
Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts

Sunday, December 17, 2023

More online exposure from unexpected source.

 A few days ago I received and email from an unrecognized email address. At first I assumed that it would be an email that had to be replied to, and that someone would soon be receiving the three signature images of me naked that are part of everything sent by me from that address. 

But the email seemed to be some group or organization, which made me think that I might not be exposed again because of it.

When i curiously opened the email, all I saw was this:

I recently found and watched a video of you at: I'm sure you deserved it and that you deserve for it to be watched very publicly, but what must be on your mind from knowing people you know are seeing it.   

The sender was listed as:

 Once I realized it was an email sent anonymously, I knew I wouldn't need to reply to it, since I couldn't. But I saw the link in the message and knew right away that it just had to go to a video of me naked. I clicked the link to see which video it might be. 

The moment the page loaded I saw that the video was the one of me that's currently being featured on Facebook, where a lit cigarette is in my asshole and I'm tied and have to wait for it to burn down and punish my asshole. 

At first this made me anxious, since it was proof that someone had watched that video, and had sent the link to it to me. But I quickly realized that the video was there for anyone to watch and that it was only one more person who had now seen it. So I didn't think too much more about it afterwards.

But the very next day I saw that another email had been received from the same place. This one went even further by including the link to the same video, but also including a working link to the Dropbox full of photos and videos of me naked. 

I recently mentioned finding and watching a video of you at: I just came across your Dropbox where a lot of pics and videos of you can be seen and downloaded. As I said before, I'm sure you deserved what the video shows of you and that you deserve for it to be watched very publicly. Especially by people who know you. Since your Dropbox link is public and anyone can have pics and videos of you, maybe more people you know and people everywhere should see the pics and videos of you, and be able to download them for any use they might have for them. It's probably best for this email to be accessible to others, and it will be. You just won't know where that is or be able to change it. You're welcome for that.  

This email was sent anonymously using Sendity.
Please do not reply to this email, Your reply I will go nowhere

My attention was on the links in the message and not so much on the text of it, and I wondered what the point was for sending me links to my own exposure. 

But then I noticed that some of the text mentioned the email being accessible to others and how it would be. I felt some anxiety rising as I wondered what that meant. I didn't see any other recipients listed. I wondered if separate emails might have been sent to other people. 

When I tried visiting the site where the emails came from all I saw was a page for sending an email anonymously. I pondered it all for a while, but then I decided it wasn't worth trying to figure out since there was nothing I could do about it anyway.

For two more days everything seemed to be over with, with no more emails like that coming.

But then another email appeared in my inbox from the same location. This one was both more stunning and more confusing, since it contained my name, me email address in the actual message, a list of links to videos of me naked, and it even mentioned how three photos of me naked have to be in every email I send or reply to. I knew whoever it was had to be someone pretty familiar with me and with my online exposure naked. 


To: (David Steckel) Your online presence seems to be endless. So much that more of you keeps showing up. Just in the last day, these were came across. 

 And then there's this: "Without exception, all emails and replies sent from must include the three signature images of David Steckel." Three very revealing images of you of course. There must be times when you dread that obligation. When you don't know who will be seeing you or when you really don't want someone to see you. But rules are rules which can't be changed due to feelings.

This email was sent anonymously using Sendity.
Please do not reply to this email, Your reply I will go nowhere


That was the stunning part. The confusing part is that it seemed like a lot of trouble to send all of that to me, since I would be the only one who could see it.

I was perplexed enough to go back to the website and to look at it a little better.

I still couldn't find anything that explained much. Then I noticed a few lines in a small box on the top right side of the page. When I clicked on it, a drop-down menu opened. As I read the options in it, my eyes focused on a line that said "Anonymous Wall". 

Assuming it was something that was only accessible to some sort of paid membership, I clicked on it without expecting to be able to access it. 

But a long page opened up with all kinds of random email messages that appeared to be sent to people anonymously. They were arranged by date and got older as the page was scrolled down. I clicked on one message and it opened up to show the whole message. It seemed like gibberish, so I closed it which returned me to the list page.

It began to occur to me that the emails sent to me might also be on the page somewhere, and as I started to scroll down to see if that was true, I know that I said out loud "No. It couldn't be. It can't be..."

