Just before posting this, someone did actually use Teamviewer to send the invites for the Facebook Exposure page to 31 Facebook friends who do really and actually know me.
Related post: https://davidsteckelnakedandexposed.blogspot.com/2022/09/one-time-assistance-in-my-exposure-to.html
I was about to walk away from my laptop when Teamviewer became active. After a few seconds it stopped, and I assumed it was just someone seeing if it would go through, but who had no intention of doing more.
Just from that I was nervous and anxious, and both disappointed and relieved at the same time. I know myself enough to know that the relief would quickly be replaced entirely by disappointment but it would take a few minutes.
Before that could even happen though, the Teamviewer reactivated. I can't describe the nervousness and anxiousness I felt as I saw the mouse icon begin to move around on my screen.
The Exposure page was already loaded and the friends to be invited were already selected. I had recently just included even more friends to be invited, being fairly confident that no one would actually really send them.
They scanned the list to see how many friends were selected, then selected a list of already invited friends. The list was long and they didn't bother to scroll down the whole thing.
I was still very nervous but I started to think they would just look around a bit without actually clicking the send button. Then they went back to the list of selected friends.
I saw a message in the Teamviewer chat box that asked "Ready?" I was so nervous that I could barely type, but I managed to respond with "Yes".
Before I could even blink and without me even seeing the mouse icon move, the invite box turned into a small box that said "Invites Sent". I couldn't believe I was seeing it. I was frozen in place trying to comprehend that 31 friends, mostly females around my own age with several males included, had just irreversibly been invited to view the Facebook page exposing me naked. https://www.facebook.com/DavidSteckelNewd
I felt like none of it was or could be real, even though I knew it was very real.
The person then scrolled through an album on my laptop of photos of me naked and selected one. This one:
They opened the "Share Story" option on Facebook and added the photo to a story. I don't know much about sharing stories on Facebook and what can be gotten away with there or whether it's like Messenger where almost anything goes. I managed to use the chat option on Teamviewer to ask them not to do anything that would get me banned from Facebook. All they replied with was "Booo", but they stopped what they were doing.They looked around a bit more, then said "I'm bored. Enjoy your night", then quickly signed off.
I'm now in the beginning part of very real humiliation which is sure to increase. Due to the time the invites were sent (around 8:30 pm), it's likely that some of those friends were actually on Facebook at the time, while others would receive the notification and surely check out a notification that said "David Steckel has invited you to like the page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist". They will know my name immediately and the "Exposed Exhibitionist" part is sure to get their attention.
It's almost a sure thing that all of them will at least visit the page no matter how they react or respond to it. It's more or less expected that at least some of them will unfriend me on Facebook after seeing the page and my exposure, but that was never in doubt. In the end they will know of and possibly view my exposure however they react. There's nothing I can do to prevent them from seeing everything since invites cannot be unsent or undone.
Since nothing can be done about it, I knew that some of the friends were already beginning to view the Exposure page even before the Teamviewer session ended. I could hardly take staying on the page waiting to see what might happen next.
I just had to check the invite status page one more time though, just to confirm to myself that what I'd seen was for real, and that so many people who know me personally really had been invited to the Exposure page. The invite box showed for sure that 31more friends had really been invited to the page. There's just no way that even one of them will fail to click on the notification they definitely received, and are, at the moment this post is being created, visiting the Exposure page and seeing more of me that they could ever have thought or imagined. As far as I know, none of them had any awareness at all of my exposure.
It's possible that some or many did already know about my exposure, since notifications were surely received by them for posts and updates, but none of those would contain the words "Exposed Exhibitionist" along with my full name. I can only wait and see.
For the moment I'm staying away from Facebook and will try checking things out later. By then many of the friends will have surely learned of and even seen my exposure. There's little doubt that a majority of them have or will soon see me completely naked in photos and videos. They will very likely also see me masturbating naked in videos.
I only thought of this afterwards, but the "Watch Now" button on the Exposure page currently shows a video of me masturbating and cumming into my own mouth, which is one of the most humiliating videos of all for me, which they will now almost certainly see. If I had thought that video, I might have waited until after the end of the month when it would be replaced with different video. There's nothing that can be done about that now though.
After posting this, I have to check the Facebook pages. Anything worth mentioning will be added as notes to this post.
A few hours have passed since Facebook friends who know me personally were invited to the Exposure page, and so far there's been no reaction at all, It will probably take a while before all of them discover my exposure. I'm torn between hoping for some reaction and hoping no one will react.
The humiliation is still setting in, but I'm feeling a good bit of relief too. There's literally nothing left hidden or concealed now from these friends. A majority of the invites went to people who have known me since high school, and they can and probably will see me completely naked and exposed in many ways. A lot of them are females. It's probable that that they won't want me to know if or when they look. I can only wonder who else they might tell about my exposure once they see it, since a lot of them are friends with other people who know me but who aren't Facebook friends.
It's probably only natural when seeing someone they know naked on an everyday website that's not a porn site, to want to tell other people they know about it or gossip about it.
Things like that are occurring to me or sinking in now that I've been irreversibly exposed to them, but none of that matters when compared to not having anything hidden from those friends any longer, I felt guilty about my exposure not being known about or presented to them. To me humiliation, no matter how much, is better than and preferable to guilt.
I'd also be lying if I said the humiliation wasn't a bit of a turn-on for me, and so is knowing that people who have known me for a very long time are now able to see me completely naked and exposed in so many ways. It's surely my imagination, but I swear I can feel my exposure to them almost like feeling their eyes on my naked body and while doing things naked.
Further updates are sure to follow soon.
Not every last friend was invited to the page. Most have been but some have not been invited for various reasons. The reasons are my own, but they may not be justifiable reasons to some others.
If anyone feels or believes that there are no justifiable reasons for all friends not to be invited to the Exposure page, and they have either the Teamviewer or Anydesk app, they would have the right to invite as many or all friends to the page regardless of my reasons for not doing so. The link above (Related Post) contains the addresses needed to do this. The invite section will remain open and ready for the near future to enable this.