
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

"Signature Photos" in all sent emails

 It has been more than a year now that three specific photos of me were obligated to be included in every email sent or replied to from the email address

 The photos are part of a "signature" that is automatically added to each email message that is sent or that is replied to. All three photos of course show me completely naked.

When composing an email, the "signature", including the photos remains hidden, and it is easy to forget that they are included automatically and that they will be sent along with any composed message. (Except, for some reason, when the recipient has a Yahoo email address. Yahoo rejects emails that include photos as part of a signature.)

The obligation for the signature photos extends to each and every email sent from and there are to be no exceptions for any reason. 

Some who are aware of this or know this fact will periodically test it by sending an email where a reply of some kind in necessary or expected. Sometimes it's from a recognized email address and sometimes it's one that's totally unfamiliar to me. But I assume that the point is to make sure that the three signature photos are always included. Because of this fact, I know that removing the signature so that it's not automatically added is not an option. Very often I never know if an email I receive from an unfamiliar address is a test of some sort, or if it's just someone new contacting me.

More than once, with the last time being very recent, I composed an reply to an email and sent it while completely forgetting about the signature photos being included. In the most recent case, I only realized the photos had been sent to the recipient when they replied back again and I was able to see that the three photos had been part of my first reply to them. 

I'm often too focused on how I will reply to whatever the message said, and on composing the reply, and because I don't see the signature photos, I just don't think about them when I'm done composing the reply and then send it.

There is usually a moment of being stunned for me as I realize that the photos of me naked have been sent to someone who may never have seen me naked or even thought about or expected to see me naked. But once the photos are received there's no way they can fail to see me naked. They also then have their own personal copies of the three photos to do with as they please.

So far no one too close to me has received the three photos, but more than a few others have received them, as well as one business that I was sending a reply to on gmail. 

Since the photos were just recently sent to someone who really was just contacting me and not testing anything, and since they were sent without me realizing it until afterward, I'm sure I will be very aware for a while that the signature photos will be included in anything being sent. But as time passes I will most likely end up forgetting again.

I suppose it doesn't matter one way or another though, since the photos do have to be sent whether I'm aware of it at the time or not. Fortunately for me, not too many emails I receive call for a reply, and those closest to me tend not to send emails when they can call me or speak to me in person instead. I realize that could change at any time though. 

Anyone who might care to try it for themselves is welcome to send an email to me at

Replies cannot be sent to Yahoo email addresses, since Yahoo kicks back any email that has images in an email signature.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

See the latest slideshow video of me naked

 First, everyone is invited to view a recently added video of me naked. It includes a series of photos of me naked along with some text. In it, different parts of my naked body are focused on for viewing, finishing with random photos and a short video. 

It begins with a series of photos that focus mostly on viewing what's between my (spread) legs. Mainly on viewing my soft penis and my balls, but also viewing me naked overall.

It moves on to briefly focusing on viewing me naked while I am showering. Some text reminds viewers that this view of me is public.

It then asks viewers to look at photos of me with an erection or while masturbating naked. More text reminds viewers that this view of me is also public.

The next step asks viewers to "please" look at my bare ass, since it is part of my public exposure. A series of photos then focuses on me naked with my bare ass presented to view.

It then moves on to inviting viewers to look at me with my ass cheeks spread, and to view my asshole. I am then shown with my asshole on display.

Finally, viewers are reminded that I am only seen accurately when I am seen naked, and to view some random photos of me naked since I deserve to be seen in them publicly. The photos show me naked and in some quite humiliating ways, but as some text reminds viewers, the photos do exist, which means their purpose is to be seen. Also, the entertainment or the amusement of others is always primary compared to any humiliation for me.

Viewers are then thanked for watching the video and asked to share it if or when possible.

The purpose of the video is of course for everyone to view for their entertainment or amusement. Its secondary purpose for it to be available for those who know me to see, so that they will see some of the photos of me that they may not otherwise see or take the time to view. 

Links and other ways to access or view it are posted publicly on the Facebook page:

and on my personal Facebook page where friends and some relatives are very likely to view it.

The links will enable the video to be viewed here:

The title of the video is "David Steckel Revealed". My full name is included in some of  the text within the video, so that I will be identified by name to all who view it.

The video's file size is too large to include here, but all are welcome to use the link above to view it. Like all videos of me naked, it is Public Domain and free for any and all uses by everyone.

Here is a photo from each section or category that the video displays of me.