But it was. Only a short scroll down and there was the last message to me. A further scroll down showed the other messages to me. 

Now I knew what was meant by "accessible to others". The emails came from someone who was anonymous, but what they contained was available to anyone who scrolled down that page. With videos of me, a Dropbox, and my full name and email address all being so available, and where it's anyone's guess at how many other people might see it all, I assumed there must be a way to hide or remove those messages. 

But there appears not to be any method or means for removing anything. As I sat back and realized there was not a single thing I could do about it, I couldn't ignore the fact that by the time I found that page, that some people had probably already seen the emails to me.

Then I thought "Maybe they won't last long there. Maybe the moderation for the site will remove them". 

But not so far. Their policy seems to be that only threats of violence get removed.  The site appears to be content just to leave the messages in place where users or visitors to the site are able to see them. I can only assume the sender of the emails knew that or wanted that. 

I am curious about who sent and posted the messages, but then I think about how I probably don't have a right to know that. 

But since the emails can be seen by anyone on that site, there's no point in it being withheld from anyone else.

The list page or wall page can be found at: 

The three emails I received can be found at: (in the order they were received) 

For me there's not much to do except to wait and be seen with everyone being able to know my name and my email address. 

Some of the other emails I saw on the wall page seem to be from some not so nice or not so pleasant or polite people, so I don't know what I might expect once they click any of the links and end up seeing me naked. I'm a little, but not too concerned about that though. All I really expect to happen now is that more people will be seeing me naked, and will see me in some videos.

What I think about most is how, even if it was necessary, there really is nothing I can do about it, since rules for things like voyeurism and privacy rights do not apply to me. The sender must be aware of having the right to expose me as they wish. 

I suppose they do deserve some credit for their resourcefulness. 

They found and used a website that I'd never heard of before. 

They sent messages that I thought only I could see, but all along were visible to other people. 

They knew where to find things that showed me naked, and they basically made sure other people would see those things. 

They had to know that once the messages were sent to me, they would end up on a page where anyone could see them, and where I would have to leave them even if I found the page. 

So for now I'm just waiting as people using the site see me, and waiting to see if anything more than that results from it that would be known to me. 

I already realize that I will never know how many people will have seen me naked because of it all. There's always the contrast of how the ability to see me naked is so public, and how everyone who sees me naked can always see me anonymously and privately.


Saturday, September 16, 2023

About all photos and videos of me naked legally being the property of everyone.


When every single photo and video of me naked was dedicated to the public domain, it was mainly just one more step taken for the purpose of limiting my tendency to try to keep my exposure concealed from some people while still allowing my exposure to be viewed by others.

Not much thought was really given to the full extent of of what a public domain dedication meant or what the full results might be. It was just one more thing to do at the time. Several times during the process of dedication it was stated that once the dedication occurred, that by law it could never be revoked or undone. That fact seemed trivial at the time, but is now a reality that cannot be ignored or trivialized.

The simple fact is that every single person has the full legal right to view, to copy and download, to post or display, and to share any or all photos and videos of me naked. The photos and videos are photos and videos of me, but they are not mine in any way anymore. I have to accept that not just as a statement, but also as being a real and true legal fact.

One thing that's also a fact, and one that was never considered beforehand, is that if I would ever try to limit anyone's ability to use or view any photos or videos of me naked, it could be considered to be a copyright infringement or an infringement on the rights of the user.

In other words, it is actually not legal for me or for anyone else to try to limit or restrict the free use of the photos and videos by anyone, for any reason.

 Definition: "The term “public domain” refers to creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws. The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist. Anyone can use a public domain work without obtaining permission, but no one can ever own it."

The legal answer to the question of "Can anyone ever be refused the right to full, free use of public domain materials?" is:

No. Public domain material is “free” as in “free speech,” not “free” as in “free beer” — because it is unprotected by intellectual property rights, it is free of centralized control as a legal matter, and you can use it without having to get permission.

So in effect and in reality, the public literally owns every photo and video of me naked, and what they choose to do with them is entirely for them to decide. I can still use them, not because they are mine, but only because I have the same usage rights for them as everyone else in the world does. I can never make any claims of ownership or of having additional rights for the photos and videos without it being an attempt at copyright fraud by me.

