Generally there would be no reason to mention it each time anyone anonymously accesses my PC and camera, but a photo was left in folder that was apparently taken during the night that reveals me naked in bed and asleep. Since a photo was taken and left available, it's being included here just so that it's clear that nothing about my nightly exposure remains concealed.
It may not be an ideal pose to be in for a photo, but as usual when I'm asleep I am oblivious to being exposed, being seen, and being photographed.
As it always is, it feels peculiar to see myself asleep and exposed. When I go to bed ad before I fall asleep I always know that I am exposed, but my awareness ends once I'm asleep. But of course my exposure doesn't end then, and goes on throughout the night.
Whenever a photo is taken of me naked, exposed, and asleep it always re-confirms for me the fact that at night my naked body and my exposure is as close to being public as it can be without being fully public.
I know that's true anyway, but photos of my nightly exposure actually show it's true.
Since neither the Teamviewer app or the Anydesk app keep or retain anything at all about anyone accessing my PC, and keep no record of any access, I never know a single thing about if or when my PC or the camera is accessed. I never even know which app was used.
I might know there was access if a page or an application is left open, but I often can't be sure if it wasn't me who left things that way. Only a photo or photos being taken or a video being taken, and then left for me to find is a way to know there was access.
I do make sure I follow and obey the requirement as closely as possible that I spend each night exposed naked to potential observers outside and to anyone who accesses my PC and camera, but I still feel relieved in a way when anyone is actually able to see that I am complying with the requirement. The thought of any violation of a requirement that would incur some additional penalty is something I truly hope to avoid.
So when anyone does see me while I'm exposed naked in bed at night, I'm thankful that I was seen complying with the requirement.
Since I know that anyone has the absolute right to view my exposure at night either from outside or on camera, I do try to be sure I never infringe on that right even though it can be humiliating for me.
I also know that anyone making use of their right to access my PC and camera are under no obligation to take any photos or video of me, or to leave any copy of them for me to find at some later time. So if I'm being honest I suppose I am thankful or grateful to them for not only taking any photos or video, but for leaving a copy of them. I know that whoever takes any photo or video of me naked technically owns or controls them. They have every right to have or keep them for themselves for their own purposes without leaving a single copy for me to find. So when something is left for me to find, in a way it's a favor to me, since it's newer and more recent proof that I am complying with and obeying the requirement.
I only hope that anyone who observes my nightly exposure finds my compliance satisfactory, adequate, and sufficient.
My exposure and humiliation is unavoidable, but being found not be in compliance is entirely avoidable.
Teamviewer address: 1 054 262 400 Password: Nakedandexposed1
Anydesk address: 990 573 524 Password: Showmystuff1
Any additional photos taken of me naked during the night, but not taken by me will be included here as they are left and then found by me in a camera roll folder on my PC.
This time it's two new photos on yet another night. If nothing else, at least it provides a visual record and verification that the requirement for my nightly exposure is being obeyed and complied with.
Finding new photos daily was unexpected, and if it continues an additional post may be needed to prevent this post from being too long and have too many photos. Since all photos included so far are from the same week, this post will include all photos from the same week.
A few more new photos were found, and in one I see that I seem to do something I never knew I did or expected to see while asleep. I can see that I did it, but it's strange to have no knowledge or memory of it. Clearly the taker of the photo saw it, but I can only wonder how often I might do it and how many nearby others may have seen me like that at any time.
But being exposed means being seen with nothing being concealed, so it's just one more aspect of exposure that I have to accept. Here is the photo of the unexpected position followed by two others.
These last few photos complete the list of photos taken of me by others while in bed and asleep during a single week.
These photos will hopefully be sufficient as confirmation and verification that my requirement for nightly, night long exposure is being obeyed. For those who have long insisted that my nightly exposure also had to be seen, the photos may not prove it absolutely, but I can attest to the fact that I did not take a single one of the photos and knew nothing about them being taken until finding them later in a camera roll folder.
I may wake up or get out of bed briefly or periodically during nights, but whenever I am in bed at night, I realize that I am required to be exposed naked, both through an uncovered window to anyone nearby, and through accessing a webcam.