Note: It's unknown how many friends or relatives have seen the video, but it's now known for sure that several friends and family members have actually seen me online naked. So far they have only mentioned it vaguely in online comments or mentions while not mentioning it in person. It's also not known exactly what they've seen of me or how much they have seen. 

Since everyone has the right to see me naked while having their privacy fully respected, I can and will never ask where anyone saw me naked or exactly what they saw of me.  They have the right to view me as anonymously as they wish, to look at what they want to of me, to share it with whoever they desire, and to post or display me naked however they care to.

My role is always limited to being displayed naked and being seen naked in any way available. With each and every photo and video of me naked being legally Public Domain, I do not even have any right, legal or otherwise, to infringe on the rights of others to view or display me naked in any way.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

About all photos and videos of me naked legally being the property of everyone.


When every single photo and video of me naked was dedicated to the public domain, it was mainly just one more step taken for the purpose of limiting my tendency to try to keep my exposure concealed from some people while still allowing my exposure to be viewed by others.

Not much thought was really given to the full extent of of what a public domain dedication meant or what the full results might be. It was just one more thing to do at the time. Several times during the process of dedication it was stated that once the dedication occurred, that by law it could never be revoked or undone. That fact seemed trivial at the time, but is now a reality that cannot be ignored or trivialized.

The simple fact is that every single person has the full legal right to view, to copy and download, to post or display, and to share any or all photos and videos of me naked. The photos and videos are photos and videos of me, but they are not mine in any way anymore. I have to accept that not just as a statement, but also as being a real and true legal fact.

One thing that's also a fact, and one that was never considered beforehand, is that if I would ever try to limit anyone's ability to use or view any photos or videos of me naked, it could be considered to be a copyright infringement or an infringement on the rights of the user.

In other words, it is actually not legal for me or for anyone else to try to limit or restrict the free use of the photos and videos by anyone, for any reason.

 Definition: "The term “public domain” refers to creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws. The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist. Anyone can use a public domain work without obtaining permission, but no one can ever own it."

The legal answer to the question of "Can anyone ever be refused the right to full, free use of public domain materials?" is:

No. Public domain material is “free” as in “free speech,” not “free” as in “free beer” — because it is unprotected by intellectual property rights, it is free of centralized control as a legal matter, and you can use it without having to get permission.

So in effect and in reality, the public literally owns every photo and video of me naked, and what they choose to do with them is entirely for them to decide. I can still use them, not because they are mine, but only because I have the same usage rights for them as everyone else in the world does. I can never make any claims of ownership or of having additional rights for the photos and videos without it being an attempt at copyright fraud by me.

I have to accept the fact that everyone I know or who knows me, and everyone I will ever meet or have met are all co-owners the photos and videos of me naked. With all of them being co-owners of the photos and videos, and having full usage rights for them, all of them obviously have the full right to view the photos and videos of me naked.

I also have to accept the fact that it is not legal for me to try to prevent people who know me from viewing the photos and videos of me naked, or for me to try to limit their ability to view or have access to them. They all actually have the legal right to watch videos of me naked and masturbating, or to watch me performing naked in some way.

Some who know me have already viewed some of these things, and others surely will. Of course there is a good deal of humiliation for me as those who know me view or make use of the photos and videos of me naked, but my humiliation isn't a factor in their legal right to see and have access to everything of me naked.

Since it's unclear exactly what might be considered to be me infringing on or limiting anyone's right to have access to, view, or use the photos and videos of me naked, and since it does seem that everyone I know will either see them or have already seen them, I feel obligated to make it easier for those who know me to be able to access and view the photos and videos of me naked. It's not so much that I want to do this, but I feel that I have to do it to avoid and appearance that I'm trying to limit their right to see everything of me naked. 

 The best evidence that this is occurring can be found on my personal Facebook page at: Posts there and links in the intro will direct friends there to photos or videos of me naked.

Also, the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" exists to better enable those who know me and others to utilize their right to access, view and use the photos and videos of me naked. This is also to avoid any appearance that there might be any attempt to restrict the rights of any others.

Some others, or more accurately a significant number of others have stated that from the moment the photos and videos of me came into existence, that I deserved for them to be seen by the world and by everyone who knows me, and for me to be able to do nothing besides to watch it happen. This was stated even long before the current situation, and still continues to occur to some degree.

