
Thursday, June 24, 2021

More links posted as consequence (Facebook)

 Today I learned that more links have been added to my Facebook intro to photos that are meant to show me in more revealing ways. They're referred to as more explicit, but I prefer just to say they're more revealing. They're the result of the consequence for me failing to proved any proof of being seen naked yet by anyone who knows me. 

I was warned almost a week ago that unless I showed some proof, they would be added by the 25th of the month, but as far as I can tell they were added sometime today. 

I was almost afraid to see which photos the links went to, since I was only able to see one example photo before today. I was told it was ten in total and that's about what I can see. Just as I was told they would be, they do show me naked in some revealing ways, and I do dread the idea that people who know me will see them, but I have to admit that it could have been worse if it was desired by my contract holder. 

Some show me masturbating or with an erection, and a couple show my bare ass either with it raised or with me bent over. The photos below are in the order (I think) from the first link to the last the way they are now on my Facebook page.


It's intimidating to know that I'll be seen by people who know me with my bare ass so on display, and being seen masturbating or touching my erect penis is even more intimidating. The hardest one to accept is the one where I already came and my cum can be seen on my stomach. There's something about having people who know me see my actual cum that makes it the most intimidating of all for me. But I suppose that's the point, since the photos are there as a consequence, even if it was due to something I didn't see how to avoid.

I am sure they will be seen too, since there's just no way possible that I have not yet been seen naked by multiple people who know me. I know full well by this point that they are looking, seeing, and then just not saying a thing to me about it. Some may have even seen me naked already even before any posts about the links were on my timeline, but more certainly saw the posts and discovered the links on my page afterwards. 

I wasn't given any date or time limit yet, but I was only told that at some point, more photo links will be added, which seem bound to show me in even more humiliating ways. I still hope for proof of being seen to avoid this, since I know that once a link is added, there is almost no chance for it to ever be removed. 

I still can't believe I've come to think this, but I actually almost desperately hope that people I know will see me naked and let me know they saw me. At least enough to have it considered for my obligation to be fulfilled. If that happens, then at least it could mean no more links are added, even though the links there now will probably always be there and if I will always have to stay exposed naked to anyone who clicks on them. 

I can only suppose that at some point in the future, everyone who will ever see me naked through the links will have seen me, and it won't matter much that the links are there. There's probably quite a bit of humiliation for me before then though.

Update: Despite a few posts on my Facebook timeline that mention the links and with one even mentioning where the links can be found and accessed, There has not been one shred of evidence for me being seen naked by anyone who knows me. No notifications or messages have been received, and not one friend has yet removed themselves as a friend, which would be expected if they had an issue with what some are sure to have seen of me by now. 

It's something I definitely never expected, but something that's appearing to be more and more likely... That my Facebook friends are viewing photo/videos of me naked, or have viewed them, and are just not mentioning it to me. Nearly every prior post to my timeline has been viewed or reacted to in some way by friends there, so the current posts about the links on my page have to have been seen by them as well. 

I know that whether anything is mentioned to me or not about me being seen naked, that I will always have to accept the fact that any friend is likely to have seen me naked or even masturbating naked in a video, and that some of them have positively seen me that way, but nothing being mentioned to me about it is equal to a lack of proof of me being seen. To my exposure contract holder and to a few others, this lack of proof requires consequences for me when it's failed to be produced within certain amounts of time. As of now, these consequences tend to be for me to be exposed and seen naked in ways that are more revealing or humiliating for me. The first of those consequences has already been applied through the added photo links to my Facebook page.

Further consequences have been said to be certain at some point if no proof of me being seen naked is produced. It might be more photo links or even video links being added to my Facebook page with those links being among the first things seen of me naked by friends or by anyone else who visits my Facebook page. I haven't learned yet what the full consequence might be or when it might occur. 

Since I feel and believe that I am being, or have been seen naked for sure by numerous friends on Facebook, any added links are just offering those friends easy access to even more photos or videos showing me naked. They are seeing every single aspect and detail of my naked body, and at the moment I do not even know the name of even a single one of them. As one commenter in a post mentioned, it does appear that my naked body and my exposure is just entertainment for them. I'm sure that when they see me in person and recall seeing me naked, that will just be further entertainment for them.


