
Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Increased Exposure to Facebook friends

 My exposure is now more available and easier to see for friends on Facebook. First there were the links to my exposure included in the intro of my page on Facebook. They are still there and are permanent.

Next came the page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" 

All friends and also the public can see and click the intro links and visit and view the exposure page and quite a few have done that already. Since I can't know who clicks on links or what they view, I don't know much about who has seen me or is seeing me. 

After the intro links were there, I was asked a few times why there were no posts including them. One reason was that I was horrified by that idea, since posts show up in the Facebook feed of friends and followers where the person can view the post without ever visiting the page it's on. The other reason was that on Facebook every post generates a photo. Trying to post a link to a photo, video, or album generates a photo, which is always a nude photo since that's all there is on those pages. Anything nude immediately kicks in the anti-nudity algorithms on Facebook. 

A way around this was recently pointed out. Including an edited/censored photo or multiple links avoids the automatic photo generation that occurs from a single link. This removed the issue of an automatically generated nude photo when including a link in a post. It's still quite an issue for me for an actual post visible to almost every friend to have a link to a page I'm exposed on. As of now there are four posts like that posted on my Facebook page and visible to friends. 

One post has a qr code image that when it's scanned, goes to the same video that the "Watch Video" button goes to on the Facebook exposure page. It also has a link to the Google album "Public Domain photos and videos of David Steckel naked"


Another post has a link and header photo of the Facebook Exposure page: and also a link to the Google album.


The third post is contains the photo from the page: with the photo cropped to avoid the algorithms. A link to the page on Wikimedia Commons is also there along with a link to the Google album. 

The fourth post is an invitation to vote in the poll to choose which video the "Watch Video" button (exposure page) and the qr code image will go to. It has a link to the poll, and the poll page contains links to other related pages.

It's likely that these posts ended up in the Facebook homepage feed of friends, but it's unclear to me if they did or not. These are the first page posts to ever have links to my exposure that are completely available to friends, Even though it has to be this way it's not easy to see my complete exposure so available to friends. Right after the posts were made available to friends, the page views for the exposure page did go up but there's no way to know whether any viewers were also friends. Further humiliation for me seems nearly inevitable, but I know that's something that is both completely irrelevant and an intended result. The posts are also never to be removed.

Already it's been pointed out how the posts being for friends only is an issue, since I do not have any right to keep, hide, or conceal any photo or video of me naked from anyone. I do wish there could be exceptions, but obviously there can't be any. The only way it can be is for the posts to be public. If the posts didn't show up in feeds already, they will for sure when the posts become public. That's the horrifying part, but one that can't be avoided for much longer. 

For now I must apologize to anyone who isn't a Facebook friend, since they can't view the actual posts (yet). Sometime within the next ten days of this posting, the posts will have to become public and stay that way. 

Also, to anyone who prefers, likes, or enjoys the idea of me being completely exposed to the public and to people who know me, or who likes or enjoys the humiliation that may result from it for me. Once voters in a past public poll decided that photos and videos of me naked had to be seen by Facebook friends, that decision made it unavoidable and mandatory that it happen. It's proving to be more of a process that an event or a single step, but it is occurring even now. More than a dozen friends have "liked" or followed the Facebook exposure page so far, and other friends from the 230 invites sent are likely to have at least visited the page.

With four posts now visible and available to friends on my personal Facebook page, all containing a link to an album of all photos and videos of me naked and other links to pages exposing me, there's already been a coincidental increase in views. The views could be from random viewers or from friends. There's no way to tell, but in any case it means I've probably been seen or viewed naked once more. Each view could also potentially be someone who has known me for a long time and who had no idea that I was naked on the internet anywhere, discovering photos and videos of me naked. It's probable that they'd look at or watch a few things, but even if they don't they would now know I was exposed naked online. Some might never acknowledge or mention having seen me to anyone else, but there's at least a small chance that some will feel obligated to or even like sharing this information with others they know, especially if those others also know me.

Since the posts became available to friends I can almost feel my exposure to them occurring. It seems they are seeing the posts somewhere, either from a search of my name on Facebook, from their homepage feed, from my page itself, or from some sort of notification that went out to them that I wasn't sure would or did happen. 

There's a certain dreadfulness combined with eroticism that results from just waiting for friends to see any of the posts and for them to see me completely exposed and displayed naked in so many ways. They get to see everything of me, including seeing me naked and masturbating, and I get to see nothing of them or even know they saw me unless they want me to know. It's irreversible for those friends who have already seen eveything of me naked, and I can only live with any humiliation from it. Just having to wait while additional friends see the posts and discover my exposure, but knowing it's almost definite that they will is also a bit humiliating, along with the dread and eroticism. 

