It seems that I keep having to do this, but I've gotten myself into some trouble over asking a question about a comment in a previous post. I owe all viewers of my exposure and voters in the poll an apology for my actions.
I didn't see my question as interference in my online exposure naked, but it wasn't what I asked that was the issue. The fact that I asked anything at all is what ended up being the issue.
What I did was, when I saw a comment from my contract holder asking others to visit a Google photo album, find a comment there that offered the email address of a some friend of mine, and then share the link to the album with them, I asked which friend it was.
Since I'm blocked from viewing the album myself, I couldn't see which friend it might be. My curiosity and a little bit of anxiety over this possible humiliation got the better of me and I convinced myself that my asking would be harmless. When someone anonymously commented and called my comment into question, I began to think that my asking a question was a mistake.
I knew for sure that I'd been wrong to ask when the person who holds my exposure contract actually commented there as well. They more or less publicly reprimanded me for asking my question. Later, they send me an email that detailed how and why my question had been such an issue.
I was told in no uncertain terms that when anyone does or says anything about exposing me in any way, that it's not my place to question it at all. My exposure only concerns those who desire to see me exposed, those who choose to expose me, and those who view my exposure. My only part is to be the object of exposure and to be seen naked.
There is to be no difference between my exposure to random people online and my exposure naked to people who know me or who are friends. My own feelings or opinions about this are not relevant. The exposure contract does make a lot of this clear, and my recent punishment of being exposed to Facebook contacts through links has removed any rights I may have still retained for keeping my online exposure hidden and concealed from people who know me. I didn't factor those two things together when I asked my question.
Due to my question, I now know that this still unidentified friend must absolutely have my exposure shared with them. I know this means they have to see my naked and see that I am exposed online for anyone to see. I also know there is no way to prevent this anymore.
I was surprised when I found out that they aren't to be notified about my exposure by me until I found out why. One reason for this was so that I wont know when this friend first sees me exposed naked, which will allow them to view me naked without me being aware of it unless they choose to tell me about it after they've seen me. Another reason is so that this friend will know that I am unaware of them seeing me naked, which cannot happen if they are notified of my exposure by me. They can then be free to view me at their leisure and share my exposure with others all without any concerns that I know anything about it. For those reasons, only a random or anonymous person is asked to share my exposure with this friend of mine.
As my penalty for asking a question, and for showing that I still need to learn my place in my exposure, I am required to ask the assistance of others in sharing my exposure with this friend either until this friend informs me of having seen me naked, or until someone notifies me that they have shared the link to the Google photo album with this friend. This has to begin here and now.
Please visit this Google photo album at:
Please locate the comment with this friend's email address and just send them the link to the album. Please allow them to see what their friend has deceptively kept concealed from them until now. Thank you.
Visit the Google photo album to view the full email address.
Until the friend of David Steckel views him naked and exposed,
the friend's email address and their identity must remain concealed
from David Steckel. Please submit the Google photo album limk
to this friend of David Steckel's by email. Thank you.
I've also learned that the poll was been updated to be more accurate. I was told that the poll was unchangeable and not able to be altered or closed, but I know better than to question how it has now been updated. I just know that the voting results have made it clear that I will remain exposed to Facebook contacts permanently through links to my exposure being public in my intro there.
This seems to be a slower and random process for exposing me to people who know me, while having this friend seeing my exposure is more definite and instant once my exposure is shared with them. I do understand though that I cannot do anything about either one of those things.