  1. Excellent. Now your friends have even more to see of you. Surrender your naked self to their viewing and accept your role as their entertainment.

  2. It doesn't seem like there's any need for me to do anything at all, since my "naked self" is being more or less just handed over to them. If I am entertainment for them then I will be whether I accept it or not. It's too impossible for me to believe that it's not already that way for at least some of them.

  3. I've followed along with your exposure and I've seen most of your blog posts, but one thing just doesn't seem right about the consequences you just got. It's all pictures and no videos of you.
    I remembered seeing an email address in one blog post of yours that gave an email address for your contract holder, so I went back and found it.
    I sent an email asking for a video of you to be added to your links on Facebook. I suggested one video I'd like to see there but I didn't know the title of it. I just described it.
    I don't know if you heard anything about it but I thought you should know that it was my suggestion.
    In a reply I got back there was a link to the video I described and it said a link to the video would be added soon.
    I just like seeing you in that video, and it seemed like something your friends might enjoy having it be one of the first things they see of you.
    Here's the link I got in the reply so you know which video I asked for. I hope I can see it soon in your Facebook links.

    1. Hi. I should probably be glad that you mentioned this, since nothing has been said to me about it. I did see that a link to a video of me naked has been included on my Facebook page. The only title the video has is "David Steckel strips and displays naked".
      I believe a link to it was already somewhere in the links, but I'm not positive about it. Of course now it's the first link and what's most likely to be seen of me first by anyone who hasn't seen me naked yet.
      I wasn't aware that it was possible to make a request to my contract holder and to get a link to whatever is wanted added to my Facebook page, but I can see that it is that way.
      I'm surprised that I only found out about the video link here and that I wasn't given notice about it in any other way. I suppose it doesn't matter much if I'm told anything or not though, since it wouldn't really change a thing. Either way I'll still be seen naked by people who know me.
      I can only hope you enjoy seeing the video link there and enjoy knowing it's probably going to be what people see of me first. Thanks for informing me about it being there and why it's there.

  4. Hello again David. Since nothing is posted yet about you being seen naked by any friends, I'm assuming you haven't heard from any of them yet.
    Your predicament for needing to prove you've been seen naked by friends on Facebook is understandable, but it may not be a realistic expectation. No matter how much you are seen, you may never get the proof you're seeking or hoping for.
    You may be a friend to them when you are clothed, but when they see you naked, you effectively become entertainment or amusement for them. They are more likely to look at pictures of you naked and watch you naked in videos without having a single inclination to say a word to you about it. The more interest they might have in seeing you naked, and the more they see or watch you naked, the less likely they will probably be to admit seeing you. I other words, the more they enjoy viewing you naked, the less of a chance there is that you will ever know it.
    Those who have no interest in seeing you naked will also have no interest in saying anything to you. Those friends will more commonly decide to act as though they were never aware of you being displayed naked. But you can probably be sure that there are quite a few friends of yours who are fascinated or captivated by seeing you naked, and are being sure to see all they can of you naked. For many of them, you are sure to be the first person they know in real life to be on public display naked on the internet. Even if they tell themselves it's not right to look at your naked body. many of them just won't be able to help themselves and will be compelled to look at every detail of your naked body, including how you masturbate and including your asshole that is quite openly on display in some pictures and videos of you.
    You just might get lucky enough eventually for a friend to say to you that they saw yo naked online, but it's going to be a more natural and common reaction for them to just see all they can see of you and be content to keep it to themselves, or to only say something to a few others they feel comfortable enough to discuss such thing with.
    I do believe that you are right about having already been seen naked by some friends. How much of you they've seen is the only question, and one that isn't likely to be answered. More friends are sure to see you and so will anyone who is referred to your Facebook page or anyone who randomly finds your page or the links.
    If you end up with more links being posted as some consequence for there being no proof of you being seen, so be it. Just let it happen and take it in stride. You are in a rather unique position of being someone who has no body privacy at all, which means you just have to accept the fact that every aspect of your naked body, every picture of you naked, and every video of you naked will be or is going to be seen by the public, which definitely includes anyone who knows you.

    I would say that on some level you know all of this to be true. Your public exposure is too set and established for it ever be any other way. You have no choice except to go where it takes you.


