
Monday, March 21, 2022

Poll for next video on Facebook Exposure page.

 A new poll/survey is available to allow anyone interested to anonymously select their choice for which video of me naked is made available through a "Watch Video" button on the Facebook page:

 The poll/survey can be found at:

 SuperSurvey The button will go to a video of me, naked of course, and will stay available for at least two weeks. Any video that has the most votes will then replace the current one. If a video has the most votes and the votes are 5 or less, then the video selected will remain available for at least two weeks, If the video with the most votes has 6 to 10 votes, then the video will remain available for three weeks. If the votes are eleven or more for a video, then it will remain available for a full month. 

Any video made available will be replaced in the poll with another selection until all videos have been available for voting. The order and duration of availability of videos created through voting will then be the "cycle", to be repeated for as long as the button is there.

For now voters can decide which one comes next and for how long. 

Since some of the videos in the poll/survey are likely to humiliate me a bit more than others of the button ends up going to them and if anyone who knows me sees it  Two weeks will feel extra long if one of the more humiliating videos ends up being what the button goes to. Even though all videos of me naked are public and can't even be kept or hidden from people who really do know me, it's different when more humiliating videos of me are featured specifically. 

I know it's actually just the public voting anonymously about which public videos should be available for the public to see, and I know that part is really none of my business, so I'll just have to see if the poll/survey gets any results and what they might be.

UPDATE: The date for the first replacement of the video the button will go to is supposed to be April 4th 2022. If no video has a higher number of votes in the poll at that time, the change will be made if or when a video has more votes than any other. 



  1. David, what does the "other" choice mean?

    1. Not every video of me is in the poll to vote for, so the "other" option can be used to vote for a video that is known to someone but not in the poll yet. It can probably be used for commenting too in the drop down box that opens when it's selected, since it looks like it can still be selected even when a video that's there is selected too.

  2. Just an observation about the update in the post. Instead of a tie vote delaying things, shouldn't it at least be replaced by one that got voted for? In a tie vote for videos, one of them had to have more votes than the others at some point.

  3. It's true that the first video for the "watch" button to go to wasn't in the poll to be voted for, and that the button should go to a video that was voted.
    The poll only received a few votes so far. A few videos have one vote but none have more than that, but at this time there's a few days left for the tie vote to be broken.
    If the tie isn't broken by April 4th, then for the purpose of fairness, the button will show a video that received a vote. The only time a video was ahead of the others in votes was when the first vote was cast, so out of fairness, that's the one it would have to be.

    The graph page after the results page shows which video was first voted for, so there's no doubt about which video it was.
    It happens to be the video in the poll that I most dreaded the idea of having the button go to, but obviously votes in the poll take precedence to any other factors.
    Whether the current tie vote is broken or not, whichever video replaces it for the button to go to will end up having to remain there until a video in the poll actually does receive the most votes. After the minimum of the button going to it for two weeks.

    1. Sounds just about right. Even if just a few people voted they probably prefer if their votes matter.

    2. David, why does a video need to be changed in such a short time? Two weeks seems way too short of a time. Shouldn't it be about twice that long to make sure people have enough of a chance to see it before it's changed.

    3. This was mentioned a couple of times. When a video gets the most votes in a month is shown through the "watch video" button on the Facebook page, it now has to stay there for a full month, from the first day of the month to the last day. That's twice as long and it does give people more time to see the videos.

  4. Thanks for drawing attention to your videos; I had never paid much attention to them before. You have done some really ridiculous and perverted stuff! How do you feel to have more people watching them? Regrets?

    1. Videos of me are sure to receive more attention even if it's unknown to what extent, or whose attention they receive.
      When the videos were made, there was not an expectation by me that they would end up as available as they are now. The expectation was to be shown naked doing something to amuse or entertain viewers on random websites where the viewers came specifically to see such videos. By comparison to other videos on those sites, the videos of me appeared to be rather mild. The odds of anyone who knew me seeing a video of me there were remote.
      Now with those videos so available to such a potentially wide audience, and one that can and has already included people who know me, expectations have had to change to expecting for people around me and who I know to see them along with a truly unknown number of others.
      Since no stats of any kind relate to the "Watch Video" button, there's no way if or how many times it may have been clicked on. Not knowing is both a blessing and a curse though. It can be interpreted in any way between "Hardly anyone is seeing me in a video" to "So many people are seeing me in a video".
      I doubt that "regret" is a word I'd use though. I suppose it's not impossible for that to change at some point, possibly if a larger proportion of people who know me do end up seeing some of the videos of me. I'd have to be at least partly aware of it though, for any regret to exist.
      So much of how I feel depends on things that are hard to know for sure and often can never know. It also depends on things like how widely videos or even photos of me naked end up being seen, with one part of that depending on how many of those who see me know me personally.

      If I regret anything, it would have to be the time and effort wasted that was used to keep the videos separated and far from people who know me. It wasn't much but it was pointless, since the videos are available for those very people to see along with anyone else.
