
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Exposed on

 This post might be temporary, but how temporary it is depends on how long posts of me naked end up staying on the Exposed fun website.

So far three posts (that I know of) have been made there, each containing the maximum of four photos of me naked. 

On this site, viewers can anonymously extend how long a post stays up, and can also comment completely anonymously. The three posts can be seen here:




These next links are only the edit page of the three posts. That's where the post and page could normally be deleted unless the delete option is disabled. Of course the delete option on these three posts has been disabled. The edit page can allow this to be seen and confirmed. In other words, no one and nothing can remove the posts until the timers count down to zero, even though anyone can anonymously hit the "Extend by a Day" button, causing that post to remain for one extra day.




One addition thing is that the direct links to these three posts are now included in my Facebook intro, right up top, so that visitors to my Facebook page and all of my contacts there can "participate" if they wish to.

 This blog post is basically just to inform others about the existence of the posts, but of course I can't avoid asking that any readers of this visit the posts and extend them for one more day. The posts have already gotten more extensions from viewers than I would ever have predicted This is definitely a time when there's nothing I can do about it, since it's 100% in the hands of others to decide everything about the posts.


  1. Not your most embarrassing pictures, but bad enough, I suppose. Indefinite exposure, out of your control, links posted, yup, standard fare for you.

  2. I have to admit that at first the posts didn't seem like something that would be worth much attention from me. Even after the links to the posts were included in my Facebook intro, I was certain the posts would all expire quickly with maybe a few extensions. Every time I check the available time left on any of the posts, a few days have been added. The posts already have to stay up for longer than two more weeks, and that's a lot longer than I ever expected. Knowing there's a potential end to the posts, and seeing it being pushed further and further into the future does seem to induce a kind of helpless resignation. Especially knowing there's literally no other recourse except to wait.
    One other thing for me is that there's something particularly humiliating for me that people I know on Facebook are able to anonymously see the posts and even extend them. It's doubtful that wold happen, but I have to acknowledge that it's possible. All in all, it's lasting longer than I expected, and inducing a bit more humiliation than I first expected from it. All I can really do is wait to see how long other people decide to make the posts stay up.

    1. It appears that one of my issues has been resolved by Facebook. The links to the posts do not stay posted for long. It must be due to the wording on the link rather than where the links go to.

  3. Well that's easy. Use or tinyURL or some such to hide the link names.

  4. Looks like you've managed to get one link to stay on Facebook now. So which number would you say bothers you more? The number of days (one is over 40!), the number of views (between 129 - 233), the number of extensions (30-40 on all posts) or the number of downloads (20 total) ?

  5. Something about each of those things can bother me if I dwell on any one of them for too long. I'd have to say that the one that is most bothersome is how long the posts have been extended for. I almost dread seeing any of the posts now, since there always seems to be additional extensions since the last time I saw it. I think it's bothersome because every extension is a reminder that other people have total control over how long I have to stay on display naked there, and that they are deciding to keep me there for even more people to see. Usually there's no potential end-date for any post of me naked, but having a potential end-date that seems to keep being pushed further into the future is mildly exasperating.
    I try not to give any thought at all to any downloads that may have occurred, since that's what I've done ever since photos and videos of me naked all became public domain and free for use. The number of days left only bothers me to the point that I know for sure that there's no way for that number to ever lessen until days pass and only if or when people lose enough interest in the posts to where the posts do not get extended any longer.
    It's true that only one link seems to remain on Facebook. The other two were deemed to "be offensive for some people", which at a minimum raises the question of why the first of the three links remains while the other two similar links were removed by Facebook.

  6. Say goodbye to 30 days, all posts are now at 40 or more. Number of extensions keeping pace. Between 150 and 250 views. Interestingly there's been a big jump in the number of downloads; 34 total now. Have to wonder what caused that...

  7. I avoided seeing those posts for a couple of days, but I did just check them. It's kind of exasperating to have days pass, and to see that the posts now have to stay up even longer. As long as there's anyone extending the posts, there's no hope for then to expire.
    I can only wonder about the download count, since it's always unknown who might have downloaded a photo, or even which one was downloaded. It's also unknown if or how any downloaded photos of me might be used. I know I have no say about that last part anyway, but a visible download count is a reminder of that fact.
    I also noticed, at least on a PC or laptop, that right-clicking on an image gives the option to save the image without it being counted as a download. It's a pretty sure thing that others would already know that, which means there's no way to know ow many times any photos of me have been saved that way.
    Every day that the posts stay there, and with the seemingly endless extensions, I feel more sure that some of those photos of me are going to randomly appear on some websites, either having been uploaded anonymously, or by someone who understood that they had the right to use the photos however they wanted to.
    As usual, there's nothing I can do about any of it, but there's an inescapable feeling of being helplessly exposed, all at the whim or desire of others.
