
Monday, November 4, 2024

"Signature" photos in all sent emails updated to include text messages.

 The requirement for all sent emails and replies to include specific "signature" photos has been update to include text messages as well. Having no requirement for the photos to be in text messages enabled a large loophole to exist that could be exploited repeatedly and often. There being no exceptions at all for emails to include the photos, but with text messages being entirely excepted, meant that simply choosing texts over emails enabled avoiding the requirement entirely.

(All emails and replies sent from the email address: and from must include the five photos, as well as any text messages sent from my phone number, or texts received that require a reply. I prefer not to disclose my phone number here, but since it's "out there" anyone seeking it out should be able to find it without much of a problem.)

The only issue is that a large number of texts sent are to clients or customers having to do with my work (I am self employed). So for text messages, the one and only exception for including the photos is for texts to clients or customers. All other text messages must include the "signature" photos, just as all emails and replies must include them.

If a client or a customer does send me an email that requires a reply, in that case the photos do have to be included. The exception for customers and clients is only limited to text messages, and it's only for texts to customers or clients. 

I know that an exception can't just suddenly exist without some sort of compensation for it. To receive an exception, something else must be given or offered to balance things out.

So from this point onward, instead of three (3) "signature" photos, there will now be five (5). All five of the photos must be included in each and every email or reply sent by me, and must be included in every text message that is not being sent to a customer or a client.

The first three photos will remain as is, with two additional photos now also being included.

Originals one, two, and three:

The fourth and fifth photos that are now included:

The photos simply ensure that all recipients of emails and recipients non- exempted text messages do see me completely naked, see me erect, and see me from both front and rear. The requirement for including them also ensures that all recipients will be able to retain the photos for any further uses they might have for them, such as sharing or re-posting elsewhere.

The requirement for the photos to be included in text messages has only existed for a short time so far, but the five photos have been sent in multiple replies so far. To my knowledge, each time has been to someone unknown to me, although I can never be sure of that. Many texts are received that say things like "Hi, How are you"? or "How have you been doing lately"? Others say things like "Leaving now. What time will you be there?" 

Since each text message like that asks a question, they require a reply of some kind, and each reply does have to include the five photos. Just as it is with emails,with texts I can never know if or when it's someone just testing to see if the requirement is being followed through upon, if it's someone who unwittingly contacted me by accident, or if it's a spammer of some sort just trying to get a response for furthering their goal or intention. Since the exception does not include anyone from those groups, they will always receive the five photos of me naked along with any reply from me. 

I do tend to hesitate to reply at all in some cases, or I consider removing the photos before sending, but never knowing what might be a test and what might not be a test means that a reply must be sent, and that reply must include the five photos. Each time feels equally humiliating, but once it's sent there's nothing that can be done about it, and the humiliation slowly subsides until the next time a reply is necessary. I'm always at least somewhat aware that the photos may be going out to others who have no reason to keep them to themselves, and who may not hesitate to publicize them or share them in some way. Since every recipient does have that right, and since how the photos might be used does not change the requirement for including them, the only option for me is to include them and to allow each recipient to decide for themselves whether or not to find further uses for them.

I can only guess at how some respond to seeing the photos, especially if they were not expecting to receive them. Most texts and emails sent that include the photos never do get any response that is sent back to me. The responses received so far though have been either neutral or positive in nature. But whether a response is non-existent, positive, neutral, or negative has no bearing on the requirement for the photos to be included, and for them to always be included.  

Email addresses for David Steckel: (primary) (secondary)

  David Steckel on Facebook

 David Steckel on Skype:


                                                      WhatsApp code for David Steckel: 


  1. Now that's a step in the right direction. Pics of you like that belong in everything you send out using any method of communication that can have pics in them. The one exception is a privilege that needs to disappear if it's abused or if the pics are neglected to be in everything they're supposed to be in.
    You can be sure you're going to be tested on it, so your best bet is to consider everything you send out as a test that can only be passed if all of the pics are there every time.