Ironically or not, this is exactly the case now, even if I once thought such a thing would never or could never occur. I have no basis for stating that I don't deserve things to be as they are, and I have to admit that it's more than likely something that I do deserve or have deserved all along. But deserved or not it's how it is and how it will always be.

Knowing this, besides for knowing everyone has or will see everything of me naked, is the waiting for even more people to see everything of me naked. Especially waiting for people who know me to see everything of me.

So making sure they can see it all, or even making sure they do see it all becomes more than just not appearing to violate their right to see it all. It also becomes just having the inevitable result occur sooner or as soon as it can occur.

For me there's no avoiding the fact that most people who know me either have seen or will see me naked, masturbating, and more, so there's no real point in resisting it or trying to delay it. Most of the time it just seems better and easier in the long run for them to see everything sooner than to wait until it occurs in due course.

It's "most of the time" because it can be difficult for me to overcome the urges and in some cases the desires for certain others not to see me completely naked, masturbating, or performing some other potentially humiliating action on video. I know everything showing me naked does belong to them, and I know they do have the legal right to see it all just as everyone else does, but there can be an anxious and helpless feeling when anything is submitted publicly and openly that will definitely be seen by them, and that will direct them to seeing me exposed naked in some way.

I know that cannot be avoided though. No one's legal right to see and to have everything of me naked can ever be infringed upon no matter how I might feel about it or how humiliating it might be for me. No one can be denied full and free access to something they legally co-own.

Logically I know that the only option is to just make sure they do see and have access to everything of me naked, so that it is done and over with and no longer an issue. It's even possible if not likely that those certain others have already seen everything of me and are just keeping that fact to themselves.

The fact that everyone in the entire world owns every photo and video of me naked is probably still sinking in for me, even as I continue to learn and to process the full implications of it. The fact that I have no right to suggest how they are used, to ask for them not to be used in some way or to be removed if used, or to limit who sees them in any way is now basically a fact that I have to repeatedly remind myself about.

Possibly, and hopefully over time I will only think of them as the public property that they are, and to be carefree about who sees them. I can only imagine such a time at the moment though.

I have to remember that no post can go without a link and a qr code for the Dropbox where all photos and videos of me can be viewed or obtained, since they are the legal property of everyone. 


 The best evidence that this is occurring can be found on my personal Facebook page at: Posts there and links in the intro will direct friends there to photos or videos of me naked.

Also, the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" exists to better enable those who know me and others to utilize their right to access, view and use the photos and videos of me naked. This is also to avoid any appearance that there might be any attempt to restrict the rights of any others.

Some others, or more accurately a significant number of others have stated that from the moment the photos and videos of me came into existence, that I deserved for them to be seen by the world and by everyone who knows me, and for me to be able to do nothing besides to watch it happen. This was stated even long before the current situation, and still continues to occur to some degree.

Ironically or not, this is exactly the case now, even if I once thought such a thing would never or could never occur. I have no basis for stating that I don't deserve things to be as they are, and I have to admit that it's more than likely something that I do deserve or have deserved all along. But deserved or not it's how it is and how it will always be.

Knowing this, besides for knowing everyone has or will see everything of me naked, is the waiting for even more people to see everything of me naked. Especially waiting for people who know me to see everything of me.

So making sure they can see it all, or even making sure they do see it all becomes more than just not appearing to violate their right to see it all. It also becomes just having the inevitable result occur sooner or as soon as it can occur.

For me there's no avoiding the fact that most people who know me either have seen or will see me naked, masturbating, and more, so there's no real point in resisting it or trying to delay it. Most of the time it just seems better and easier in the long run for them to see everything sooner than to wait until it occurs in due course.

It's "most of the time" because it can be difficult for me to overcome the urges and in some cases the desires for certain others not to see me completely naked, masturbating, or performing some other potentially humiliating action on video. I know everything showing me naked does belong to them, and I know they do have the legal right to see it all just as everyone else does, but there can be an anxious and helpless feeling when anything is submitted publicly and openly that will definitely be seen by them, and that will direct them to seeing me exposed naked in some way.

I know that cannot be avoided though. No one's legal right to see and to have everything of me naked can ever be infringed upon no matter how I might feel about it or how humiliating it might be for me. No one can be denied full and free access to something they legally co-own.

Logically I know that the only option is to just make sure they do see and have access to everything of me naked, so that it is done and over with and no longer an issue. It's even possible if not likely that those certain others have already seen everything of me and are just keeping that fact to themselves.

