
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Increased public access to qr code for the Dropbox “David Steckel naked”


 A sticker displaying the qr code for the Dropbox “David Steckel naked’ has been placed on the vehicle that is driven by me daily, which is also the only vehicle that I own or have access to.

When it’s scanned, the code on the sticker goes to:

The code enables anyone who scans the code to access and view photos and videos of me naked that are part of the public domain and which equally belong to everyone.

I have no actual right to inhibit anyone from viewing or obtaining any of the photos and videos, and no right to block, restrict, or limit anyone from having free and full access to them or anything else that’s part of the public domain. Even the appearance that this is occurring could be considered to be a violation of others rights to access and view those photos and videos.

The presence of a sticker with the code on it avoids this, both in reality and in appearance. It does mean that others near enough to my vehicle to scan the code, and others locally will very likely see me naked due to it, but it cannot be ignored that they do and always will have the right to see the public domain photos and videos of me naked.

The size of the sticker with the code is four inches square or just over ten centimeters square, and is located on the rear-side window on the drivers side of the car (small SUV).

One of the conditions that I realize has go along with the code being there is that it has to remain there at all times. Another is that whenever I park in any parking lot, the window with the code must not be obstructed by anything, and that I am always to park as near as possible to the store or business that the lot serves. In other words I cannot park in an out of the way place just to avoid the possibility of someone scanning the code.

That last condition is more or less unnecessary though, since even if I did park a good distance away from busy places and walked from there, it wouldn’t last very long. I know that within a short time I would grow tired of the longer walks both to and from my vehicle, especially when carrying a large or heavy load or when the weather was less than ideal.

The addition of the code on my vehicle is a recent development, so I’m far from being accustomed to its presence, even if I am resigned to the fact that it’s there and has to stay there. At times while driving or parked in a public place I can scarcely believe that the code is right there to be scanned by anyone who has the means to scan it.

While shopping or inside somewhere for a period of time, I do tend to forget that the code is right outside on my vehicle. Once I approach my vehicle again and see the sticker with the code, I’m instantly reminded of it though. It’s then that I begin to wonder if anyone scanned the code in my absence, and I wonder if someone may have scanned it and are now seeing me out there while they are looking at photos or videos of me on their phone.

I end such thoughts by telling myself that nobody noticed the code being there, and even if they did, they didn’t bother to scan it. I still know that I could easily be lying to myself, but it works for now.

Since I currently live in a condominium complex, and I park in a parking lot that’s shared by all residents, neighbors and their guests could be the most likely ones to scan the code and to see me naked. It’s definitely possible that at least one neighbor has already done this, even though it’s mostly speculation on my part at this time.

Overall, none of that changes the fact that anyone who views the Dropbox has the full right to view it and eveything it contains. It also doesn’t change the fact that nothing in the Dropbox is actually mine. The photos and videos are only “of” me, but in reality they belong entirely to the public.

There’s almost no doubt at all that people are going to end up seeing me naked after they scan the code. This can happen at any moment and also over time. So I know it’s going to happen, but at the same time I know that everyone absolutely has that right, and I know all that they see of me naked does actually belong to them.

For anyone who might be curious if the code is there or how it appears, here are a couple photos of it.

The code in the photos will not scan, but it definitely does scan when scanned directly. It scanned several times just while photos of it were being taken, and also from further away than expected.

As the photos show, the code is readily available for scanning, and I realize that it’s where to has to be and where it has to stay.

Anything further will be included in updates.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

A Facebook page that's "me" but not me.

 I recently discovered an unusual page on Facebook. It's apparently me, but of course it is not me. The page has the same name as mine, and has the same profile photo as my own page although the photo has been edited a bit. As of now it has no other information, no posts, and few friends.

The page can be seen here:

Of course my real actual Facebook page is here: 

I suppose that most people would mind or be bothered by finding a page on Facebook that appeared to be them, but I don't see any reason to mind. I actually consider it to be sort of funny that someone went through the trouble of creating the page and also downloading and editing my profile photo. At the most I'm curious about why they did it, but I'm not really able to care that they did. 

I considered sending a friend request to the page, but for now I don't want to interfere with whatever the point of the page is.

I suppose the page owner could contact or message some of my actual Facebook friends, but those friends would probably notice that they weren't currently Facebook friends with the person that contacted or messaged them. 

I doubt that is happening though, since the odds are good that a few friends would relate to me that someone appearing to be me contacted them.

If highly doubt that it could be the case, but if their intention was to somehow expose me or to send photos or videos of me naked to my Facebook friends or to anyone else, that would be entirely on them and not me.

My own Facebook friends and anyone else they want to are actually supposed to either be able to see me naked, or to actually see me naked. So in a way the one who owns the page has the right to do that if that was somehow their intention.

The appearance of the page is that it was created, then abandoned. Without an exceptionally good reason, I have to desire to interfere with the page, and it's creator is more or less free to do as they please with it.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Facebook post notifying friends to view me naked online.