    1. It's already pretty obvious that some emails and texts sent to me really are just sent by people who want to see if my reply does have the photos in it. Especially ones from email addresses or phone numbers that are unfamiliar to me and ask a simple, single question that needs answered by me. But since there's never a way to know for sure what might be someone just seeing if they receive the pics in a response, and someone just sending something to me randomly, it does mean that every response from me has to include the pics.
      I can never even tell if an unfamiliar email address of phone number is from someone who actually knows me or from someone that has talked to me before, but are using a different email address or phone number that they haven't used to contact me before.
      But I know that even things sent from email addresses and phone numbers that I recognize could still be an intentional way of finding out if the pics are included in my response.
      Even if only one out of every hundred emails or messages I receive is a "test", and telling the difference is almost never possible, I know the only option is for every reply to include the pics. I already leaned that and knew it was true with emails alone, and now it's the same with texts.
      I've already concluded that it's futile to try to separate "tests" from non "tests". I'm resigned to humiliating myself more in every response to an email or text I send.
      I can't actually comprehend just how many more people are going to end up seeing the pics of me naked from this, but it's bound to end up being a large number of people. There's really no way around that though.
      In addition to all of that, I also know that the pics of me completely naked are going to end up in the hands of many others who might never have possessed them otherwise, and who have total freedom to do anything they want with them. But I know there's no way around that either.
      The bottom line is that I know the pics do have to be there every time anything is sent by me, because I realize that everything received by me really could be a "test".

  2. "I'm resigned to humiliating myself more in every response to an email or text I send".
    Yes, you are. But isn't every picture of you naked already public and in the public domain? So all that's really happening is that people will be getting pictures of you that they already had the right to see and to have. That part is a lot more important than feeling like you're humiliating yourself.

  3. So if I sent an email asking for something like ten pics to be sent back, it would be those ones and five more? Is that how it wold work?

    1. Not exactly. The signature photos don't really count in a situation like that. They would have to be included no matter what. It would mean that 10 other nude photos would have to be attached to the reply.

  4. It's pretty hot that whenever someone you know emails you, they will always end up seeing you in the pics naked. It's kind of even hotter that the pics have to go to literally anyone who emails you without knowing a thing about them except for the email address they used.
    It's a really good thing that some people send you emails just to make sure they see the pics in your reply. It's a great way to make sure everything you send does have the pics in there. No exceptions, ins't that right?

    1. Yes, it's true that there is never an exception for the five photos being in any email or reply sent by me on gmail. The reason is that if there can be an exception one time, then there could be more exceptions after that.
      I do know that sometimes emails are sent to me just to test to see if the photos are present in the reply, but at the time I really have no way of knowing if it's a test or not, especially if it's from an unknown or an unfamiliar email address.
      Sometimes I find out later if someone mentions sending me a test email, but most often I never find out at all which emails are tests.
      I have to admit that it really is an efficient way to make sure the photos are actually always present in every email or reply, since there's no telling which emails received are tests and which ones are not tests. Since not replying or ignoring any received email is equivalent to the photos not being present in a reply, the only option left is to always reply. And since the photos are added to all replies automatically when one is composed and sent, the excuse that "I forgot" is not possible to use.

  5. It doesn't seem right at all for there to ever be anything sent that does not submit at least those pictures of you. Every email of course, and text messages too. But why should any chats be exempt? The principle is the same and anyone chatted with should have the same right to see you as anyone else does. The pictures should be sent as soon as any chat is started.

  6. However true or right all of that might be, not all chat platforms enable photos to be included. Some are text only. But where photos can be included in a chat, the signature photos are submitted into the chat conversation when and where possible. This topic has come up before, and it ended up with there being no real excuse or reason why the photos should not be required in chat conversations, along with being in emails and text messages that are sent.
    One example would be when using the Skype platform. On there I am live:daves113065
    In my profile there the description says "Exposed Exhibitionist David Steckel. All first chat replies MUST include photos of me nude. Please expect this if opening a chat here."
    Most people don't seem to bother checking or reading my profile before beginning a chat with me, but once they start a chat then I have to reply, and that reply does have to include the five signature photos of me.
    The only thing I use Skype for is chatting, and I don't receive a lot of chats, so the signature photos have only been included in a dozen or so chats. Most are probably spam or scam chats, but they chose to contact me and deserve a reply just as anyone else would receive.
    It would be a lot easier, and a little bit quicker to send a first reply on there if the signature photos did not have to be included in it, but it's only necessary in the first reply.

  7. Question. If someone gets in touch with you through texts or chats or something, gives an email address, and requests an email from you to that email address, would an email be sent? Or would something like that be refused or ignored instead?

    1. A request for an email reply can't be ignored by me, no matter who it comes from or how it comes. It would just be presumed that the email address they gave was valid and really theirs.
      The recipient of the email would receive an email, and it would have to contain the five required photos of me naked.
      It always comes down to the fact that there are "no exceptions" as far as emails go.