I have to accept the fact that everyone I know or who knows me, and everyone I will ever meet or have met are all co-owners the photos and videos of me naked. With all of them being co-owners of the photos and videos, and having full usage rights for them, all of them obviously have the full right to view the photos and videos of me naked.

I also have to accept the fact that it is not legal for me to try to prevent people who know me from viewing the photos and videos of me naked, or for me to try to limit their ability to view or have access to them. They all actually have the legal right to watch videos of me naked and masturbating, or to watch me performing naked in some way.

Some who know me have already viewed some of these things, and others surely will. Of course there is a good deal of humiliation for me as those who know me view or make use of the photos and videos of me naked, but my humiliation isn't a factor in their legal right to see and have access to everything of me naked.

Since it's unclear exactly what might be considered to be me infringing on or limiting anyone's right to have access to, view, or use the photos and videos of me naked, and since it does seem that everyone I know will either see them or have already seen them, I feel obligated to make it easier for those who know me to be able to access and view the photos and videos of me naked. It's not so much that I want to do this, but I feel that I have to do it to avoid and appearance that I'm trying to limit their right to see everything of me naked. 

 The best evidence that this is occurring can be found on my personal Facebook page at: Posts there and links in the intro will direct friends there to photos or videos of me naked.

Also, the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" exists to better enable those who know me and others to utilize their right to access, view and use the photos and videos of me naked. This is also to avoid any appearance that there might be any attempt to restrict the rights of any others.

Some others, or more accurately a significant number of others have stated that from the moment the photos and videos of me came into existence, that I deserved for them to be seen by the world and by everyone who knows me, and for me to be able to do nothing besides to watch it happen. This was stated even long before the current situation, and still continues to occur to some degree.

Ironically or not, this is exactly the case now, even if I once thought such a thing would never or could never occur. I have no basis for stating that I don't deserve things to be as they are, and I have to admit that it's more than likely something that I do deserve or have deserved all along. But deserved or not it's how it is and how it will always be.

Knowing this, besides for knowing everyone has or will see everything of me naked, is the waiting for even more people to see everything of me naked. Especially waiting for people who know me to see everything of me.

So making sure they can see it all, or even making sure they do see it all becomes more than just not appearing to violate their right to see it all. It also becomes just having the inevitable result occur sooner or as soon as it can occur.

For me there's no avoiding the fact that most people who know me either have seen or will see me naked, masturbating, and more, so there's no real point in resisting it or trying to delay it. Most of the time it just seems better and easier in the long run for them to see everything sooner than to wait until it occurs in due course.

It's "most of the time" because it can be difficult for me to overcome the urges and in some cases the desires for certain others not to see me completely naked, masturbating, or performing some other potentially humiliating action on video. I know everything showing me naked does belong to them, and I know they do have the legal right to see it all just as everyone else does, but there can be an anxious and helpless feeling when anything is submitted publicly and openly that will definitely be seen by them, and that will direct them to seeing me exposed naked in some way.

I know that cannot be avoided though. No one's legal right to see and to have everything of me naked can ever be infringed upon no matter how I might feel about it or how humiliating it might be for me. No one can be denied full and free access to something they legally co-own.

Logically I know that the only option is to just make sure they do see and have access to everything of me naked, so that it is done and over with and no longer an issue. It's even possible if not likely that those certain others have already seen everything of me and are just keeping that fact to themselves.

The fact that everyone in the entire world owns every photo and video of me naked is probably still sinking in for me, even as I continue to learn and to process the full implications of it. The fact that I have no right to suggest how they are used, to ask for them not to be used in some way or to be removed if used, or to limit who sees them in any way is now basically a fact that I have to repeatedly remind myself about.

Possibly, and hopefully over time I will only think of them as the public property that they are, and to be carefree about who sees them. I can only imagine such a time at the moment though.

I have to remember that no post can go without a link and a qr code for the Dropbox where all photos and videos of me can be viewed or obtained, since they are the legal property of everyone. 


 The best evidence that this is occurring can be found on my personal Facebook page at: Posts there and links in the intro will direct friends there to photos or videos of me naked.

Also, the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" exists to better enable those who know me and others to utilize their right to access, view and use the photos and videos of me naked. This is also to avoid any appearance that there might be any attempt to restrict the rights of any others.