 Anyone who has seen my Facebook page at: may have seen posts there that enable my Facebook friends and followers to view something of my exposure naked online. Most of these posts contain an image or a code to scan, and a link. A Facebook notification would then go out to friends and followers, and at least some of them would surely then view it. Since these posts began to be posted, it has been suggested several times that something be posted that asks my friends and followers to view me naked online, but until now I have never felt able to just come right out and do that. 
I knew there were enough reasons for it to be done, but I still hesitated to do it. I did hide my exposure from them until recently, and it's been pointed out to me more than once that it's only right if they see me naked just as anyone else can.
I finally knew it was time to just do what had to be done. 
So a post was made that explains a little bit about why these friends and followers should see me naked. It felt too strange to just ask them to see me naked, so the post informs them about how my exposure was hidden from them, and that they have the right to see me naked if they care to see me naked. 
It also lets them know that they should share it with others they know, since they may know others who know me but who I am not connected to on Facebook.
The post can be seen on my Facebook page at:
and on the Facebook page at: 

The content of the posts is:

Anyone who knows me here is probably already aware that I can be seen entirely without clothing being worn, and in some situations or positions that might amuse or entertain some others. Some may have already seen some of this for themselves, and if they have, they obviously have the right for it to remain anonymous.
There's no presumption that everyone would want to see what there is to be seen of me online, but it's there for anyone who might want to see it, anyone who's just curious about it, and when it's possible, for it to be downloadable for anyone to have, to re-post, or just to share in any way.
Some of what can be seen of me unclothed on the internet has been there for a while, and more was included later. It was always intentionally concealed from anyone who actually knew me in person in the past or present. Someone who knew me could still stumble upon something of me, but the odds were low for that to happen.
But the fact that total strangers could easily see me and watch videos of me online without me having any clothes on meant that they could see more of me, and be aware of more about me than people who actually knew me could. That might not actually be a deception, but if it's not then it's close to it.
Nothing can undo the original concealment, but it could at least be stopped. Anyone who knows me or knew me previously does have a right to see and know about whatever total strangers to me can already see and know. There's some humiliation for me that comes along with that, but that's just how it is.
Anyone with little or no real interest in seeing me without clothes on or doing some things without clothes on still might care to check it out a little, at least just to see what was attempted to remain concealed from them.
It's how I have to be seen if I am to be seen in an honest and accurate way.
Anyone who knows me should at least be aware of and know about what is online of me without clothes on, but it's more accurate if they actually see it for themselves. As much or as little as they choose to see.
For the purpose of honesty, anyone who knows me who is aware of or has seen anything of me online, might seriously want to consider sharing this with other people who might know me, or just with anyone at all who they know, so that it's as far from being a secret as it can get.
It's the only way for there to be any sort of compensation for the fact that the concealment ever occurred in the first place.
No one should feel any hesitation or guilt if they inform others or share it with others. Everything is already there to be seen or known about. Informing about it or sharing it is only directing someone to what's already accessible. Just honesty about me alone could make it the right thing to do, since nothing can be concealed once it's known about or once it has been seen.
I don't intend on reverting to concealment, but if somehow I would, it's best if the effort would be futile and pointless due to most others knowing about or having seen it all already.
I am who I am, and it's everyone's right to know who that is and to see it for themselves.
In the intro or "About me" section of my profile page, some links are available that might be useful.
The page: can also be visited.
An unfiltered web search will provide additional results through searching either "David Steckel nude" or "David Steckel naked"
It seems likely that many Facebook friends and followers were already aware of my online exposure, and some have definitely already seen some of it for themselves. But the post may cause some of them who dismissed or never engaged with previous posts about my exposure to finally access or view it. 
The post may also enable some to dismiss and hesitation or guilt they may have about viewing me naked or for sharing my exposure to ensure that additional others are aware of it and see it. 
In any case, I am now irreversibly committed to being seen naked by more people who know me than ever, and even to those who might know me but who are not Facebook friends or contacts. 
Even though not many are likely to share my exposure with additional people, it shouldn't require too many of them to do it for me to be seen naked by a significant number of additional people who know me.  

Sunday, December 17, 2023

More online exposure from unexpected source.

 A few days ago I received and email from an unrecognized email address. At first I assumed that it would be an email that had to be replied to, and that someone would soon be receiving the three signature images of me naked that are part of everything sent by me from that address. 

But the email seemed to be some group or organization, which made me think that I might not be exposed again because of it.

When i curiously opened the email, all I saw was this:

I recently found and watched a video of you at: I'm sure you deserved it and that you deserve for it to be watched very publicly, but what must be on your mind from knowing people you know are seeing it.   

The sender was listed as:

 Once I realized it was an email sent anonymously, I knew I wouldn't need to reply to it, since I couldn't. But I saw the link in the message and knew right away that it just had to go to a video of me naked. I clicked the link to see which video it might be. 

The moment the page loaded I saw that the video was the one of me that's currently being featured on Facebook, where a lit cigarette is in my asshole and I'm tied and have to wait for it to burn down and punish my asshole. 

At first this made me anxious, since it was proof that someone had watched that video, and had sent the link to it to me. But I quickly realized that the video was there for anyone to watch and that it was only one more person who had now seen it. So I didn't think too much more about it afterwards.

But the very next day I saw that another email had been received from the same place. This one went even further by including the link to the same video, but also including a working link to the Dropbox full of photos and videos of me naked. 