No complaint was intended in anything mentioned. It's mostly acknowledging how it is and how it has to be.

 I know I have to be seen naked by friends and people who know me, and they all have to be able to see everything of me naked.

 I know this is already humiliating me and is sure to humiliate me much more, but that I have to accept and endure every bit of it that occurs. 

 I know that I don't have any rights at all about who sees photos and videos of me naked, how they are used, or where they might end up. I know they are all attributed to the public domain (CC0) and are "of me" but not mine in any way. I know everyone has an equal right to view and use them as they see fit, and that it is outside of my rights and possibly even not legal for me to do anything that does or appears to violate those rights in any way. 

 I understand that because I intentionally and purposely hid, withheld, or kept the photos and videos from friends, it infringed on their right to see, copy, or share the public domain photos and videos of me naked. I understand that I now have to be exposed naked to as many friends as possible, and for them to view or be able to view all photos and videos of me naked. I understand that there is no possible way to avoid this exposure no matter how humiliating it ends up being for me.

To the extent possible under law, David Steckel has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to All existing images and videos depicting David Steckel naked in any manner.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist page (Facebook) update

 The Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" is continuing to receive views and has existed for close to five months now. Posts on the page seem to receive a lot less views than the page itself, which could probably be for a lot of reasons. 

Poll for next video 

One is that the page has no interest for that viewer and they move on. Another could be that they are only clicking links or buttons there that the page doesn't count at all. If that's happening then those viewers are probably seeing a lot more of me than just what's on the page, since links and buttons do tend to show more of me.

Even the viewers whose views are counted stay anonymous and are never more than a number, so there's absolutely no way to know who might be among those viewers. It can only be known who likes a post or the page.

Anyone who has viewed the page recently may have seen the photo below in a post there. The original photo was cropped for the post, leaving just the tip of my penis visible in the photo. More if the tip was to be left visible, but it risked the photo being flagged. With so little shown of my penis, it was expected that it would go unnoticed. Someone did notice it though, so I can only wonder how many others will notice it too. The full photo can be seen below the cropped photo even if it can't be seen on Facebook.


The month of April 2022 is proving to be a long month for me. The current video of me being offered through the "Watch Video" button on the page is one of the few that are harder for me know is being watched. Because there are no private videos of me naked, and because the video was voted to be there in the ongoing poll, the video does have to be available until the month is over. Knowing that video is so available to anyone whether they know me or not makes the days feel like they are crawling by. 

I would almost welcome the end of the month and a change in video for the button, but at the current moment the video with the most votes would feel similar if or when it's available. More than half of the month is over at this point, so there's less time for it ahead than behind, at least for its current availability. But for the next two weeks or so I know it does have to stay there to be watched.

A majority of Facebook friends have already been invited to the page. Nearly 250 of them so far. It's unknown how many of them actually visited or viewed the page unless they "like" it or a post there. With many friends there being mutual friends with other Facebook friends who may not yet have been invited to the page, I can only wonder if friends not yet invited have seen the page already. 

I know a lot of this seems pointless to think or wonder about, since it does appear that by some point close to all Facebook friends will end up at least being aware of the page if not also viewing it and what's available there. But it's too hard not to notice or pay attention as that point seems to slowly get closer.

Last of all is that page editors are being sought. An editor is listed as: 

 Can publish content and send Messenger messages as the Page, respond to and delete comments on the Page, create ads, see who created a post or comment, post from Instagram to Facebook, and view insights. If an Instagram account is connected to the Page, they can respond to and delete comments, send Direct messages, sync business contact info and create ads.

In fact if they choose, any editor does not have to do anything. It seems likely though that an editor can invite others to the page, which they can do as they please. It seems all that is necessary is to have a Facebook or an Instagram account to assign the editor role to. Apparently there's no need for a friendship or connection otherwise. 

Anyone interested (who has not been offered an editor spot) can notify me on Facebook Messenger. If a spot was offered through a notification, please feel free to decline it since it's obviously not something that everyone can do. 

There are lesser roles available on the page, such as moderator, advertiser, and analyst. Each of those have access to less about the page although all can view what is called "insights", which are basically any page stats that are kept.Those spots don't seem fitting or proper for those who have viewed my exposure or who might enjoy my ongoing exposure to others. 

