been watched.

Below: An embed of the most recent public post on my personal Facebook page containing a link and a qr code to the video of the month. These posts will remain available there even after the month is over and a new post is created with with a new link and code to a different video.

So once a video becomes the video of the month there will always be a link to it in a public post on my personal page regardless of the current video of the month. All posts there are always permanent.

On a separate but related topic, it's been noticed that five prior classmates of mine have been followers of mine on the Quora site One male and four females. This means that much or all of what was posted or shared by me there has been included in their homepage feed once they began following me. Since they are lower on the list of followers, they have been following me for some time now and are very likely to have seen responses that contain photos of me naked.

I hadn't paid the least bit of attention to who followed me there, at least since I first joined the site and did some initial exploring of the options there. I occasionally receive notifications of new followers, but I don't recall any notifications for a majority of those who follow me there, including these classmates.

These five classmates are all also Facebook friends, so it's likely that they had all seen photos if not also videos of me naked even before the Exposure page was created and before links to my exposure became public in posts on my personal Facebook page. 

Overall this is probably not significant, since my exposure would currently be available to them through Facebook whether they followed me on Quora or not. It's just a bit of a surprise for me to find that they have very likely been among the viewers of responses by me on Quora for quite some time, which include many responses that contain photos of me naked.



Friday, August 12, 2022

Images (of me) submitted by others

 A few others have used photos of me naked to create images, which they notified me about or sent to me. They were and are all fully aware of the photos public domain status and knew they had every right to use the photos. 

Since the images they created are their own property, their permission was given to include the images in public posts online.  This was not only recommended by the creators of the images, but preferred by them, Obviously information about those creators mustn't be revealed so as to ensure their privacy, but their created images of me can be publicly shared.

Although I tend not to ask where the photos of me were found and obtained, since that is mostly irrelevant and is not really any of my business, but in some cases it is mentioned to me where they were obtained. 

Monday, August 1, 2022

Monthly video updated - Facebook pages


 In accordance with the ongoing poll results at: , the "Watch Video" button on the page: has been updated with the video that received the most votes at the end of the month of July. A link and a qr code for the same video is also posted publicly on the personal page:  The video will remain available on these pages until the next video update on September 1st, 2022. 

The qr code posts along with any links they contain will remain on the personal page even after future updates, even though updates to the "Watch Video" button also update all previous posts related to the button on the Exposure page. 

The August video that was most voted for and is now available on both pages is:


As usual. the video can be watched by anyone anonymously, and surely will be watched. I will then be seen naked and masturbating by all who view it.