I recently mentioned finding and watching a video of you at: I just came across your Dropbox where a lot of pics and videos of you can be seen and downloaded. As I said before, I'm sure you deserved what the video shows of you and that you deserve for it to be watched very publicly. Especially by people who know you. Since your Dropbox link is public and anyone can have pics and videos of you, maybe more people you know and people everywhere should see the pics and videos of you, and be able to download them for any use they might have for them. It's probably best for this email to be accessible to others, and it will be. You just won't know where that is or be able to change it. You're welcome for that.  

This email was sent anonymously using Sendity.
Please do not reply to this email, Your reply I will go nowhere

My attention was on the links in the message and not so much on the text of it, and I wondered what the point was for sending me links to my own exposure. 

But then I noticed that some of the text mentioned the email being accessible to others and how it would be. I felt some anxiety rising as I wondered what that meant. I didn't see any other recipients listed. I wondered if separate emails might have been sent to other people. 

When I tried visiting the site where the emails came from all I saw was a page for sending an email anonymously. I pondered it all for a while, but then I decided it wasn't worth trying to figure out since there was nothing I could do about it anyway.

For two more days everything seemed to be over with, with no more emails like that coming.

But then another email appeared in my inbox from the same location. This one was both more stunning and more confusing, since it contained my name, me email address in the actual message, a list of links to videos of me naked, and it even mentioned how three photos of me naked have to be in every email I send or reply to. I knew whoever it was had to be someone pretty familiar with me and with my online exposure naked. 


To: (David Steckel) Your online presence seems to be endless. So much that more of you keeps showing up. Just in the last day, these were came across. 

 And then there's this: "Without exception, all emails and replies sent from must include the three signature images of David Steckel." Three very revealing images of you of course. There must be times when you dread that obligation. When you don't know who will be seeing you or when you really don't want someone to see you. But rules are rules which can't be changed due to feelings.

This email was sent anonymously using Sendity.
Please do not reply to this email, Your reply I will go nowhere


That was the stunning part. The confusing part is that it seemed like a lot of trouble to send all of that to me, since I would be the only one who could see it.

I was perplexed enough to go back to the website and to look at it a little better.

I still couldn't find anything that explained much. Then I noticed a few lines in a small box on the top right side of the page. When I clicked on it, a drop-down menu opened. As I read the options in it, my eyes focused on a line that said "Anonymous Wall". 

Assuming it was something that was only accessible to some sort of paid membership, I clicked on it without expecting to be able to access it. 

But a long page opened up with all kinds of random email messages that appeared to be sent to people anonymously. They were arranged by date and got older as the page was scrolled down. I clicked on one message and it opened up to show the whole message. It seemed like gibberish, so I closed it which returned me to the list page.

It began to occur to me that the emails sent to me might also be on the page somewhere, and as I started to scroll down to see if that was true, I know that I said out loud "No. It couldn't be. It can't be..."

But it was. Only a short scroll down and there was the last message to me. A further scroll down showed the other messages to me. 

Now I knew what was meant by "accessible to others". The emails came from someone who was anonymous, but what they contained was available to anyone who scrolled down that page. With videos of me, a Dropbox, and my full name and email address all being so available, and where it's anyone's guess at how many other people might see it all, I assumed there must be a way to hide or remove those messages. 

But there appears not to be any method or means for removing anything. As I sat back and realized there was not a single thing I could do about it, I couldn't ignore the fact that by the time I found that page, that some people had probably already seen the emails to me.

Then I thought "Maybe they won't last long there. Maybe the moderation for the site will remove them". 

But not so far. Their policy seems to be that only threats of violence get removed.  The site appears to be content just to leave the messages in place where users or visitors to the site are able to see them. I can only assume the sender of the emails knew that or wanted that. 

I am curious about who sent and posted the messages, but then I think about how I probably don't have a right to know that. 

But since the emails can be seen by anyone on that site, there's no point in it being withheld from anyone else.

The list page or wall page can be found at: 

The three emails I received can be found at: (in the order they were received) 

For me there's not much to do except to wait and be seen with everyone being able to know my name and my email address. 

Some of the other emails I saw on the wall page seem to be from some not so nice or not so pleasant or polite people, so I don't know what I might expect once they click any of the links and end up seeing me naked. I'm a little, but not too concerned about that though. All I really expect to happen now is that more people will be seeing me naked, and will see me in some videos.

What I think about most is how, even if it was necessary, there really is nothing I can do about it, since rules for things like voyeurism and privacy rights do not apply to me. The sender must be aware of having the right to expose me as they wish. 

I suppose they do deserve some credit for their resourcefulness. 

They found and used a website that I'd never heard of before. 

They sent messages that I thought only I could see, but all along were visible to other people. 

They knew where to find things that showed me naked, and they basically made sure other people would see those things. 

They had to know that once the messages were sent to me, they would end up on a page where anyone could see them, and where I would have to leave them even if I found the page. 

So for now I'm just waiting as people using the site see me, and waiting to see if anything more than that results from it that would be known to me. 

I already realize that I will never know how many people will have seen me naked because of it all. There's always the contrast of how the ability to see me naked is so public, and how everyone who sees me naked can always see me anonymously and privately.


