
Saturday, July 25, 2020

David Steckel naked: Omitted photos now public as penalty.


A contract issue arose when photos depicting David Steckel naked were found online by a long-time viewer of David Steckel's exposure. These photos were found to be not among those already submitted for public use by David Steckel, which is effect a breach of the contract by David Steckel.

David Steckel related that the photos in question were possessed by someone else, and that he had no copies of them in his possession. He further related that he had no knowledge of their being posted online by someone else until being informed of and shown copies of these photos. He related that he recalled being the subject of the photos, but that he could not explain how he had lost track of the photos or failed to submit them for public viewing and display. Although David Steckel related that he knew nothing of the posting of the photos, he cannot prove it. Therefore, it has been decided that David Steckel did, to at least some extent, violate his contract.
The verdict: Because David Steckel did state that he recalled being the subject of the photos and could not offer any proof that he was unaware of the photos or their posting, he is found to be in violation of his exposure contract. The photos, without exception, will be submitted for viewing and use by the general public (schedule and itinerary to be provided). David Steckel will issue a personal apology to the general public for his violation of their right to view aspects of his naked exposure, and for violating their right of possession and potential reuse of the photos. Furthermore, on his Facebook page, in his contact details, a link to the Dropbox: David Steckel Naked, will me made publicly available to all visitors and viewers. This posting will serve as minor reparations for any exposure David Steckel may have failed to receive due to the omitted photos. This posted link will be permanent, and not open for appeal.
Appeal #1: Appeal not granted.

Apology by David Steckel (approved):

My name is David Steckel, and I owe an apology to every person in the world. Some pictures of me naked resurfaced that I had forgotten about and I had no copies of. I understand my obligation to be exposed naked, and that every picture and video showing me naked belongs to the public. I apologize that some pictures of me naked ended up not being submitted to the public and have not been made available to the public before now. I cannot make up for any opportunities for viewing them that was missed, or for any missed opportunity of sharing or posting them online, and I am sorry for this. I am sorry that pictures of me that are public property were not readily available.
Seeing the pictures again did surprise me, and I admit that I would have preferred for at least some of them to never have reappeared. But they did and now belong to the public along with everything else of me naked. I may not want some of the pictures to be seen or displayed publicly, but it is not up to me to decide who sees or displays pictures of me that belong to them.
I do apologize to everyone for photos of me naked that belong to them not being available to them sooner. The required Dropbox link is now displayed on my Facebook page, which will surely lead to some humiliating exposure for me, but I know that is the point and a penalty I will just have to get used to.

David Steckel

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The photos: David Steckel naked

Photos of David Steckel naked that he may wish were not seen or public.

                                        "All the world is a stage, each another's audience"

To view, download, share all public photos and videos of David Steckel naked visit: