
Monday, December 21, 2020

Exposure to Facebook friends - update.


For over a month, votes in the poll at:
have continued to increase for requiring that links to sites exposing me naked be available publicly in my Facebook information (intro) at:

The posting of these links was one part of a punishment handed down to me by the holder of my exposure contract for several violations of the contract by me.
The links allow friends and visitors to my Facebook page to have an opportunity to see me naked online. Being seen naked by people who know me is really the actual punishment, and the links are a way for that to happen.
Rather than the punishment just being implemented outright, the holder of my contract decided that a poll would be created to allow others to have the final say about whether or not I would have to serve my punishment.

A few votes were cast for other options, but they amount to almost nothing compared to the number of votes requiring the links to be permanent, which basically insures that I will be seen naked by Facebook friends and visitors who happen to click any of the links.

It's keeps getting more clear that most voters feel that my punishment must be served, which not only will result in me being seen naked by people who know me personally.It's already known to have happened once already.

Because it's me who is being exposed, my thoughts or opinions are obviously biased in my favor. Voters are much more impartial, and so many of them can't really be wrong. I basically have to accept the fact that they must be right, and that I do deserve what the majority of votes are requiring.

I have basically resigned myself to serving out my punishment and being seen naked by people who know me, because it's all I really can do. It does seem sure to humiliate me at least a little bit at some point, but that's clearly just another aspect of my punishment.

As I've been reminded, I did violate my contract, and I am now paying for it. I know I will continue to pay for it as time passes and more people who know me see me naked online. I also know there is no way to avoid that.
The choice of the voters is all too clear and is undeniable.

Voting has slowed down after a month, but more votes continue to be for requiring the links to remain posted permanently. This only reinforces the fact that my punishment will be ongoing, possibly until every last Facebook friend has seen me naked.

I surely will be taking my exposure contract more seriously, but I know that doesn't have any effect on what has already occurred.

I've been reminded again that the poll will remain open so that votes can continuously be cast, but as stated already, votes for the links to be permanent only continue to increase. It's nearly certain that from now on, I will be one click of a link away from being seen naked by people who know me.
The links to my exposure that are now permanently available and public in my Facebook intro information are: Twitter page of David Steckel naked

I've been told that additional links can or may be added if it is assessed to be necessary or deserved by me, but so far the existing links seem to be sufficient.
I tend to visit my Facebook page less often now, since it's hard not to see the links so available there. It tends to remind me of how I didn't take my contract as seriously as I should have, and how I now have to pay for it through being seen naked by those who know me.

Lastly, the holder of my exposure contract thought it best that I state outright that I accept my punishment and that I will not attempt to limit or resist the verdict that voters have decreed through their votes. After several attempts at a satisfactory statement, the following statement was finally approved for posting by the holder of my contract.

"I, David E. Steckel, hereby accept my punishment of being exposed naked to Facebook friends and to all who visit my Facebook page. I accept the will of voters in the related poll, and I swear that I will do nothing whatsoever that might affect the fulfillment of my punishment. Due to multiple violations of my exposure contract, I have necessitated this punishment, making me alone responsible for its implementation and for all that may result from its implementation.
I would like to thank all who voted in the poll who understand that this punishment is necessary, and who expressed so through voting for it to be carried out in full."


  1. Please see the photo album 'Public Domain photos and videos of David Steckel naked'. In the comments section, the email address of one specific adult female friend of David Steckel's is available. David is currently blocked from viewing or visiting the album, so he can only guess which female this might be.
    This female friend has known David Steckel for years, but is improperly and dishonestly unaware of his online exposure naked. Anyone who feels that this needs to be corrected, or just for for the fun of it can email the link to the photo album to allow her to see what has been concealed from her by her friend. Visit the album and view the comments at:

    1. Can I please know who that friend is? I'd really like to know, since it still says the album is not available to me. Is it from the list or a different one? I accept the fact that whoever it is will see me naked even though I don't know exactly what they'll see of me. I know I can't do anything about it, but I'd just like to know which friend is going to see me naked.

  2. Tch tch David. The text above sounds like you have accepted your loss of control over you exposure and humiliation. But now this comment sounds like you are back-pedaling.
    It's fortunate that others have decided to make sure you have no rights and no knowledge about the status of any image of you.

    1. You're right of course. I let my curiosity over which friend is being referred to get the best of me. It's beyond me to try to stop or prevent my exposure to anyone, but asking which friend it might be seemed harmless enough at the time. Now I can see that it's not proper for me to ask such a thing.
      I know there's no real reason I should know anything that has to do with who sees me. I do apologize for my apparent back-pedaling. I will try my best not to step out of place again. If whichever friend this is does see me exposed, then I know it is up to them if they decide to let me know about it, and it's not at all proper for me to know about it otherwise.
      Thanks for pointing this out, since I've had misgivings about my comment since it was posted.
      I have absolutely no intention of attempting to defy what others have already decided in relation to my exposure or whatever humiliation it may cause me.
      I can only say that if someone wants to notify this friend, whoever it is, then they have every right to do it without me knowing anything about it.
      I was told that I can no longer see the photo album because I questioned some things about it.
      I suppose it might serve me right if this friend does see me exposed just for my questioning it in the first place.

    2. You see David, this is exactly why others must be aware of your situation and your obligations for your exposure naked. It's a shame you need to be reminded of your situation. What on Earth made you think you have even the slightest right to know who sees you naked? This is rhetorical since there is no good reason for it.
      The commenter is exactly right that it is fortunate that others have decided to make sure you have no rights and no knowledge about anything to do with your exposure, unless those who do see you choose to tell you so AFTER they've seen you.
      You were blocked from the photo album for just this sort of thing and then you do it again here. Questioning anything about your exposure is not within your rights, and is really none of your business.
      You have to know by now that you must be seen naked by those who personally know you,including by this friend, and for good reason.
      You were not wrong when you said that being seen by this friend might serve you right. Except about the might part. It will serve you right WHEN this friend DOES see you exposed completely naked, and even more so if they also view you as you masturbate.
      Actions, lack of actions, and even questions can have consequences David. One way or another, this friend is going to see you, and you do not need to know how, when or who notified them.
      Your only function is to be seen naked by them, and you need to remember that at all times.

    3. Yes Sir. I know there's no excuse for any questions being asked by me.
      I know that the price I have to pay for everything is the humiliation of being seen naked by people who know me and by everyone else too. I regret asking anything at all about my exposure to whichever friend who is being referred to. If this friends email address is available along with photos of me in the album, then I can only show my regret and my understanding of things by asking that someone please go ahead and email this friend to share my exposure naked with them. I do know they have the right to see everything of me regardless of who they are.
      It's not an excuse, but I guess I let myself forget for a while that this is a part of the price I have to pay. Just so it's clear, someone please share my exposure with whichever friend of mine this is.

    4. Never question your exposure again and obey what others have so properly and wisely decided about it.
      Your only response when anyone mentions exposing you is to say please do it and to thank them for their effort. Nothing more.
      What you say to your friends and people who know you AFTER they've seen you naked is mostly up to you, but remember your obligation to always be respectful to anyone who sees your exposure and to those who choose to expose you.
      You'd be smart to make sure you do these things since you may not like the alternatives.
      No excuses. Always politely ask to be exposed and provide a thank you either before, after, or both when it's possible.
      End of discussion.