The fact that everyone in the entire world owns every photo and video of me naked is probably still sinking in for me, even as I continue to learn and to process the full implications of it. The fact that I have no right to suggest how they are used, to ask for them not to be used in some way or to be removed if used, or to limit who sees them in any way is now basically a fact that I have to repeatedly remind myself about.

Possibly, and hopefully over time I will only think of them as the public property that they are, and to be carefree about who sees them. I can only imagine such a time at the moment though.

I have to remember that no post can go without a link and a qr code for the Dropbox where all photos and videos of me can be viewed or obtained, since they are the legal property of everyone. 

Also, a link to the page that confirms the legal public domain copyright of all photos and videos of me (David Steckel) naked, and confirms their public ownership.



                                                         David Steckel looking down at what is public property              


                                                    David Steckel shown with more "public property" on display.


Sunday, August 6, 2023

All existing Photos and Videos of David Steckel naked are Public Domain under copyright dedication CC0.

If or when anyone views any photo or video that depicts me naked in any way, it should be understood that what even though the photos and videos depict me, they are in no way owned by me. In fact it’s accurate to state that there is no single specific owner of those photos and videos, but also that everyone everywhere owns them equally. 

That’s due to the fact that every single photo, video, and GIF depicting me naked has been licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0). All original rights related to those images and videos have been waived and forfeited to the fullest extent possible under copyright law. There were multiple reasons for this dedication to have occurred, with the primary reasons being to enable their free public use, and to ensure that I have no rights in relation to how they are utilized, shared, or displayed. This dedication is permanent and irreversible, and can never be legally revoked.

Under this dedication, all persons, groups, organizations, websites, and other entities have free and absolute usage rights for these images and videos without limits or restrictions of any kind, and without permissions or acknowledgements being necessary.

Photos and videos of me naked can be displayed in any possible manner, for any possible reason or purpose, in any possible location, even when I am identified by full name as part of the display. The photos and videos of me naked can be made available for further sharing or downloading, since they are in fact public property.

By law I cannot infringe on the rights of all others to utilize these photos and videos. I have no right to conceal them from anyone’s view, no right to attempt to limit anyone’s right to see them, to possess copies of them, or to share or display them in any way.

I willingly participated in the act of the photos and videos being taken and created with the knowledge that they would be seen by others, so they do exist for the specific purpose of being widely viewed. The Public Domain Dedication simple removes all limits on who can view them or how they are used. It also removes all possibility of their use or display being able to be considered as or labeled as “revenge porn”. Any such claim is nullified by the fact that every photo and video depicting me naked has a legal copyright of Public Domain.

People who know me personally may be surprised to see me completely naked in photos and videos, although some have already either seen some of them or are at least aware of their existence. But they have at least as much right to access and view photos and videos of me naked as anyone else does, if not even more right due to the simple fact that they do know me.

For a good period of time there was an attempt by me to limit, restrict, or even to prevent those who know me from discovering or viewing my online exposure even while it was freely available to others worldwide. This was obviously wrong and possibly even deceptive at times, and it can now only be corrected through my exposure being made readily available to view by anyone who knows me as well as to the rest of the world.

Any embarrassment or humiliation this might cause me is entirely irrelevant to the fact that everyone everywhere has an equal right to view me naked and to possess or freely use and depiction of me naked. The Public Domain Declaration for all photos and videos of me naked legally ensures that right to all others, regardless of who they are.

It’s true that not everyone would want to see me naked or have any curiosity about seeing me naked, but the right to see me naked must always be there for absolutely everyone.

So if you’re someone who knows me or knew me personally, I hope you will accept my apology for any attempt by me to keep or conceal my online exposure naked from you. Please take some time to view all that there is to see of me online naked.

And to absolutely everyone, please know that every photo and video of me naked in existence is legally and permanently yours to view, to share, to post or display, or to otherwise use in any way desired or possible.



Saturday, July 15, 2023

Duplicate Dropbox now available


It has been brought to my attention that the original Dropbox “David Steckel Naked” is unavailable at times.

After checking on why that might be, the reason provided was that the current link was leading to a lot of downloads in a day and was being blocked by Dropbox.

So a new link was created for the original Dropbox, which appears to remain functional.


But to better ensure that the contents of the Dropbox remain as available as possible for others to access or download for their own uses or interests, an exact duplicate Dropbox was also created.