Some others, or more accurately a significant number of others have stated that from the moment the photos and videos of me came into existence, that I deserved for them to be seen by the world and by everyone who knows me, and for me to be able to do nothing besides to watch it happen. This was stated even long before the current situation, and still continues to occur to some degree.

Ironically or not, this is exactly the case now, even if I once thought such a thing would never or could never occur. I have no basis for stating that I don't deserve things to be as they are, and I have to admit that it's more than likely something that I do deserve or have deserved all along. But deserved or not it's how it is and how it will always be.

Knowing this, besides for knowing everyone has or will see everything of me naked, is the waiting for even more people to see everything of me naked. Especially waiting for people who know me to see everything of me.

So making sure they can see it all, or even making sure they do see it all becomes more than just not appearing to violate their right to see it all. It also becomes just having the inevitable result occur sooner or as soon as it can occur.

For me there's no avoiding the fact that most people who know me either have seen or will see me naked, masturbating, and more, so there's no real point in resisting it or trying to delay it. Most of the time it just seems better and easier in the long run for them to see everything sooner than to wait until it occurs in due course.

It's "most of the time" because it can be difficult for me to overcome the urges and in some cases the desires for certain others not to see me completely naked, masturbating, or performing some other potentially humiliating action on video. I know everything showing me naked does belong to them, and I know they do have the legal right to see it all just as everyone else does, but there can be an anxious and helpless feeling when anything is submitted publicly and openly that will definitely be seen by them, and that will direct them to seeing me exposed naked in some way.

I know that cannot be avoided though. No one's legal right to see and to have everything of me naked can ever be infringed upon no matter how I might feel about it or how humiliating it might be for me. No one can be denied full and free access to something they legally co-own.

Logically I know that the only option is to just make sure they do see and have access to everything of me naked, so that it is done and over with and no longer an issue. It's even possible if not likely that those certain others have already seen everything of me and are just keeping that fact to themselves.

The fact that everyone in the entire world owns every photo and video of me naked is probably still sinking in for me, even as I continue to learn and to process the full implications of it. The fact that I have no right to suggest how they are used, to ask for them not to be used in some way or to be removed if used, or to limit who sees them in any way is now basically a fact that I have to repeatedly remind myself about.

Possibly, and hopefully over time I will only think of them as the public property that they are, and to be carefree about who sees them. I can only imagine such a time at the moment though.

I have to remember that no post can go without a link and a qr code for the Dropbox where all photos and videos of me can be viewed or obtained, since they are the legal property of everyone. 

Also, a link to the page that confirms the legal public domain copyright of all photos and videos of me (David Steckel) naked, and confirms their public ownership.



                                                         David Steckel looking down at what is public property              


                                                    David Steckel shown with more "public property" on display.


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Duplicate Dropbox now available


It has been brought to my attention that the original Dropbox “David Steckel Naked” is unavailable at times.

After checking on why that might be, the reason provided was that the current link was leading to a lot of downloads in a day and was being blocked by Dropbox.

So a new link was created for the original Dropbox, which appears to remain functional.


But to better ensure that the contents of the Dropbox remain as available as possible for others to access or download for their own uses or interests, an exact duplicate Dropbox was also created.

It’s not clear what level of download activity leads to being labeled as suspicious, or why there is such a level in the first place. It can only be assumed that the level of downloading must have been significant in some way.

It’s possible that as more others become aware that everything contained in the Dropbox is actually licensed under a Public Domain Dedication (CC0) that can never be revoked, and that it’s free use is protected under copyright law, that this is being made use of to a greater extent.

I have seen no evidence of this yet aside from the reason offered by Dropbox. Even if I do see some evidence or some use by others of anything of me naked, I have no right or recourse to do or say anything about it by law. In a real way, it is actually not legal for me to attempt to limit or prevent the use or display of anything depicting me naked, regardless of how that use or display occurs. But I know not to infringe on anyone’s rights and not to even try to interfere with such uses or displays of me naked. It’s much easier and much better to accept it as it is, and to ensure that nothing I do obstructs anyone’s access to or use of anything of me naked.

So one additional means for others to see and obtain what they have the legal right to see or obtain is for them to be able to scan a code to do so.

