
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Exposure status update and questionnaire update

 The current status of my internet exposure is of course, ongoing. A video exposing me naked continues to be made available on the first day of each month through the "Watch Now" button button on the Facebook page David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist 

At the same time a post is made on my personal Facebook page that contains a link to the same video and scan-able qr code that links to the video. The post for the November video has recently been added.

The video that the "Watch Now" button shows does change each month, but the posts on my personal page with the video links remain and are not removed or replaced. Anyone viewing the page can see post with links to previous months videos. The posts also show up for anyone searching my name (or for others with the same name) using the search option on Facebook. Immediately after posting, the posts are added to the Facebook feed of all friends on Facebook, and continue to show up there for a few more days. Any friends who hasn't turned off notifications also receives one whenever a post is added to my timeline there. I don't have the luxury of knowing how many visitors or which or how many friends are watching the videos, but the videos are sure to be watched to some degree.

The questionnaire What level of Exposure (naked) does David Steckel deserve? continues to be open for responses, but the results so far seem pretty clear. More about that in the post

 One of the most noteworthy aspects of the questionnaire is that 100% of the responses have decided that anyone can approach me in person, demand that I remove all of my clothing, and then keep the clothing as a gift. It wouldn't have surprised me too much if that decision was still in the majority, but every respondent has decided the same thing. It seems clear that I really must deserve it and that I must deserve it even more than I might have expected. There can't be any disputing it when so many others all agree on it. It's for sure that if or when I get what I must deserve in this case, it's likely to be extremely humiliating for me.

 One thing that didn't seem as noteworthy is the decision that I can never have any say about any posts of me naked made by others, and being forbidden from ever asking for the removal of those posts. The decisions in the questionnaire are final and absolute though, so any post made of me naked by anyone is beyond my control and is not questionable by me.

Additionally, a fifth question is now included in the questionnaire. This question asks whether I have to sleep naked, with lights on and blinds open, enabling neighbors and anyone nearby outside to observe me naked as I sleep at night.

I do already sleep naked, and on occasion the blinds or drapes have not been fully closed, but so far it has not been mandatory for it to be that way, and not something that was done regularly. If the results of the responses to this question in the questionnaire do end up dictating for this to occur regularly, it's inevitable that many within the line of sight of my window will end up seeing me asleep completely naked. When asleep, I would not even be aware of being looked at or know which neighbors have seen me. I also wouldn't know how many random others in the area might see me.

After this newest question was included, I did try spending one night exposed in such a way, and at first it took quite a while to relax and stop paying attention to who might be outside and able to see me. At some point I did fall asleep though, so it wasn't possible to know who may have seen me. 

I did notice that a few cars parked within view of my window left very early in the morning while it was still completely dark outside, although I don't know the exact time they left, if anyone looked in at me, or how long they looked if they did see me.

This newest question has only received one response so far, and the decision does say that I have to sleep naked like that every night. So what was a one-night test for me is already now mandatory unless or until other decisions override it. If not then that single decision is enough to make it required for me to sleep naked every night and be exposed to anyone outside for the entire night. 

It will take some getting used to sleeping naked with lights on and with the window uncovered, but if other decisions do override the current decision, it may not be permanent and I may not have to get used to sleeping while exposed all night. The location of my bed provides a full side view of me to anyone outside and there's really no other place for the bed to be located in the room. If the decision turns out not to be permanent, I hope it changes sooner rather than later, since otherwise people out there might begin to know and expect me to sleep that way and mention it or point it out to others who might also look in at me. I also wouldn't have to adjust and get used to sleeping each night while remaining exposed naked to anyone outside.

Below is a daytime image of the view across my bed and out the window. Note the parked vehicles there that leave sometime in the early morning while it's still dark. Those in the nearest building can also observe me and tend to stand near the front corner to smoke cigarettes often.


The question also includes the decision about whether I must masturbate at least once while in bed naked each night. With lights on in the room it is very difficult to know if anyone is watching or looking at me from outside, so if I do end up required to masturbate, I will only be able to hope that no one is looking at the moment or notices what I was doing. 

Of course if it ends up as a requirement every night, I would be bound to be seen doing it at some point. Getting used to that may not be too easy either, and wondering if I'm being watched might make it take a lot longer to finish, which ironically would only make it more likely that I would be seen doing it.

Results in the questionnaire so far state that the current requirements for me are:

1) My exposure online must be available that present it directly to others, including to those who know me personally.

2) When I am encountered in person, if requested or demanded to strip naked I must do so, and I must "gift" my clothing to those present, leaving me naked.