    1. Hi Richard. I do know that a lot of what you said is true, and it's looking to me like the rest of what you said is also true. I know there are those who want proof of me being seen naked by people who know me, but I also know that I've already been seen naked by some of those people, and that more of them are sure to see me naked as they find or see the links on my Facebook page. I know that some of them could even have seen me naked somewhere else on the internet. I just can't show proof for any of it, but there's no realistic way for it not to be true.

      It's looking more and more like there won't ever be any proof that I've been seen naked by anyone who knows me no matter how many of them do see me naked. It's probably true that all that will end up happening is for me to be entertainment for them as they see me naked. I tend to think that was something that was intended all along for having me exposed naked to people who know me. Whether it was or not, it's past the point of mattering anyway. What's been done can never be undone.

      I'm sure there will be more consequences for me if there ends up not being proof for me being seen naked, but without proof there's nothing I can do to prevent that from happening.

      I really don't know why I still think about or hope to limit what people I know see of me naked. Logically I know that's already impossible. I believe it's because I'm still not accustomed to the fact that many people around me and who I see often and have known for many years have already seen or will see me naked in just about every possible way. I do know it's something I'm just going to have to get used to though.

      It's strange to me that I see it as liberating in one way, with nothing left to hide from them, but also humiliating, knowing they'll have seen me on full display naked and even masturbating. I hope with more time I'm able to know this and accept it to the point of where I see it as just the way things are or have to be.

      I'm not permitted to contact my contract holder about anything to do with my exposure to people who know me, and I'm expected to just have it happen. But if I could contact them about the subject, I might just ask them to go ahead and do whatever would end up being done anyway as any consequence just so it gets done and over with. As hard as it can be to just accept that everything of me naked is basically being handed to people who know me, I know it's already happened for some of them, and it's unavoidable that it will happen with more of them. I'm willing to bet that you're right about me being the first person the people who know me have seen naked on the internet who they actually know in person. That wasn't something I aspired to, but it's bound to be true in most cases.

      I do think the best and easiest thing I can realistically do is something like what you said. To just accept my full and total exposure to the public, and to people who know me, and to just have to go where it goes. It does seem pointless to dwell on or try to limit what can't be stopped or avoided.

      In a few days from now, I am due to go away for two weeks to visit relatives out of state. One of them is a friend on Facebook, but I don't think they have seen me naked. Not yet anyway. For this entire trip, I'm going to try to not pay any attention to my exposure, and to just let it go wherever it goes. No Facebook at all for me for the whole time no matter what, and limiting my responding to messages or emails. I will just let my exposure run whatever course it will run. I know I'll continue to be seen naked during this time, but I won't even be signed into Facebook at all.

      Maybe once I get back, I'll either be better able to accept things as they are, or something will have pushed or helped that along.

      Thanks for the comment Richard, and please keep in touch (after my two weeks away at least).

    2. Yes David. You may be starting to understand. You just need to give up on whatever previous notions you may have had about privacy for your naked body and who does or doesn't see you naked or even masturbating. Understand that it must be more than just possible for anyone who knows you to see you naked, but that it is absolutely necessary that as many people you know as possible see you naked as well as masturbating. This is the only way for you to fully understand and accept your role as their entertainment. They must see everything of you naked. You must not do anything that could limit this or delay it from happening. This means more timeline posts if possible to help ensure you are seen by the highest possible number of people you know. It means doing something else too no matter how hard it is for you. It means that even if you do somehow end up with proof of being seen naked by someone you know, it should not be revealed. It means having any consequences applied that would result in your increased exposure, and doing nothing to prevent them.
      You can liberate yourself from your old and wrong way of thinking, and welcome your role as entertainment for all who view your naked body rather than tricking yourself by thinking that you can be anything otherwise.
      You just need to accept and understand the truth about this, David. You can do that best once you accept and understand your true role, and once most of your friends and other people you know have seen you naked and have watched you masturbate.

  5. I'm no expert on it, but from what I know it's best to tag a person in a Facebook post to get more attention. In this case David should be tagged in posts about the links that are supposed to be seen. Also anyone else tagged in any post is a lot more likely to see it. Try tagging anyone who is meant to see any post for sure. But at a minimum, David should be tagged in any post. I hope this information was useful.