QR code for original Dropbox:

QR code for duplicate Dropbox:

Both links are already available in the intro of my Facebook page at: in order for friends and those who know me to have access to them at all times. Posts will also be occasionally added there with either a link or a code or both, and also on the Facebook page “David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist” at:

Posts on both pages will also inform or remind to click on the “Watch Now” button on the Exposed Exhibitionist page, which will link to a specific video of me naked from the first day of each month to the last day when a different video will be linked to. This is to better ensure that Facebook friends, those who know me, and other visitors will view the video of me naked that is linked to the button at the current time, and to remind them to return each month to view the next video of me naked.

Since all videos of me naked are also Public Domain, others have the legal right to see them and to obtain them if desired.

The “Watch now” button can found on the upper part of the Exposed Exhibitionist page on Facebook, and will appear as:

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Am I sufficiently exposed to those around me?

 One of the things that most who contact me are curious about relates to whether people around me and who know me personally have viewed my online naked exposure, and if so, how did they react or respond?

In the earlier days of my online exposure, some care was taken to limit the chances that anyone who knew me would come across or view me naked on the internet. When asked by anyone whether those around me had seen my exposure, the response was generally no or at least probably not. Quite a few others who asked and were told this were noticeably disappointed and even displeased by this fact. In a few cases, I was even given what would best be called a reprimand for being so openly exposed to countless people online, while practicing an ongoing "deception" on those who knew me. 

In effect I was told several times by different people that an exhibitionist cannot pick and choose an audience, and that my online exposure needed to be equally available to both known and unknown people alike. Still others stated that my exposure needed be presented to an even greater extent to those around me than it was to strangers, since those who knew me had the right to see the full and true depiction of me. The word "deception" was not always used, but the definition and the description was basically the same.

An effort was made to ensure that my real full name was always somehow included with any online exposure of me. This would clearly make it easier for those who knew me to discover and view my exposure online. Although some others did see this as a positive step, it was still deemed by some to be not enough.

Of course I knew all of the was true and correct, but just to be sure, a poll was created asking whether my exposure did need to be readily available for those who know me to see. The end result of that poll was more than clear. A majority of more than 17 to 1 stated that those who knew me did need to be able to easily find and view the online photos and videos of me naked. 

At that point I did resign myself to the fact that my online exposure did have to be easily available, if not even presented to those who knew me personally. It seemed pretty sure that some who knew me had already found and viewed my exposure, but that "some" would now become "many". 

The first step towards this was for a page on Facebook to be created that would inform others who knew me, as well as others, about my online exposure, and as much as permitted there, to potentially direct people who know me towards finding and seeing it.

The page is titled "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" and the link to it is:

Just to help ensure that people who know me will find and view the page, a link to it is on my personal Facebook page, and occasionally a post there will include the link. 

Also, most Facebook friends have been invited directly to the Exposure page using an invite option on that page. Not many have responded to the invite, but some clearly did since they gave the page a "like". It's fair to assume that many more visited the page and viewed what's there but without interacting with it in any way that's visible. 


Edit: This Facebook page prominently displays a blue "Watch Now" button that always links to a video of me naked where I will be seen performing some act. A specific video will be linked to the button for approximately 30 days in order for enough time to be provided for others to view the video. On or around the 1st day of each month, a different video of me naked will be "featured" through the button. This cycle will repeat for as long as the page exists.

Posts will occasionally be made on the page itself, as well as on my personal Facebook page that inform others of the button and direct them towards finding and clicking the button, where they can then watch the current video. All Facebook friends who have notifications enabled will be notified automatically about each post, and the posts will be visible to any and all other viewers of either Facebook page.

The "Watch Now" button appears as:

On other sites, such as when a friend or known person is found there, they will be followed by me so that they will become aware of my profile page there. My profile information there contains information that will allow them to find and view my online exposure. 

On Twitter, the same process is followed. If or when any known person is found to be on Twitter, they will be "followed" so that my own page there can be found and viewed. On Twitter my exposure can be seen directly on the page, as well as containing links to sites further exposing me naked, including videos that are too large for posting on Twitter.

And finally, a page exists that contains links to most basic sites where I am exposed naked. 