3) I have no say about any post of me naked made on the internet by anyone, and cannot ask for any post of me naked to be edited or removed.

4) My device (PC) must be accessible through a remote app by anyone who wishes to access it, and the access information must be available for others to use.

5) In direct view from outside while in bed I must sleep naked every night without covers, with blinds open and with a light on, enabling neighbors and others outside to view me naked all night. I must also masturbate in bed naked at least once each night in view of anyone outside. 

These decided requirements exist unless or until future decisions outweigh them. Most requirements are only being reinforced to a greater extent with each additional decision and are likely to be permanent.




Monday, October 31, 2022

Update: The level of Exposure of David Steckel (Questionnaire)


The questionnaire for deciding the level of exposure I deserve is still ongoing and is receiving a small number of responses. The responses are quite decisive though. The questionnaire has been embedded below, but if it fails to fully load, it can be found here: 

A fourth question has been included to decide how much access others should have to my PC using a remote app such as Teamviewer or Anydesk. The question was originally separate, but has now been merged with the original questionnaire. 

The results so far a quite decisive and it's clear what responders are deciding what I deserve. 

For the first question for how available my exposure online should be, all but two responses has decided that my exposure must be available in ways that directly present it to others, including to people who know me personally. This means that my exposure must be presented as readily as possible to as many others as possible, and to people who know me in even more direct ways. These ways will have to be sought out and made use of, possibly with the assistance of others when the opportunity arises. 

For the second question for what must occur when I am encountered in person and requested or demanded to remove all of the clothes I am wearing, the responses are so far unanimous. All respondents have decided that I must remove all of my clothes (likely in the nearest place where a momentary or minor amount of privacy is possible), then permanently "gift" or give away all of the clothing to whoever is present and be left completely naked wherever this occurs. If or when this occurs, it will no doubt be extremely humiliating for me and will almost certainly lead to me being seen naked by others nearby or along any route I will then have to follow naked. Obviously it's not about what I think, want, or hope for though. It's only about what I deserve and respondents have left no doubt so far that I do deserve to be left without a single article of clothing to cover my naked body with. The number of responses leave no question about it and are beyond all dispute. If or when I end up in such a position, I will just have to try to play it by ear and make my way naked to wherever I can again obtain clothing or privacy. 

I can hope for the "gift" to be refused or returned, but I can't expect or count on it, since the clothing would no longer belong to me, and would be the property of whoever it was gifted to.

For the third question for posts exposing me made by others, all but one response have decided that I have no say at all about who posts me naked, where they post me or why, regardless of who will see it. This kind of goes hand in hand with the question of how my exposure must be presented to others online, so the results are not too surprising. The decisions also say that I am forbidden from even asking or requesting for any post to be limited or removed once it is posted. This just ensures that my exposure is always entirely in the hands of others and that I can only accept any exposure made by anyone else for any reason on any website or online location.

The fourth question that was recently merged into the questionnaire had also received unanimous responses, although it has taken some time to receive the small number or results. It pertains to how accessible my PC must be to access by others using a remote access app such as Teamviewer or Anydesk. The results state that my PC must be free to be accessed by anyone who desires to access it in order for them to view photos, videos, book marks, and websites used, but without making changes to the settings for the PC. As long as the PC itself is not affected or altered, I must accept that my PC is an open book for anyone who wishes to access it. I suppose this is just another way of being exposed and lacking privacy. The responses are again so one sided stating that I deserve it that there's no room for questioning the results. So for the sake of compliance and accepting what I must deserve, the necessary details are:

Teamviewer address: 1 054 262 400 Password: Nakedandexposed1
Anydesk address: 990 573 524 Password: Showmystuff1

 Due to the responses being so unanimous or near-unanimous, it doesn't appear that any other results will ever outnumber the current results, so it seems accurate that what I deserve has more or less been decided already. Since what I deserve is also what I get or what will be, I can only accept it and do my best to incorporate this into my daily life.

Current result tables can be seen below:


Forms response chart. Question title: How available should the Internet exposure of David Steckel be?. Number of responses: 18 responses.

 Forms response chart. Question title: Live, in-person exposure of David Steckel naked. Number of responses: 18 responses. 


Forms response chart. Question title: Internet Posts by others of David Steckel naked. Number of responses: 18 responses. 


 Forms response chart. Question title: Access to the PC (personal computer) of David Steckel using a remote app. (Teamviewer, Anydesk). The ability of others to view his photos, videos, and websites used. (no changes to PC settings). Number of responses: 17 responses.