It’s not clear what level of download activity leads to being labeled as suspicious, or why there is such a level in the first place. It can only be assumed that the level of downloading must have been significant in some way.

It’s possible that as more others become aware that everything contained in the Dropbox is actually licensed under a Public Domain Dedication (CC0) that can never be revoked, and that it’s free use is protected under copyright law, that this is being made use of to a greater extent.

I have seen no evidence of this yet aside from the reason offered by Dropbox. Even if I do see some evidence or some use by others of anything of me naked, I have no right or recourse to do or say anything about it by law. In a real way, it is actually not legal for me to attempt to limit or prevent the use or display of anything depicting me naked, regardless of how that use or display occurs. But I know not to infringe on anyone’s rights and not to even try to interfere with such uses or displays of me naked. It’s much easier and much better to accept it as it is, and to ensure that nothing I do obstructs anyone’s access to or use of anything of me naked.

So one additional means for others to see and obtain what they have the legal right to see or obtain is for them to be able to scan a code to do so.

QR code for original Dropbox:

QR code for duplicate Dropbox:

Both links are already available in the intro of my Facebook page at: in order for friends and those who know me to have access to them at all times. Posts will also be occasionally added there with either a link or a code or both, and also on the Facebook page “David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist” at:

Posts on both pages will also inform or remind to click on the “Watch Now” button on the Exposed Exhibitionist page, which will link to a specific video of me naked from the first day of each month to the last day when a different video will be linked to. This is to better ensure that Facebook friends, those who know me, and other visitors will view the video of me naked that is linked to the button at the current time, and to remind them to return each month to view the next video of me naked.

Since all videos of me naked are also Public Domain, others have the legal right to see them and to obtain them if desired.

The “Watch now” button can found on the upper part of the Exposed Exhibitionist page on Facebook, and will appear as:

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Am I sufficiently exposed to those around me?

 One of the things that most who contact me are curious about relates to whether people around me and who know me personally have viewed my online naked exposure, and if so, how did they react or respond?

In the earlier days of my online exposure, some care was taken to limit the chances that anyone who knew me would come across or view me naked on the internet. When asked by anyone whether those around me had seen my exposure, the response was generally no or at least probably not. Quite a few others who asked and were told this were noticeably disappointed and even displeased by this fact. In a few cases, I was even given what would best be called a reprimand for being so openly exposed to countless people online, while practicing an ongoing "deception" on those who knew me. 

In effect I was told several times by different people that an exhibitionist cannot pick and choose an audience, and that my online exposure needed to be equally available to both known and unknown people alike. Still others stated that my exposure needed be presented to an even greater extent to those around me than it was to strangers, since those who knew me had the right to see the full and true depiction of me. The word "deception" was not always used, but the definition and the description was basically the same.

An effort was made to ensure that my real full name was always somehow included with any online exposure of me. This would clearly make it easier for those who knew me to discover and view my exposure online. Although some others did see this as a positive step, it was still deemed by some to be not enough.

Of course I knew all of the was true and correct, but just to be sure, a poll was created asking whether my exposure did need to be readily available for those who know me to see. The end result of that poll was more than clear. A majority of more than 17 to 1 stated that those who knew me did need to be able to easily find and view the online photos and videos of me naked. 

At that point I did resign myself to the fact that my online exposure did have to be easily available, if not even presented to those who knew me personally. It seemed pretty sure that some who knew me had already found and viewed my exposure, but that "some" would now become "many". 

The first step towards this was for a page on Facebook to be created that would inform others who knew me, as well as others, about my online exposure, and as much as permitted there, to potentially direct people who know me towards finding and seeing it.

The page is titled "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist" and the link to it is:

Just to help ensure that people who know me will find and view the page, a link to it is on my personal Facebook page, and occasionally a post there will include the link. 

Also, most Facebook friends have been invited directly to the Exposure page using an invite option on that page. Not many have responded to the invite, but some clearly did since they gave the page a "like". It's fair to assume that many more visited the page and viewed what's there but without interacting with it in any way that's visible. 


Edit: This Facebook page prominently displays a blue "Watch Now" button that always links to a video of me naked where I will be seen performing some act. A specific video will be linked to the button for approximately 30 days in order for enough time to be provided for others to view the video. On or around the 1st day of each month, a different video of me naked will be "featured" through the button. This cycle will repeat for as long as the page exists.