A link to this page is "pinned" as the top post on both the Exposure Facebook page and my personal Facebook page, among other places. 

It should be fairly easy now for those who know me to find and view photos and videos of me naked online, and for additional people who know me to continue to find and view my exposure. 

Of course if anyone has an ideas or suggestions for how my exposure might be made easier for those who know me personally to find and view my exposure online, their input could be useful. Any input could be sent by email to or to DaveS113065@gmail. com.

If remaining anonymous is preferred, an anonymous message can be left at: 

Also, although I do not contact those who know me personally for the purpose of notifying them about my exposure, or send anything exposing me directly to them, anyone with the desire and the ability to personally notify anyone who knows me of my online exposure, or to share it with them has the absolute right to do so, without exception. 

Most sites mentioned above also contain a link to a Dropbox that contains nearly every photo and video of me naked, as is most likely the easiest and most efficient means to view my naked exposure 

It's realistic that not everyone who knows me personally would have an interest to see me naked online or have a desire to see me naked, but it does seem that they have every right to be aware of my exposure and to view it to whatever extent they might want to. 

Regardless of whether I might not want to be seen naked by any specific person who knows me, there really isn't any way to justify being seen naked by thousands of others while not also being seen naked by people who know me. To be truly exposed publicly and in the public domain, it does seem to require also being seen naked by everyone around me and to people who know me in any way.


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Last Exposure update of 2022

 With just over two weeks left in the year, 2023 will begin with me as exposed online as ever, if not more.

I continue to be exposed to Facebook friends and to random others through two pages on Facebook. 

On the "Newd" page, another video of me naked continues to be featured through a "Watch Now" or "Watch Video" button (apparently depending on whether the page is accessed by PC or phone). Each video is available from the first day to the last of each month, leaving a good amount of time for others to view it.

On my personal Facebook page, each month a post is added with a link to that months video and with a qr code that can be scanned and also goes to the video.

When the video for the button changes, the posts on my personal page remain even after a new post with a new link is added. Anyone viewing and scrolling down my personal Facebook page has access to posts with links to previous months videos. With each post there, friends are likely to receive an automatic notification about it. Some are likely to ignore the notification, but some are sure to see the post and click the link in it and see the video of me naked. The reason the posts have to be made each month though, is to make sure friends and people who know me do see the video each month.

Voting has slowed down to almost nothing in the poll for deciding which video of me will be featured next, but many videos did receive one or more votes. Many have tie votes. Videos that received the highest vote count first are featured in case of a tie vote, followed by the others in later months. 

Coming up in January of 2023, another tie vote situation will occur unless one or the other videos involved receives another vote in the meantime. One is of me masturbating naked on the floor next to an open door, and the other shows me inserting a marker into my ass before masturbating. The masturbating on the floor video received its vote count just barely before the insertion video did, which would make it the video for January. The insertion video would them be featured during February. Some anonymous comments on posts, which may be from one person or more than one, first questioned why the video wasn't in the poll to be voted on. At the time it was had not yet been rotated into the poll but has been since then. The video did immediately receive a vote and soon tied with the other video. 

Recently an anonymous comment on an older post inquired about why the video wasn't being featured yet due to having enough votes for it. I explained that it was likely to be featured in February and why, which they pointed out was a short month. They said they wanted it featured on a longer month to give people a couple more days to watch it. They made it clear that they really want people to see that video of me. 

I know it's inevitable that the video will be featured soon in any case. I know that whenever that happens, that I will feel humiliated because absolutely anyone can watch it, and that it will be watched for sure by who knows how many people, which is sure to include people who know me due to the corresponding post for it that will be on my personal page. 

I know switching the videos makes very little difference, since both are going to be featured and seen probably on consecutive months, which makes my urge to delay the insertion video seem pointless. Following the usual selection process for videos would delay the insertion video for a month, but at least one person really wants it to be seen sooner and for a few days longer than it would be otherwise.

I suppose I'll have to accept the humiliation sooner since the only right thing seems to be for the insertion video to be featured next. My consolation is that at least having it seen will be over with sooner. 