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Video for December 2023 available to Facebook friends and more.

 The video for December of 2023 that is now available for viewing by Facebook friends and by others happens to be one that would preferably have remained obscure and mostly unseen. But its absence from public view has not gone unnoticed by at least some people. Because it's a public video just as all of the others of me naked are public videos, when asked about its absence for viewing by Facebook friends, the answer would be that it is coming soon. 

Even when that was said, I knew that I did not want others to see the video, and especially not for it to be seen by people who know me. But if it was not available, then it meant that what was said was untrue, and also that a public video was being kept from or concealed from those with the right to see it.

The video can be seen at:

The posts on Facebook can be seen by Facebook members on the pages  


The video shows me completely naked and helplessly tied to a bed in a bent over position. My wrists are tied separately to the rail below the far side of the bed and my legs are tied in a spread apart position. My bare ass and my balls are clearly visible, and my asshole is at least partly visible. But the worst part is that the filter end of a lit cigarette is stuck in my asshole, which has already burned much of the way down as the video begins.

The title of the video is "David Steckel endures a hot-butt punishment" and I'm seen becoming more and more desperate as this "punishment" begins to occur. 

The preference for the video to not be seen publicly is not due to me being seen naked and exposed in it, since I will always be seen naked publicly anyway. I think it's due more to the fact that the video shows my asshole being "punished" and because I'm totally restrained, all I can do is wait there being watched as it starts to happen and during the whole time it's happening. In spite of what some of the text in the video says, it never left my mind entirely that people were going to be seeing everything. They would see me tied up and stuck bent over naked and with a lit cigarette stuck in my asshole. They would see me have to leave the lit cigarette there because there was no way for me to reach it or to remove it. They would see how my asshole held the cigarette there so that the ember would reach my asshole and then even stay in contact with my asshole for as long as it existed. 

Once the ember was very close to my asshole, they would see me start to squirm as it was felt. Once the ember reached my asshole, they would see me squirming, kicking my legs and feet, and fidgeting as much as my restraints would allow. They might even also be able to hear me whining and moaning as I endured what was going on in my asshole behind me. At the time I felt pretty sure that I had taken it rather stoically and that I had not really made any sounds. When I did see the video later, I found out that I could be heard whimpering even though I had not realized I had been doing it.

I had not wanted to put on any sort of show, and I tried not to show any reaction, but the point came when I just could not help it. I think even at the time my main thought over everything else was that it would be humiliating when everyone saw me like that. I knew that by the time the restraints were removed, the video might already be public somewhere on the internet. I knew that the point was for it to end up online in places where I had no way to remove it even if I tried, and in places and in front of people that I did not know about. 

For about a month afterwards I was told that the video had been posted on at least a dozen websites, but the two others who said they made the posts would not tell me what the sites were or how to fund them. I was basically told that it was so that a lot of other people would see the video before I even knew where it was posted or how much it was being viewed. 

Once one posting of the video was said to have reached five thousand views I was told how to find it. When I tried to find it though, I found out that to see it I would have to join the site and pay a large membership fee to be able to access the video there. It turned out to be a bondage and S and M website that specialized in a certain kind of video like the one I was shown in. At the time I could not afford the membership fee. I could see a listing for the video that included a title with my full name and a single screenshot image of me bent over a bed with my ass exposed, but clicking to try to play it or to see more about it brought up a box for joining the website and paying the fee. I had to give up on trying to get to the video there even though the huge number of members that the site had could all see the video of me whenever they wanted to. 

When I related this fact to the one who posted the video there, they said it was a shame that I couldn't see the stats and comments on the video, since it was receiving even more views that they had hoped for and some of the comments included things that seemed impossible to be done with an asshole, but were talked about being done to my asshole. I was told that a huge amount of cum was being shot out while I was being watched in the video.

Considering what some viewers might want to do with my asshole was enough to make my asshole tighten up a little bit involuntarily, but luckily my asshole had completely recovered from its ordeal by then. 

I knew that the best thing I could do is to try not to think about the video, about how many places online where I might be ending up, who might be seeing it, and what some viewers of it wanted to do with my asshole after seeing the video. For a while I mostly succeeded in that, until the one who posted the video on that website sent me a screenshot of the video page that site members had access to. The comments section was not dropped down, so no comments were visible, but the view count had risen to above 92,000 views. 

I could not believe that the video had so many views on one single website that wasn't even a free website. I told myself that some people probably just watched the video a lot of times, but I knew that even if that was true a whole lot of people still must be watching the video. 

After that the video was discussed or mentioned less and less, until it seemed forgotten about at least to me. I found myself preferring for the video to just slip through the cracks and fade away. I knew that it would stay posted wherever it was posted, since the video had been included when all photos and videos of me naked had become a part of the public domain. This meant I could never seek or ask for its removal from anywhere that it had been posted by anyone. I just planned to not increase or further its display online, or to draw more attention to it.

That worked at least as well as I had hoped it would until a video of me naked began being offered for viewing each month on the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist", and then shared on my own personal Facebook page so that friends and followers would see it.