Posts will occasionally be made on the page itself, as well as on my personal Facebook page that inform others of the button and direct them towards finding and clicking the button, where they can then watch the current video. All Facebook friends who have notifications enabled will be notified automatically about each post, and the posts will be visible to any and all other viewers of either Facebook page.

The "Watch Now" button appears as:

On other sites, such as when a friend or known person is found there, they will be followed by me so that they will become aware of my profile page there. My profile information there contains information that will allow them to find and view my online exposure. 

On Twitter, the same process is followed. If or when any known person is found to be on Twitter, they will be "followed" so that my own page there can be found and viewed. On Twitter my exposure can be seen directly on the page, as well as containing links to sites further exposing me naked, including videos that are too large for posting on Twitter.

And finally, a page exists that contains links to most basic sites where I am exposed naked. 

A link to this page is "pinned" as the top post on both the Exposure Facebook page and my personal Facebook page, among other places. 

It should be fairly easy now for those who know me to find and view photos and videos of me naked online, and for additional people who know me to continue to find and view my exposure. 

Of course if anyone has an ideas or suggestions for how my exposure might be made easier for those who know me personally to find and view my exposure online, their input could be useful. Any input could be sent by email to or to DaveS113065@gmail. com.

If remaining anonymous is preferred, an anonymous message can be left at: 

Also, although I do not contact those who know me personally for the purpose of notifying them about my exposure, or send anything exposing me directly to them, anyone with the desire and the ability to personally notify anyone who knows me of my online exposure, or to share it with them has the absolute right to do so, without exception. 

Most sites mentioned above also contain a link to a Dropbox that contains nearly every photo and video of me naked, as is most likely the easiest and most efficient means to view my naked exposure 

It's realistic that not everyone who knows me personally would have an interest to see me naked online or have a desire to see me naked, but it does seem that they have every right to be aware of my exposure and to view it to whatever extent they might want to. 

Regardless of whether I might not want to be seen naked by any specific person who knows me, there really isn't any way to justify being seen naked by thousands of others while not also being seen naked by people who know me. To be truly exposed publicly and in the public domain, it does seem to require also being seen naked by everyone around me and to people who know me in any way.


Thursday, May 18, 2023

Recent Increase in online views of my Exposure

 While other things have been developing and occurring, it's always easy not to think much about how and where I am regularly exposed at all times and on a daily basis. Much thought is also not given to previous or older blog posts.

For a reason unknown to me, this blog has been receiving a large number of daily views recently. The view count does tend to fluctuate up and down over time, but increases in views tend to last for a short time, then drop again. But lately the daily view count is averaging 200 and more per day. 

All that's knowable is the daily view count, the previous days view count, and view counts for specific posts in selected periods such as the last seven days, 30 days, 60 days and all time. Nothing at all about viewers themselves can ever be known. The weekly view count is now commonly well above a thousand. 

The view count is also subdivided into which posts received which number of views, and one older post in particular is receiving a vast number of the views. I don't know why this post has suddenly become very popular, since it only shows a single video of me from nine and a half years ago. The post is:

and the video it shows is:


A few other older posts are receiving a lot of views, and I know it's really none of my business what is being seen of me. It's just unexpected. 

The newer blog page at: has a different way of offering statistics, but appears to get anywhere from 5 to 40+ views per day. Being so new it may not be established yet, and to get any other link than the one above, and upgrade to a paid plan is necessary. 

One other site that has a noticeable increase in views recently is the Facebook page:

It's still unclear how the notifications for statistics work there. It seems that a notification is only sent when the page is viewed for the very first time by someone, but not if they return to view it additional times. After the page was first established, notifications for new views came often. Then it was only occasionally. Now it's daily and has been that way for a while. A screenshot of recent notifications:

It may have nothing to do with it, but a Facebook friend from back in high school who was invited to view the page many months ago recently visited the page, and within a day of her visit, the notifications for new views began to come regularly. It may be a coincidence, but it's at least possible that after seeing the page, she began to "spread the word" of the page and of my exposure to friends and others previous classmates. Of course if that is the case, she has every right to do as she pleases, but it's still more likely that it's all a coincidence. 

Just as with the increased blog views, it's just that it's unexpected. It does seem highly likely though, that some of the additional viewers in both cases are people who know me or at least knew me at one time or another. I've never come across or seen anyone I know or knew naked or fully exposed on the internet, so I can't speak from experience on that. But if I ever did I think I might be curious or even interested to see as much of them as there was to see. For many who know me, I happen to be the person they know or knew who they have seen, are seeing, or will see naked and fully exposed on the internet. 