A link to the insertion video is also somewhere in the list of links in the intro of my personal Facebook page, but there it's less obvious. Soon the button on the "Newd" page will show it, and a post with a link to it will be right on the timeline of my personal page. Once notifications for that post go out, People who know me are sure to see it too.  All of that will be true in just over two weeks. The video was voted for though, so I know it has to be featured and seen. 

On another matter, participation in the questionnaire for my exposure has slowed but not stopped. Most decisions are still nearly unanimous. 

I won't bother listing all of questions here, since that's been done in prior posts, but the summary is that I currently and probably permanently have to be exposed as directly as possible to others, including to people who know me.

When anyone approaches me and demands or commands me to strip naked, I have to do so, and present them with all of my clothing as a gift. I do hope for leniency in such a situation, but I know I have no right to ask for or to expect any. 

 Anyone at all can post or display me naked on the internet wherever and however they want to, and I have no right to even ask for it to be removed or altered in any way. I take that to mean that I don't even have to be made aware of any post of me naked, and that anyone can even share my exposure directly with anyone else they wish to, and there's nothing I can say about it.

My PC must remain accessible to anyone who cares to access it, through both the Teamviewer app and the Anydesl app. The only limit is that no changes to the PC settings are to be made, 

Out of compliance, my PC is left on and available as often as possible, and some access has occurred, mostly when I'm asleep or away. I only know when I find pages or folders left open later on. Also out of compliance, the access information is included here:

Teamviewer address: 1 054 262 400 Password: Nakedandexposed1
Anydesk address: 990 573 524 Password: Showmystuff1

Lastly, I have to sleep naked, uncovered, with lights on, with blinds open and in view of the outside every single night, and I have to masturbate there at least once per night, so that neighbors and anyone outside can see or watch me. 

As mentioned in previous posts, I can't see much more than my own naked reflection in the window at night, since the lights are on, so I really can't tell if or when anyone is looking. A couple of nights I was so tired that I fell asleep while masturbating, since it tends to take longer on some nights due to being tired and also due to the knowledge that I could be being watched at that very moment. Aside from that, I'm exposed all night while asleep, so there's no way I can know who sees me during the night. 

                                                         Daytime view across my bed

                                                         Nighttime view across my bed

Two plastic wire ties are secured tightly around the base of the blind ensuring that the blind cannot be lowered at any time without cutting away the ties. Although it may not appear so, the blind is in the same position in both photos since the ties were in place in both photos and have not been removed since they were put in place. No sheets or covers are left on the bed other than the sheet over the mattress, but can be retrieved if cold temperatures make it necessary. This means getting up and retrieving them though. All of this is to ensure that I can't just casually close the blind or cover up, or cannot unknowingly cover up while sleeping. The decisions stated that I have to be exposed naked to the neighborhood all night, so as much as possible is done to ensure that I stay exposed naked to anyone outside or who can see me from any window within sight of mine,

It's extremely likely and almost certain that multiple neighbors have seen me at night, since they seem to pay attention to my window even during the day, as if they feel compelled to look to see if they can see me. In the nearest building, one older, heavyset female resident has begun smoking her cigarettes on the side of the building, which would enable her to see me from there at night. She faces my window the entire time she's out there during the day, and she does come outside at night and in the early morning before daylight to smoke too. I'm pretty sure she has started standing where she does just so she can see me sleeping naked. She may have also seen me masturbating at night, but I don't know if she has. She hasn't lived there for too long and I don't know her. She's far from attractive but I know I have to let her look and watch me naked as much as she wants. I have to let anyone else look or watch too, since I'm there because I'm supposed to be seen naked by whoever wants to look in at me or watch me.

As another year starts, it's not a matter of whether I will be exposed naked to, and seen by more people this year, but only a question of who and how many, and whether I'll know it or not at the time it occurs.  The apps that enable me to be seen at night are:

Teamviewer address: 1 054 262 400 Password: Nakedandexposed1
Anydesk address: 990 573 524 Password: Showmystuff1

Friday, September 23, 2022

New Google Document "Videos of David Steckel (naked) on Clipchamp"

 A new Google document is available that contains a list and links to all videos of me naked that are currently available on the "Clipchamp" website.

Each video link has a small photo beside it that corresponds with the that link.

The link to the document can also be found on the page  David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist


A few photos of me naked follow the video links.

Comments are are enabled on in the document.