It wasn't long at all before I started being contacted through anonymous emails asking when the "ass punishment" video would be shown to everyone on Facebook. I still don't know if it was all one person doing the asking or if it was more than one person, since the sources of the messages are often different. I would reply that it would be soon, while I tried to figure a way to avoid having the video end up where so many people who know me would see it and where anyone else would be free to watch it. 

I knew that besides for the humiliation it would cause me, that there was no reason I could ever come up with for why the video wasn't shown to everyone. Since my humiliation is never a factor, and is often even more of a reason for a posting rather than less of a reason, I knew the video had to be seen by everyone at some point. No matter what, I was going to be seen tied naked while my asshole was "punished", and that it would include being seen by people who knew me. 

So when I was recently contacted again about when the video would be shown to everyone on Facebook, I said that it would be by the end of the year. Since it's December at this time, there is no more time for delay left for me. 

So the video is currently available through a post on the Facebook Exhibitionist page, and that post has been shared on my personal Facebook page. The video will be watched for sure by Facebook members that include people who know me and friends, and by now that has already started to happen. 

Since I can't fool myself into believing that no one will bother to watch the video, I'm left to just reminding myself that the video does belong to everyone and that it's everyone's right to see it. 

A screenshot from the video:

The same screenshot image but with the cigarette circled:

 This is how friends, people who know me, and how many others will see me and are already seeing me. But I do know that I have to be seen this way, because a public video that legally and legitimately belongs to everyone cannot be hidden.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

"Signature Photos" in all sent emails

 It has been more than a year now that three specific photos of me were obligated to be included in every email sent or replied to from the email address

 The photos are part of a "signature" that is automatically added to each email message that is sent or that is replied to. All three photos of course show me completely naked.

When composing an email, the "signature", including the photos remains hidden, and it is easy to forget that they are included automatically and that they will be sent along with any composed message. (Except, for some reason, when the recipient has a Yahoo email address. Yahoo rejects emails that include photos as part of a signature.)

The obligation for the signature photos extends to each and every email sent from and there are to be no exceptions for any reason. 

Some who are aware of this or know this fact will periodically test it by sending an email where a reply of some kind in necessary or expected. Sometimes it's from a recognized email address and sometimes it's one that's totally unfamiliar to me. But I assume that the point is to make sure that the three signature photos are always included. Because of this fact, I know that removing the signature so that it's not automatically added is not an option. Very often I never know if an email I receive from an unfamiliar address is a test of some sort, or if it's just someone new contacting me.

More than once, with the last time being very recent, I composed an reply to an email and sent it while completely forgetting about the signature photos being included. In the most recent case, I only realized the photos had been sent to the recipient when they replied back again and I was able to see that the three photos had been part of my first reply to them. 

I'm often too focused on how I will reply to whatever the message said, and on composing the reply, and because I don't see the signature photos, I just don't think about them when I'm done composing the reply and then send it.

There is usually a moment of being stunned for me as I realize that the photos of me naked have been sent to someone who may never have seen me naked or even thought about or expected to see me naked. But once the photos are received there's no way they can fail to see me naked. They also then have their own personal copies of the three photos to do with as they please.

So far no one too close to me has received the three photos, but more than a few others have received them, as well as one business that I was sending a reply to on gmail. 

Since the photos were just recently sent to someone who really was just contacting me and not testing anything, and since they were sent without me realizing it until afterward, I'm sure I will be very aware for a while that the signature photos will be included in anything being sent. But as time passes I will most likely end up forgetting again.

I suppose it doesn't matter one way or another though, since the photos do have to be sent whether I'm aware of it at the time or not. Fortunately for me, not too many emails I receive call for a reply, and those closest to me tend not to send emails when they can call me or speak to me in person instead. I realize that could change at any time though. 

Anyone who might care to try it for themselves is welcome to send an email to me at

Replies cannot be sent to Yahoo email addresses, since Yahoo kicks back any email that has images in an email signature.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

See the latest slideshow video of me naked

 First, everyone is invited to view a recently added video of me naked. It includes a series of photos of me naked along with some text. In it, different parts of my naked body are focused on for viewing, finishing with random photos and a short video. 

It begins with a series of photos that focus mostly on viewing what's between my (spread) legs. Mainly on viewing my soft penis and my balls, but also viewing me naked overall.

It moves on to briefly focusing on viewing me naked while I am showering. Some text reminds viewers that this view of me is public.

It then asks viewers to look at photos of me with an erection or while masturbating naked. More text reminds viewers that this view of me is also public.

The next step asks viewers to "please" look at my bare ass, since it is part of my public exposure. A series of photos then focuses on me naked with my bare ass presented to view.

It then moves on to inviting viewers to look at me with my ass cheeks spread, and to view my asshole. I am then shown with my asshole on display.

Finally, viewers are reminded that I am only seen accurately when I am seen naked, and to view some random photos of me naked since I deserve to be seen in them publicly. The photos show me naked and in some quite humiliating ways, but as some text reminds viewers, the photos do exist, which means their purpose is to be seen. Also, the entertainment or the amusement of others is always primary compared to any humiliation for me.

Viewers are then thanked for watching the video and asked to share it if or when possible.

