Other posts and updates describe my recent exposure directly to a female friend of mine who I know personally and am also friends with on Facebook. The link to a Google photo and video album that as far as I know contains eveything of me naked is now being sent by email to this friend on a regular basis.
The creator and owner of the Google photo album is sending the link to this friend every four days now. I have been forwarded each email that was sent, most likely so I know for sure that the link is being sent to her. I only recently learned that this was going to happen over and over again until there's some proof that this friend had seen the album, which also means seeing me naked, masturbating, showering, and doing some other things naked.
I just recently saw another forwarded email with the album link that has been sent to this friend. I can see that some changes have been made in this last email. The link to the album is the same, but now the email has the title of "Photos, Videos" and the message asks her to view the album.
An anonymous comment on an earlier post mentioned something that is also now in the message. It mentions that the emails can be stopped by replying "Stop". The comment says that it might be a way to confirm that I've been seen naked by this friend. It's probably true since she more than likely would see where the link went before she replied to stop the emails. It's my opinion that she won't bother to reply with anything though.
From what I know of her, it won't bother her at all no matter how many times an email with the link is sent to her, since it's not hard for her to just delete them if she doesn't want to open them. I think if the emails really are going to be sent to her every four days as I was told, then a lot of emails are going to be sent to her over time.
I do think she's already seen everything, and as I describe in an update to the last post, I think she decided never to let me know about it. I think she won't even want the sender to know it either. I do think she wants to show me to her friends or share the link with them so they can laugh about how they're seeing me. I doubt many of them, if any, will get any pleasure out of seeing me aside for humor. I think my exposure to this friend is going to go far beyond this one friend. I don't know if this was the point or intent when this friend was chosen as one I had to be exposed to, but I doubt it only because except for me, no one could have known much about this friend or what she'd do once she saw everything of me.
I know that no matter what, I'll always be humiliated by how she's seen me and how she'll almost definitely make sure other friends of hers see me. Even if the intent wasn't always for my humiliation to include her friends too, but it probably would have changed anything. It may even be seen as more desirable but I don't know for sure. I'm still finding out how different it is to be told and to know that I had to be seen naked by people who know me, and then actually being seen naked by people who know me. it might be easier to take if I didn't have to be seen masturbating and seen with things in my ass, but ever since it started, I was told that my punishment meant that everything had to be seen.
I this friend doesn't reply soon to stop the emails, which I don't think she will, then I suppose and expect the next email and link to be sent to her. It really shouldn't matter to me if more emails are sent, but I keep dwelling on it for some reason. I'm hoping at some point it'll stop mattering so much, since logically I know I've already been seen by her.
I'm still not even sure why or how this friend was singled out for me to be exposed to or how her email address was obtained. I know it's her email address but it wasn't given to anyone by me. Before my exposure directly to this friend began I was only being exposed to other friends indirectly through the links on my Facebook page.
Only a couple friends have said they've seen me naked after clicking on those links, but it's pretty certain that more friends have clicked those links and seen me naked. It's also pretty certain that they have no desire for me to know I've been seen by them.
Most of those who contact me about seeing the links and viewing my exposure are just visitors to the page, and are not actual Facebook friends. Out of those people, most seem to have voted in the poll at https://www.poll-maker.com/poll3242987x72cf4612-100 and voted for me to be permanently exposed on Facebook to friends through the links. Some of them have said they are watching or monitoring the links on my Facebook page to make sure they are always there and going to pages or sites that expose me. I don't know the exact number of watchers for sure, but it seems to be somewhere around six separate people.
I'm not always able to know their reason or motivation for watching the links. Only a couple of them have said they're enjoying my ongoing exposure to friends and people who know me, and hope to see me humiliated by it. It does look like they're getting what they want, and that it will keep happening.
Also, since I don't use Gmail, I wasn't familiar with how an email could be scheduled to be sent at some future time, since my Yahoo email doesn't have that sort of thing. But I did have a back-up Gmail address from around eight years ago that I finally logged into, and saw this option was for real. I don't recall this option back when I last logged in there years ago.
This explains what I was told about how the next few emails to this female friend of mine have already been scheduled to be sent every fourth day. I was told the only way they won't automatically be sent is if there is some reply from this friend or other proof of me being seen naked by her. I don't expect for there to be any proof like that, so I guess those emails will be sent to her.
I'm so unsure about what I'd prefer at this point. I dread the idea of emails being sent to this friend every four days, but if she replies then it only confirms what I already believe about her already having seen everything of me. Either way though, there's nothing I can do about it.