In most or many cases this will be or become the defining aspect about me and what will be thought of and remembered most about me by them. Hearing or seeing my name or thinking of me will likely bring to their mind whichever picture or video of me naked that they saw and remember the most or the one they most recently saw of me.

There is no reversing that or avoiding it, so I will always be defined by my exposure and I have to be willing to accept that fact. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Only remaining aroused from now on: Masturbation and Climaxing prohibited permanently

 I had hoped it would not come to this, or at least for it to be delayed as long as possible, but it seems that my prohibition on masturbating, climaxing, and cumming are to be permanent. 

One last flurry of posts online mentioning that possibility has apparently led to a massive influx of decisions being made within a short time. Not only has the decision for the prohibition been upheld, but it has been massively reinforced to the point where there can no longer be any doubts about it or any hope for a different result. 

My first thought was that some sort of hack may have occurred, but there is nothing to point towards such a thing. The results seem to stand on their own. 

Due to the majority decision since January 1st of 2023, the prohibition has been in effect already for nearly 140 days, so I've gotten to know something about what it is like to remain aroused and horny for so much of the time without any outlet or relief from it. 

There is commonly a feeling of sexual frustration, and it often feels as if my dick is in control of me for much of the time. When it ants to get hard, it gets hard, and when it wants to be stimulated, it gets stimulated with almost no regard for how it might or does humiliate me. So a permanent prohibition on masturbating and climaxing feels to me as if I am surrendering to my dick and that it will now always be in control of things, leaving me subject to its whims and urges. 

The prohibition means that I can never masturbate to the point of ejaculating. I can edge but never climax. Even though edging leads to pure frustration when it must be stopped short of anything more, I often cannot help doing it. Sometimes I only realize I'm doing it once it's already been engaged in. 

The prohibition also means that I have to do everything possible to ensure that I do not ever climax or ejaculate, and ensure that I remain in a state or arousal and of being horny at all possible times. It's required as part of me getting what has been decided that I deserve.

Just as I have so far, I will undoubtedly need to keep reminding myself often "This is what I deserve and what is required." That always reminds me of the reason for enduring or accepting whatever it is that I have to endure or accept at that moment. 

Even though I cannot climax or ejaculate intentionally, or to allow it to occur knowingly, there is still the possibility of it occurring if it is directly caused by someone other than me.

If it occurs by the hand of someone else or through their actions, it's unintentional on my part and only an unavoidable reaction by me. When anyone is present in person with me, I already can never refuse to present my naked body to them upon request or demand, which includes my dick. Once presented, what they do to or with my naked body or my dick is always entirely their decision aside from anything that causes physical damage or moderate to severe injury. They would be free to cause me to climax, although it's unlikely to take much time or effort due to it not occurring at any other time or in any other way. 

But inevitably, the poll will be closed and I have to accept the decision made and state the following:

I, David Steckel hereby accept the decision of others that I am to be permanently prohibited from masturbating to the point of climaxing or ejaculating. I swear to obey this prohibition at all times, and to ensure that all possible steps are taken by me to ensure that I do not ever climax or ejaculate willingly or knowingly unless it is initiated by or caused by the hand or actions of someone other than myself. I accept remaining in a state or arousal without the possibility of relief from it. I understand that if I am ever found to be in violation of this requirement, that I will be subject to any and all penalties deemed proper by others.  

The document image above contains my legal online signature as evidence that I understand this obligation and do not take it lightly or less than seriously. 

The final steps are for all included information, images, and documents to be released publicly in order for the prohibition to be widely know about and understood. It's not something I look forward to, and it's more than a little humiliating for me, but I can understand why it is necessary. I understand that the more other people know about the prohibition, the less opportunities there will be for me to violate the requirement and get away with it.

But I have obeyed the requirement completely for almost 140 days so far and will now always have to continue to do the same. I know I cannot do something that was decided that I don't deserve to do, and now I now for sure that so many others cannot possibly be wrong about what I deserve. Now when I feel sexual frustration from being so aroused, I know I must deserve to feel it. 

If I'm humping the bed from arousal and seen by neighbors while obeying the requirement to sleep exposed naked each night, then I know I must deserve to be seen that way. It all always comes down to accepting and obeying what I deserve, enduring it, and living with it and its results.