The purpose of the video is of course for everyone to view for their entertainment or amusement. Its secondary purpose for it to be available for those who know me to see, so that they will see some of the photos of me that they may not otherwise see or take the time to view. 

Links and other ways to access or view it are posted publicly on the Facebook page:

and on my personal Facebook page where friends and some relatives are very likely to view it.

The links will enable the video to be viewed here:

The title of the video is "David Steckel Revealed". My full name is included in some of  the text within the video, so that I will be identified by name to all who view it.

The video's file size is too large to include here, but all are welcome to use the link above to view it. Like all videos of me naked, it is Public Domain and free for any and all uses by everyone.

Here is a photo from each section or category that the video displays of me.

Note: It's unknown how many friends or relatives have seen the video, but it's now known for sure that several friends and family members have actually seen me online naked. So far they have only mentioned it vaguely in online comments or mentions while not mentioning it in person. It's also not known exactly what they've seen of me or how much they have seen. 

Since everyone has the right to see me naked while having their privacy fully respected, I can and will never ask where anyone saw me naked or exactly what they saw of me.  They have the right to view me as anonymously as they wish, to look at what they want to of me, to share it with whoever they desire, and to post or display me naked however they care to.

My role is always limited to being displayed naked and being seen naked in any way available. With each and every photo and video of me naked being legally Public Domain, I do not even have any right, legal or otherwise, to infringe on the rights of others to view or display me naked in any way.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

About all photos and videos of me naked legally being the property of everyone.


When every single photo and video of me naked was dedicated to the public domain, it was mainly just one more step taken for the purpose of limiting my tendency to try to keep my exposure concealed from some people while still allowing my exposure to be viewed by others.

Not much thought was really given to the full extent of of what a public domain dedication meant or what the full results might be. It was just one more thing to do at the time. Several times during the process of dedication it was stated that once the dedication occurred, that by law it could never be revoked or undone. That fact seemed trivial at the time, but is now a reality that cannot be ignored or trivialized.

The simple fact is that every single person has the full legal right to view, to copy and download, to post or display, and to share any or all photos and videos of me naked. The photos and videos are photos and videos of me, but they are not mine in any way anymore. I have to accept that not just as a statement, but also as being a real and true legal fact.

One thing that's also a fact, and one that was never considered beforehand, is that if I would ever try to limit anyone's ability to use or view any photos or videos of me naked, it could be considered to be a copyright infringement or an infringement on the rights of the user.

In other words, it is actually not legal for me or for anyone else to try to limit or restrict the free use of the photos and videos by anyone, for any reason.

 Definition: "The term “public domain” refers to creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws. The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist. Anyone can use a public domain work without obtaining permission, but no one can ever own it."

The legal answer to the question of "Can anyone ever be refused the right to full, free use of public domain materials?" is:

No. Public domain material is “free” as in “free speech,” not “free” as in “free beer” — because it is unprotected by intellectual property rights, it is free of centralized control as a legal matter, and you can use it without having to get permission.

So in effect and in reality, the public literally owns every photo and video of me naked, and what they choose to do with them is entirely for them to decide. I can still use them, not because they are mine, but only because I have the same usage rights for them as everyone else in the world does. I can never make any claims of ownership or of having additional rights for the photos and videos without it being an attempt at copyright fraud by me.

I have to accept the fact that everyone I know or who knows me, and everyone I will ever meet or have met are all co-owners the photos and videos of me naked. With all of them being co-owners of the photos and videos, and having full usage rights for them, all of them obviously have the full right to view the photos and videos of me naked.

I also have to accept the fact that it is not legal for me to try to prevent people who know me from viewing the photos and videos of me naked, or for me to try to limit their ability to view or have access to them. They all actually have the legal right to watch videos of me naked and masturbating, or to watch me performing naked in some way.

Some who know me have already viewed some of these things, and others surely will. Of course there is a good deal of humiliation for me as those who know me view or make use of the photos and videos of me naked, but my humiliation isn't a factor in their legal right to see and have access to everything of me naked.

Since it's unclear exactly what might be considered to be me infringing on or limiting anyone's right to have access to, view, or use the photos and videos of me naked, and since it does seem that everyone I know will either see them or have already seen them, I feel obligated to make it easier for those who know me to be able to access and view the photos and videos of me naked. It's not so much that I want to do this, but I feel that I have to do it to avoid and appearance that I'm trying to limit their right to see everything of me naked. 

 The best evidence that this is occurring can be found on my personal Facebook page at: Posts there and links in the intro will direct friends there to photos or videos of me naked.

Also, the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" exists to better enable those who know me and others to utilize their right to access, view and use the photos and videos of me naked. This is also to avoid any appearance that there might be any attempt to restrict the rights of any others.

Some others, or more accurately a significant number of others have stated that from the moment the photos and videos of me came into existence, that I deserved for them to be seen by the world and by everyone who knows me, and for me to be able to do nothing besides to watch it happen. This was stated even long before the current situation, and still continues to occur to some degree.

Ironically or not, this is exactly the case now, even if I once thought such a thing would never or could never occur. I have no basis for stating that I don't deserve things to be as they are, and I have to admit that it's more than likely something that I do deserve or have deserved all along. But deserved or not it's how it is and how it will always be.

