This is the first update in a while, since things have been busy for me recently. Also, the situation related to my exposure naked to those who know me is still happening, since it is more than likely never going to end. With as much time that has passed already since my exposure to those who know me began, I can't even begin to fathom just how many people who know me have viewed photos and videos of me naked, and also masturbating.
Aside from some friend requests, I have received numerous messages lately from others on Facebook who are not friends and who I don't know. Most are through messenger, but one guy even posted on one of my older posts on Facebook "Does your mom know you have naked pics on here for all to see?" They misspelled "for" but the question is still obvious. I really don't know the answer to that question, but I do know there's nothing I can or could do about it in any case. Other messages range from asking why I'm letting the whole world see me naked, to "hi. saw your naked pics". First, the reason for why is simply because I have to "let the whole world see me naked".
These messages seem to prove that lots of random others are seeing the links on my Facebook page, clicking on them, then seeing me naked. If so many random others are clicking the links and seeing me naked, then that's partly why I can't even fathom how many people who know me have seen me too by doing the same thing.
The feelings of exposure and humiliation can get quite strong if I dwell on things that I can't change or on things that can't be undone, so I do my best to avoid dwelling on things like that. I just have to live with the fact that anyone I know and anyone I encounter may have seen me on the internet naked or masturbating. I also know that some of them have seen me that way already, even if they don't say so openly or even if I can't prove it.
I am still receiving penalties roughly every month now for my failure to show verifiable proof of being seen naked by someone who knows me.When a recent penalty was applied, which was a link to a video of me masturbating naked being placed at the top of the list of links on my Facebook page, it was humiliating to know that anyone who clicked that first, top link would see me masturbating naked, including anyone who knows me. I had no idea that I would soon end up basically bargaining and ensuring my humiliation to one specific female friend. This is the same female friend who eventually received a link to the Google photo album of all pics and videos of me naked,
and who received emails a few months ago from my contract holder containing videos or photos of me naked. I still don't know exactly what was sent to her, but just from what was forwarded to me after it was sent, it looks like she received quite a bit.
I expected any penalties to just be put into effect, but I received an email from my contract holder mentioning it was time for a a video of me inserting something naked to go to the top of the link list. I knew there was nothing I could do if that's what was decided, but since I was notified early, I took the chance to ask if there was any way at all to avoid that. I was surprised to find a response of "yes", but I wasn't sure if the other option was better or not.
My contract holder informed me of a website called "Clipchamp", where videos can be edited and shared. My alternative penalty was to go there, upload a specific video, then share the uploaded video directly from the website to Facebook messenger. The recipient of the video was to be the female friend of mine. (of course anyone who really wanted to could know the identity of this friend, but I prefer not to post her name when referring to her.
Of course when the time to share the video came, I kept hesitating and backing out. It was long enough for my contract holder to contact me asking what was going on. I was given a definite date and time to have the video shared by, or the video link was to be put in place on my Facebook page. Finally, my dread for that allowed me to just hit "send" and get it over with. Once I did that I notified my contract holder, who responded with "Not so fast". She hasn't seen it yet. I was reminded of the small icon near each message that says "sent" once it is sent, but changes to "seen by" with the name of the person and the time and date they saw the message. I had to wait almost 18 hours before my contract holder notified me that the message had been seen. I had a look for myself, and it was true. She had viewed the message with the video link. The only question is did she actually watch the video, but I think I'd be deluding myself if I though she didn't watch it. Here is the video she received.
It turned out though, that sending the video only delayed things for a month or so. Then it was right back to having a link to an "insertion" video of me added on Facebook. But I was given a choice again. Actually it was the same choice but with a different video of me naked. But this time my contract holder had a video ready on Clipchamp. My only part was to send it to my female friend through Facebook's messenger again. The video this time was of me naked on a bed basically just being exposed and displayed. It's a quite humiliating video to have your friends see, and I had to send it right to one friend. I kept reminding myself of the other option for a penalty, and it made this option seem preferable. Still though, it was unusually difficult to click the send button this time. This time I knew to wait for the message to be seen by my female friend, but less than four hours later she did see the message and I notified my contract holder.
Now another month had passed, and I've been given the same option for a third time and third video of me naked. I just found out today which video it is, and it's another one of me masturbating naked. I'm hesitating to send it again, which seems strange since she surely must have seen so much of me naked by now that it shouldn't matter to me anymore. I know I will send it though, because I have to unless I accept the original penalty instead, and I'm not ready to do that yet as long as there's some other option.
The second video she received of me:
The next video I have to send to her within the next three days.
This friend has absolutely had to have seen me naked and also masturbating by now, yet she has not said a word to me or done anything differently. She seems to just be looking, seeing, and not reacting in any way at all. In fact she recently posted on her Facebook page something that seemed out of place for her and it could almost seem to be directed at me.
Her post:
It almost feel like that post is about all the reaction she is willing to show or have. It looks like she's going to have another video of me to "notice" sent to her soon on Facebook messenger.
My contract holder did explain that the penalty is meant to make me have to use my own hand to send something to this female friend that she will know came from me. I'm never supposed to add any text or words in the messages to her, so there's no reason or explanation included. She only gets a link directly to a video of me naked. I wish I didn't have to send her another video link, but I have to, and soon.
I don't quite know what to think about her reaction or lack of it, whether good or bad. My contract holder believes she is finding all of this amusing even if she seeing me naked doesn't arouse her. They believe she's just amused by seeing someone she knows naked and masturbating on the internet where she knows everyone else online can see it too. My contract holder believes that her thinking is that because the photos and videos of me naked exist, then they have to be shown to everyone. In other words, the very existence of the photos and videos of me naked are the reason why they need to be displayed and seen publicly.
It was for me to imagine that this female friend could actually be amused by my complete public exposure to people who know me, and could possibly be enjoying it. But the more I think about it, the more I can recall that this female friend really might just see things that way. My contract holder even mentioned that this friend could have been a voter in the (closed) poll where most voters selected for me to me exposed naked to Facebook friends and voted for me to be exposed. I suppose that's only know to her for sure, but it's something I never thought about, and something that now seems more likely to be true than not. I still can't help from wondering is she is sharing the links and videos with others or not, but I know that's all up to her.
I'm sure random people and people who know me will continue to click the links on my Facebook page and see me naked or masturbating. Those random people will probably continue to comment or message me. I know they don't know anything about how or why the links are there, and so far I haven't tried explaining things to any of them. I hadn't even noticed the comment on the post mentioned earlier (does your mother know you have naked pics on here for all to see?", until my contract holder sent me a message saying that the comment was not be be deleted or hidden for any reason. I think maybe because it has the word "naked" in it or maybe because it might get the attention of more people. Either way it'll be staying there under a photo post showing keys.
I think that's about all there is to say for now. My female friend will be receiving her next video of me soon, since to me it's my best choice and I've already been humiliated to this friend several times already.