An editor's name or page doesn't appear on the page and are not identified to visitors of the page. An editor could create posts if they choose, but of course the usual Facebook restrictions still apply. They can invite who they want to or promote the page in any way they care to, or they can just sit back and observe. It's their choice alone. But having one or more editors is a way for viewers and members of the public to have more access to a page that essentially exists just to expose me naked publicly. 


Saturday, July 25, 2020

David Steckel naked: Omitted photos now public as penalty.


A contract issue arose when photos depicting David Steckel naked were found online by a long-time viewer of David Steckel's exposure. These photos were found to be not among those already submitted for public use by David Steckel, which is effect a breach of the contract by David Steckel.

David Steckel related that the photos in question were possessed by someone else, and that he had no copies of them in his possession. He further related that he had no knowledge of their being posted online by someone else until being informed of and shown copies of these photos. He related that he recalled being the subject of the photos, but that he could not explain how he had lost track of the photos or failed to submit them for public viewing and display. Although David Steckel related that he knew nothing of the posting of the photos, he cannot prove it. Therefore, it has been decided that David Steckel did, to at least some extent, violate his contract.
The verdict: Because David Steckel did state that he recalled being the subject of the photos and could not offer any proof that he was unaware of the photos or their posting, he is found to be in violation of his exposure contract. The photos, without exception, will be submitted for viewing and use by the general public (schedule and itinerary to be provided). David Steckel will issue a personal apology to the general public for his violation of their right to view aspects of his naked exposure, and for violating their right of possession and potential reuse of the photos. Furthermore, on his Facebook page, in his contact details, a link to the Dropbox: David Steckel Naked, will me made publicly available to all visitors and viewers. This posting will serve as minor reparations for any exposure David Steckel may have failed to receive due to the omitted photos. This posted link will be permanent, and not open for appeal.
Appeal #1: Appeal not granted.

Apology by David Steckel (approved):

My name is David Steckel, and I owe an apology to every person in the world. Some pictures of me naked resurfaced that I had forgotten about and I had no copies of. I understand my obligation to be exposed naked, and that every picture and video showing me naked belongs to the public. I apologize that some pictures of me naked ended up not being submitted to the public and have not been made available to the public before now. I cannot make up for any opportunities for viewing them that was missed, or for any missed opportunity of sharing or posting them online, and I am sorry for this. I am sorry that pictures of me that are public property were not readily available.
Seeing the pictures again did surprise me, and I admit that I would have preferred for at least some of them to never have reappeared. But they did and now belong to the public along with everything else of me naked. I may not want some of the pictures to be seen or displayed publicly, but it is not up to me to decide who sees or displays pictures of me that belong to them.
I do apologize to everyone for photos of me naked that belong to them not being available to them sooner. The required Dropbox link is now displayed on my Facebook page, which will surely lead to some humiliating exposure for me, but I know that is the point and a penalty I will just have to get used to.

David Steckel

Notice: Visitors to this page:
should find the following two (2) links available and functional on the main page at all times. 

If one or either link is not present and functional, please submit an email concerning this issue to:

for the restoration of the links and for other appropriate action to be taken.
Thank you.

(Shown) The public links circled in red on the Facebook page of David Steckel
are mandatory and must remain available and functional for all visitors. Visitors to the page are respectfully asked to ensure these links remain present and functional at all times, and are urged to report any issues with their public availability to

The photos: David Steckel naked

Photos of David Steckel naked that he may wish were not seen or public.

                                        "All the world is a stage, each another's audience"

To view, download, share all public photos and videos of David Steckel naked visit:

Sunday, June 28, 2020

David Steckel exposed naked as he uses the toilet

 David Steckel has no time or act that is private, and must remain naked during any act that would be private for others. So when David Steckel sits down naked on the toilet, his time and actions there are not private in any way, and are always public. However much he might wish for some small amount of privacy for some acts, David Steckel can have none. He must remain fully exposed for public viewing. His only option is to hope that others may choose not to view or observe him, which is the most privacy he can ever receive.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

         David Steckel masturbating naked with an audience
 An internet audience was "arranged" for David Steckel. He will never know the identity of any audience member. He will not know the number of viewers he might have until he completes his "task", which is to enter the room naked, climb onto the bed, and masturbate in full view of his audience. He will then be disappointed to find that the connection to his audience has already ended when he attempts to view the size of his audience. Hmm... What an unfortunate "accident".