Knowing this, besides for knowing everyone has or will see everything of me naked, is the waiting for even more people to see everything of me naked. Especially waiting for people who know me to see everything of me.

So making sure they can see it all, or even making sure they do see it all becomes more than just not appearing to violate their right to see it all. It also becomes just having the inevitable result occur sooner or as soon as it can occur.

For me there's no avoiding the fact that most people who know me either have seen or will see me naked, masturbating, and more, so there's no real point in resisting it or trying to delay it. Most of the time it just seems better and easier in the long run for them to see everything sooner than to wait until it occurs in due course.

It's "most of the time" because it can be difficult for me to overcome the urges and in some cases the desires for certain others not to see me completely naked, masturbating, or performing some other potentially humiliating action on video. I know everything showing me naked does belong to them, and I know they do have the legal right to see it all just as everyone else does, but there can be an anxious and helpless feeling when anything is submitted publicly and openly that will definitely be seen by them, and that will direct them to seeing me exposed naked in some way.

I know that cannot be avoided though. No one's legal right to see and to have everything of me naked can ever be infringed upon no matter how I might feel about it or how humiliating it might be for me. No one can be denied full and free access to something they legally co-own.

Logically I know that the only option is to just make sure they do see and have access to everything of me naked, so that it is done and over with and no longer an issue. It's even possible if not likely that those certain others have already seen everything of me and are just keeping that fact to themselves.

The fact that everyone in the entire world owns every photo and video of me naked is probably still sinking in for me, even as I continue to learn and to process the full implications of it. The fact that I have no right to suggest how they are used, to ask for them not to be used in some way or to be removed if used, or to limit who sees them in any way is now basically a fact that I have to repeatedly remind myself about.

Possibly, and hopefully over time I will only think of them as the public property that they are, and to be carefree about who sees them. I can only imagine such a time at the moment though.

I have to remember that no post can go without a link and a qr code for the Dropbox where all photos and videos of me can be viewed or obtained, since they are the legal property of everyone. 


 The best evidence that this is occurring can be found on my personal Facebook page at: Posts there and links in the intro will direct friends there to photos or videos of me naked.

Also, the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" exists to better enable those who know me and others to utilize their right to access, view and use the photos and videos of me naked. This is also to avoid any appearance that there might be any attempt to restrict the rights of any others.

Some others, or more accurately a significant number of others have stated that from the moment the photos and videos of me came into existence, that I deserved for them to be seen by the world and by everyone who knows me, and for me to be able to do nothing besides to watch it happen. This was stated even long before the current situation, and still continues to occur to some degree.

Ironically or not, this is exactly the case now, even if I once thought such a thing would never or could never occur. I have no basis for stating that I don't deserve things to be as they are, and I have to admit that it's more than likely something that I do deserve or have deserved all along. But deserved or not it's how it is and how it will always be.

Knowing this, besides for knowing everyone has or will see everything of me naked, is the waiting for even more people to see everything of me naked. Especially waiting for people who know me to see everything of me.

So making sure they can see it all, or even making sure they do see it all becomes more than just not appearing to violate their right to see it all. It also becomes just having the inevitable result occur sooner or as soon as it can occur.

For me there's no avoiding the fact that most people who know me either have seen or will see me naked, masturbating, and more, so there's no real point in resisting it or trying to delay it. Most of the time it just seems better and easier in the long run for them to see everything sooner than to wait until it occurs in due course.

It's "most of the time" because it can be difficult for me to overcome the urges and in some cases the desires for certain others not to see me completely naked, masturbating, or performing some other potentially humiliating action on video. I know everything showing me naked does belong to them, and I know they do have the legal right to see it all just as everyone else does, but there can be an anxious and helpless feeling when anything is submitted publicly and openly that will definitely be seen by them, and that will direct them to seeing me exposed naked in some way.

I know that cannot be avoided though. No one's legal right to see and to have everything of me naked can ever be infringed upon no matter how I might feel about it or how humiliating it might be for me. No one can be denied full and free access to something they legally co-own.

Logically I know that the only option is to just make sure they do see and have access to everything of me naked, so that it is done and over with and no longer an issue. It's even possible if not likely that those certain others have already seen everything of me and are just keeping that fact to themselves.

The fact that everyone in the entire world owns every photo and video of me naked is probably still sinking in for me, even as I continue to learn and to process the full implications of it. The fact that I have no right to suggest how they are used, to ask for them not to be used in some way or to be removed if used, or to limit who sees them in any way is now basically a fact that I have to repeatedly remind myself about.

Possibly, and hopefully over time I will only think of them as the public property that they are, and to be carefree about who sees them. I can only imagine such a time at the moment though.

I have to remember that no post can go without a link and a qr code for the Dropbox where all photos and videos of me can be viewed or obtained, since they are the legal property of everyone. 

Also, a link to the page that confirms the legal public domain copyright of all photos and videos of me (David Steckel) naked, and confirms their public ownership.



                                                         David Steckel looking down at what is public property              


                                                    David Steckel shown with more "public property" on display.


Sunday, August 6, 2023

All existing Photos and Videos of David Steckel naked are Public Domain under copyright dedication CC0.

If or when anyone views any photo or video that depicts me naked in any way, it should be understood that what even though the photos and videos depict me, they are in no way owned by me. In fact it’s accurate to state that there is no single specific owner of those photos and videos, but also that everyone everywhere owns them equally. 

That’s due to the fact that every single photo, video, and GIF depicting me naked has been licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0). All original rights related to those images and videos have been waived and forfeited to the fullest extent possible under copyright law. There were multiple reasons for this dedication to have occurred, with the primary reasons being to enable their free public use, and to ensure that I have no rights in relation to how they are utilized, shared, or displayed. This dedication is permanent and irreversible, and can never be legally revoked.

Under this dedication, all persons, groups, organizations, websites, and other entities have free and absolute usage rights for these images and videos without limits or restrictions of any kind, and without permissions or acknowledgements being necessary.

Photos and videos of me naked can be displayed in any possible manner, for any possible reason or purpose, in any possible location, even when I am identified by full name as part of the display. The photos and videos of me naked can be made available for further sharing or downloading, since they are in fact public property.

By law I cannot infringe on the rights of all others to utilize these photos and videos. I have no right to conceal them from anyone’s view, no right to attempt to limit anyone’s right to see them, to possess copies of them, or to share or display them in any way.

I willingly participated in the act of the photos and videos being taken and created with the knowledge that they would be seen by others, so they do exist for the specific purpose of being widely viewed. The Public Domain Dedication simple removes all limits on who can view them or how they are used. It also removes all possibility of their use or display being able to be considered as or labeled as “revenge porn”. Any such claim is nullified by the fact that every photo and video depicting me naked has a legal copyright of Public Domain.

People who know me personally may be surprised to see me completely naked in photos and videos, although some have already either seen some of them or are at least aware of their existence. But they have at least as much right to access and view photos and videos of me naked as anyone else does, if not even more right due to the simple fact that they do know me.

For a good period of time there was an attempt by me to limit, restrict, or even to prevent those who know me from discovering or viewing my online exposure even while it was freely available to others worldwide. This was obviously wrong and possibly even deceptive at times, and it can now only be corrected through my exposure being made readily available to view by anyone who knows me as well as to the rest of the world.

Any embarrassment or humiliation this might cause me is entirely irrelevant to the fact that everyone everywhere has an equal right to view me naked and to possess or freely use and depiction of me naked. The Public Domain Declaration for all photos and videos of me naked legally ensures that right to all others, regardless of who they are.

It’s true that not everyone would want to see me naked or have any curiosity about seeing me naked, but the right to see me naked must always be there for absolutely everyone.

So if you’re someone who knows me or knew me personally, I hope you will accept my apology for any attempt by me to keep or conceal my online exposure naked from you. Please take some time to view all that there is to see of me online naked.

And to absolutely everyone, please know that every photo and video of me naked in existence is legally and permanently yours to view, to share, to post or display, or to otherwise use in any way desired or possible.



Saturday, July 15, 2023

Duplicate Dropbox now available


It has been brought to my attention that the original Dropbox “David Steckel Naked” is unavailable at times.

After checking on why that might be, the reason provided was that the current link was leading to a lot of downloads in a day and was being blocked by Dropbox.

So a new link was created for the original Dropbox, which appears to remain functional.


But to better ensure that the contents of the Dropbox remain as available as possible for others to access or download for their own uses or interests, an exact duplicate Dropbox was also created.

It’s not clear what level of download activity leads to being labeled as suspicious, or why there is such a level in the first place. It can only be assumed that the level of downloading must have been significant in some way.

It’s possible that as more others become aware that everything contained in the Dropbox is actually licensed under a Public Domain Dedication (CC0) that can never be revoked, and that it’s free use is protected under copyright law, that this is being made use of to a greater extent.

I have seen no evidence of this yet aside from the reason offered by Dropbox. Even if I do see some evidence or some use by others of anything of me naked, I have no right or recourse to do or say anything about it by law. In a real way, it is actually not legal for me to attempt to limit or prevent the use or display of anything depicting me naked, regardless of how that use or display occurs. But I know not to infringe on anyone’s rights and not to even try to interfere with such uses or displays of me naked. It’s much easier and much better to accept it as it is, and to ensure that nothing I do obstructs anyone’s access to or use of anything of me naked.

So one additional means for others to see and obtain what they have the legal right to see or obtain is for them to be able to scan a code to do so.

QR code for original Dropbox:

QR code for duplicate Dropbox:

Both links are already available in the intro of my Facebook page at: in order for friends and those who know me to have access to them at all times. Posts will also be occasionally added there with either a link or a code or both, and also on the Facebook page “David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist” at:

Posts on both pages will also inform or remind to click on the “Watch Now” button on the Exposed Exhibitionist page, which will link to a specific video of me naked from the first day of each month to the last day when a different video will be linked to. This is to better ensure that Facebook friends, those who know me, and other visitors will view the video of me naked that is linked to the button at the current time, and to remind them to return each month to view the next video of me naked.

Since all videos of me naked are also Public Domain, others have the legal right to see them and to obtain them if desired.

The “Watch now” button can found on the upper part of the Exposed Exhibitionist page on Facebook, and will appear as: