
Showing posts with label exhibitionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exhibitionism. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2024

"Signature" photos in all sent emails updated to include text messages.

 The requirement for all sent emails and replies to include specific "signature" photos has been update to include text messages as well. Having no requirement for the photos to be in text messages enabled a large loophole to exist that could be exploited repeatedly and often. There being no exceptions at all for emails to include the photos, but with text messages being entirely excepted, meant that simply choosing texts over emails enabled avoiding the requirement entirely.

(All emails and replies sent from the email address: and from must include the five photos, as well as any text messages sent from my phone number, or texts received that require a reply. I prefer not to disclose my phone number here, but since it's "out there" anyone seeking it out should be able to find it without much of a problem.)

The only issue is that a large number of texts sent are to clients or customers having to do with my work (I am self employed). So for text messages, the one and only exception for including the photos is for texts to clients or customers. All other text messages must include the "signature" photos, just as all emails and replies must include them.

If a client or a customer does send me an email that requires a reply, in that case the photos do have to be included. The exception for customers and clients is only limited to text messages, and it's only for texts to customers or clients. 

I know that an exception can't just suddenly exist without some sort of compensation for it. To receive an exception, something else must be given or offered to balance things out.

So from this point onward, instead of three (3) "signature" photos, there will now be five (5). All five of the photos must be included in each and every email or reply sent by me, and must be included in every text message that is not being sent to a customer or a client.

The first three photos will remain as is, with two additional photos now also being included.

Originals one, two, and three:

The fourth and fifth photos that are now included:

The photos simply ensure that all recipients of emails and recipients non- exempted text messages do see me completely naked, see me erect, and see me from both front and rear. The requirement for including them also ensures that all recipients will be able to retain the photos for any further uses they might have for them, such as sharing or re-posting elsewhere.

The requirement for the photos to be included in text messages has only existed for a short time so far, but the five photos have been sent in multiple replies so far. To my knowledge, each time has been to someone unknown to me, although I can never be sure of that. Many texts are received that say things like "Hi, How are you"? or "How have you been doing lately"? Others say things like "Leaving now. What time will you be there?" 

Since each text message like that asks a question, they require a reply of some kind, and each reply does have to include the five photos. Just as it is with emails,with texts I can never know if or when it's someone just testing to see if the requirement is being followed through upon, if it's someone who unwittingly contacted me by accident, or if it's a spammer of some sort just trying to get a response for furthering their goal or intention. Since the exception does not include anyone from those groups, they will always receive the five photos of me naked along with any reply from me. 

I do tend to hesitate to reply at all in some cases, or I consider removing the photos before sending, but never knowing what might be a test and what might not be a test means that a reply must be sent, and that reply must include the five photos. Each time feels equally humiliating, but once it's sent there's nothing that can be done about it, and the humiliation slowly subsides until the next time a reply is necessary. I'm always at least somewhat aware that the photos may be going out to others who have no reason to keep them to themselves, and who may not hesitate to publicize them or share them in some way. Since every recipient does have that right, and since how the photos might be used does not change the requirement for including them, the only option for me is to include them and to allow each recipient to decide for themselves whether or not to find further uses for them.

I can only guess at how some respond to seeing the photos, especially if they were not expecting to receive them. Most texts and emails sent that include the photos never do get any response that is sent back to me. The responses received so far though have been either neutral or positive in nature. But whether a response is non-existent, positive, neutral, or negative has no bearing on the requirement for the photos to be included, and for them to always be included.  

Email addresses for David Steckel: (primary) (secondary)

  David Steckel on Facebook

 David Steckel on Skype:


                                                      WhatsApp code for David Steckel: 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stuck in Chastity cage - update

 This is an update to the post

It's  been almost two weeks the chastity cage was put on, and more than ten days since I found out that the key no longer enters the keyhole to unlock the chastity cage.  

I'm still trying to believe the feeling of panic when I found this out. Then how the panic turned into an aroused state of panic, and then how just a touch or two in one place on my dick that I could reach or touch, caused me to cum right there with the cage on. At the time, I barely gave a thought to how I had just violated the ban on masturbating or cumming on my own. But now the penalty for that means the chastity cage has to stay on and there's no trying to get it removed until it has to be removed for some other important reason. 

That sums it up, so in any future updates there may not be a summary like that.

It seems strange to say it, but I think I am actually getting used to the cage. There was some rubbing on the back of the base of my balls at first, but I seem to be adjusting to the curved metal down there. Just on the last day or so, I have been able to forget for a while about the cage being there. It's usually not for long, but it's something i didn't expect to happen so soon. But shifting around too much makes my dick rub the inside of the cage and it ends up making my dick try to have an erection. Sometimes I'm not even sure if shifting caused it or if it just happened on it's own.

But either way I end up having to feel my erection being blocked by the cage, and I feel my dick being forced to keep pointing slightly downward. But the slightest movement by me causes some slight movement between my dick and the cage it's pressed against. It's hardly any movement at all, but in my state at the time, it's just enough to be a sort of tease. I try not to let it go beyond that, since it would only be enough to cause an eternal tease, and I'd rather not end up making small thrusting movements that only end up making the teasing unbearable. 

I try to think about something else, and it usually works after a while, but the same things happens again later at some point. So the cage seems to cause me to try to have more erections, but the cage also always blocks them from going too far. But blocking an erection does nothing to block the arousal that would go along with an erection. Unless something changes, I might just have to get used to that as far it appears. 

I'd prefer not to mention it, but it's kind of an important detail overall. That detail is how to keep everything clean when a cage is in the way. It took some trail and error, and it takes some pulling, shifting, tugging, and stretching things to clean everywhere down there properly. And I mean properly and every day, because I could never stand it to be any other way. I now have small brushes to help make it easier and better, and I think I've got it down to a science now. I have to admit how that was one of my biggest concerns about being caged long term. But that concern seems to have been overcome. 

Nights feel a little bit different now too. Since I've been sleeping naked with lights on, next to fairly large uncovered window, and without any coverings, and since most of that part of the neighborhood has been able to see me in bed naked for well over a year now, or ever since the poll about it closed, it doesn't seem like having a chastity cage on should make any difference. But it does. It does seem to very slowly getting easier, but When I first get into bed at night, I feel very aware that from that point until morning, anyone seeing me will see the cage on me unless I'm facing away from the window at the time. But even then I'm not sure if the ring around my balls would be visible, since I can't see myself from the point of view that anyone outside would have of me.

I know that the rule for sleeping naked and exposed can't be broken just because of the cage being on me, so I know I just have to let anyone who looks in, see whatever there is to see.

I think one reason it's slowly getting easier to do is because it seems like there has already been enough time for some number of people to have seen me and the cage. Once someone sees me, there's no point in thinking about it any more, since they've seen me and it can never be changed.

Another thing that might be making it easier is that there's no way for me to hide the cage any more than I could hide anything else, and what I can't hide gets seen just like the rest of me. It can't be removed and at night there's no way to cover it up. It makes the only option be to adapt to it.

Something about the cage being seen on me by a chunk of the neighborhood seems harder than being seen naked by the same chunk. I think it's because it can show them that I'm not in control of my own dick or something like that. Since they can only see but not know anything else about it, I think they'd probably come up with their own story or reasons about why my dick was kept locked up in a cage every night. But in the end I know that the ones who will see me with my dick caged are going to see me, and there's not much at all that can be done about it. 

Going out in public with the cage on felt like a huge deal at first. Especially because of the bulge between my legs that the cage causes. With my looser fitting pair of jeans, the bulge extends down my left leg as its default position. The other two pairs of jeans I have fit tighter, and cause the cage to point directly left. The bulge is probably even more noticeable then, because it makes a bigger tent. I've only glanced over at a few people to either see them looking between my legs, or quickly looking up at my face if they realize I saw them looking. I know they probably don't know that there's a cage under there, so some of them probably think I'm better endowed than I am. Most people don't seem to notice much though.

Being out and away from home all day means being around other people all day, since there's not much alone time then. Everything that was done before still has to be done, but now with  cage locked onto my dick and my balls. I'm just now starting to have longer periods of time where I forget about the cage, but when I'm out and in front of a lot of other people I can become pretty aware that the cage is just under the fabric of my jeans. I know that nobody knows it's there, but sometimes it can feel like they know it somehow.

I wonder if  the cage being there also means that I'm now wearing four articles of clothing when I go out. Before the cage went on, I would wear three articles of clothing. A shirt, pants, and shoes. The cage can't be removed like clothing can be, but it's still something being worn. It wouldn't be considered as clothing in most cases, so I guess that's a matter of personal opinion.

If or when anyone approaches me and requests for me to strip naked, I would only be able to remove my shirt, pants, and shoes. There would be no way for the cage to be removed, and anyone who ended up seeing me would see that my dick was locked in a cage. There would be humiliation with or without the cage on me, but being seen naked with a caged dick seems even more humiliating. Just as how humiliating it's going to be whenever the time comes where the cage absolutely has to be removed for some reason. Other people are going to see it up close, will be working on it, and a record will be made or kept somewhere about the procedure. 

I've looked online for some of what to expect from wearing a cage for a long time. Some say nothing happens or changes, while others say differently. They list all sorts of changes that can or will happen over time. It seems only natural to hope for not a lot of changes to happen, but I might be destined to find it out for myself. Especially after months start going by with my dick still being locked in the cage. 

A few more pics of my caged dick and balls taken just a little while ago. It's the closest thing to proof that can be shown as proof of the cage still being locked on.

I can't think of anything else that's worth relating here, but if I do think of something else, this post may be added to, or it will be related in a future update post.

I keep forgetting to put the Dropbox link in every post. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Obligation for stripping naked upon request or demand


An obligation that has been in effect for a while now has recently been reestablished through the release of more binding public notification document. The document briefly informs readers/viewers of this obligation that applies to me permanently and without end.

Although the document is to be viewed as publicly as possible, and it's everyone's right to be aware of and know about my obligation whether or not they desire to or are able to put it to use, there is some reluctance by me for it to become very widely known about, at least all at once. I know that the more widely my obligation is known about, the greater the odds are for me to strip naked upon request or demand, and possibly for it to occur multiple times. But I know that I cannot limit or prevent others from knowing what they have a right to know, or to infringe on anyone's right to request or demand that I strip naked.

A major aspect of the newer document is that it contains my real actual signature, which was included through a singing process available on Dropbox.
A final step of before inserting a signature states this:

By selecting "insert", I agree to be legally bound by this document and that the signature above is a legal representation of my signature.

Through this process, the obligation for me to strip naked upon request or demand became, in a manner, legally binding to the extent described in the text of the document, which states:

When he is met or encountered in person by anyone, David Steckel can be requested to remove ALL of his clothing in the nearest potential location and at the soonest time, for the purpose of seeing him naked, for taking photos or videos of him naked, for reasons of entertainment or amusement, or simply just to enable his humiliation.
He may not refuse to strip naked, and must remain naked until the purpose of his stripping naked is fulfilled.

In essence, it does limit this obligation to in person interactions that occur by chance or if I'm sought out in person. (more about this later).
It at least prevents me from being summoned or requested to appear in some specific place at some specific time.
But at any in person meeting the does occur, there is nothing preventing me from being obligated to undress completely, and then being obligated to remain naked until the reasons, intentions, and purposes for me being completely naked are met and fulfilled.
It does seem to leave it open or vague about some things. For one thing, it's unclear as to whether this means that all of my previously worn clothing can be, or is to be held or confiscated temporarily, as a way to ensure that I do remain naked for as long as it's desired that I remain naked.
In fact, it does not state or imply anything at all about whether or not my discarded clothing can be taken away or simply kept, or anything about me having any ability to become clothed again.
Since in most situations, this would be humiliating beyond imagination for me, I sought opinions on this from multiple possible sources.
Unfortunately, the most common and overall opinions is that my obligation is to strip naked when requested, and that potential results beyond that point does not change the obligation.
Furthermore, even if I'm told or informed beforehand that my clothes will be taken once i remove them, and that I will be left or stranded naked, I'm still obligated to strip naked.
So even if I know for sure that it's going to happen, I'm obligated to just let it happen.
I just have to strip naked and hope that I'm able to deal with whatever humiliation that will result afterwards.
Two opinion givers even mentioned in slightly different ways, that I should just expect to have to stay naked, because anyone requesting that I strip naked has every right to keep all of the clothing I removed. Only one opinion giver went further and said that I have to hand them each article of clothing as I remove it and say "This is yours now", and after giving the last article of clothing to them, say "Please keep them or donate them to a charity.
I doubt they were being entirely serious, but in any case there's nothing in the obligation that says that I have to speak or say specific things.
At some point during my stripping or while being naked, I might have a desire to ask if or when I can cover my naked body, but I'm afraid that I might not like knowing the answer to that question. And that's only if I don't already know that answer is one that causes me to remain naked until I can get to or find other clothing eventually.

Exactly where I'm obligated to strip naked is a little bit vague also. "The nearest potential location" doesn't explain very much. Opinions on that highly favor it to mean "Anywhere out of direct public view". That still doesn't work in my favor much, but it's still better than some other possibilities.
"At the soonest time" probably doesn't need much clarification, with the only possible exception being there being a personal emergency for me at that moment. But opinions on this tend to lean towards that in that situation, I would be obligated to offer and commit to a specific time, and
accept a location of choice from whoever made the request or demand. At that time and place I would then be obligated to strip naked in front of them.
It should also be disclosed that one opinion giver felt that once naked, that I should step away from the discarded clothing as a sign of breaking any connection I had with them.
It should also be disclosed though, that fewer opinions were sought and given back on whether there needs to be a move to step away from my clothes, since the issue only arose after most other opinions were received on the rest of the matter.

Before displaying the actual "document" something else that will obviously be the first thing noticed, is that the document displays two photos of me showering, with each photo being a split of both a frontal and rear view of me naked, from about mid-thigh and upwards.

There's no doubt that my face is visible so that others can have the ability to recognize me if or when they see me in person, and know that I'm the one who is obligated to strip naked if they request me to or demand for me to strip naked.
There's really no doubt that I'm shown naked on the "document" so that I'm seen naked, right along with my name, my signature, and my obligation. Clearly, anyone who sees the "document" will see me naked, know my full name (or recognize me if they already know me), see my legally binding signature, and know of my obligation.

                                                         PUBLIC NOTICE


The "(more about this later)" inserted previously...
Because my obligation only applies to in person encounters, opinions are unanimous about there having to be at least some way for others to more easily know or find where I might be located at any given time. Since there are obviously no grounds for me to contest this or to dispute it, anyone who can use Google Locations and provides a phone number or a Google email address to input into "Location Sharing" will be added to my location sharing list. It's a one-way thing where only my location is visible to others, and their own location is not visible to me or able to be known by me unless they specifically go through the process of sharing their own location.

My location is also available through an app called Family360. My circle there can be joined, although I think there is a monthly fee of two or three dollars to remain in the circle after any free period ends. The link to it does not work or a PC, and it apparently only works on mobile phones. (I can access the circle on my phone, but not on a computer.)
The link to my circle is: []
The code necessary to join or access the circle is: MMCN5D
The circle is named "David Steckel's circle.
(If anyone has an issue while trying to join the circle, please mention it to me so I can see if there's any way to correct the issue.)

Since when I'm out in public or anywhere with others around me, I never really know if or when someone might just approach me and request or tell me to strip naked. I don't expect it to be likely enough to happen that would have me feeling constantly nervous about it a bit, but I always know that at any moment I could end up heading towards a spot where I had to strip completely naked, and maybe even have to stay that way... and that a binding and signed document doesn't enable me to avoid it or "not feel like it".

I know every request or demand to strip naked will mean that at least one person will see me naked right when I strip. I won't really know if photos or videos will be taken of me while I'm naked, but if they are I know it's part of the obligation and that those photos or videos belong to whoever takes them.
I won't know how many other people would see me while I was naked, or how many other people the one who made the request or demand intends for me to be seen by. As much as I might wish there was some limit on how many other people I could be shown naked to, there's nothing at all in the obligation about any limits on how many other people I can be exposed naked in front of.
Since my clothes could also be taken away or kept, there's no limit for how long I'm obligated to be naked either. At those times how long I stayed naked would probably depend on how quickly I could make my way to where I could obtain other clothing, and things like do I constantly try to hide my exposure as I went along? Or do I (can I) just accept my public exposure and humiliation and make my way out in the open as fast as I can go?

Will I be nervous as I strip naked for a request or a demand? Most definitely... But at that point I'm obligated to strip naked no matter how I might feel about it at the time.
After stripping naked I can hope for leniency or mercy, but I know I have no right to expect or to receive any.

Finally, every posting made does have to offer the link to the Dropbox folder where almost every photo and video of me naked can be viewed and also downloaded for any purpose.
The photos and videos are permanently and irrevocably dedicated to the public domain, and legally belong to everyone equally, which means they can be downloaded and used as desired without any permission being necessary. It also means that I have no right to limit who sees the photos and videos or to limit how they might be used, and that I would be violating someones free usage rights even by asking or saying anything that infringes on those free usage rights.

The Dropbox can be accessed and viewed at:


Friday, April 19, 2024

Exposed naked and by name is a permanent part of life for David Steckel


Photo details: David Steckel exposed naked through uncovered window. Neighbors and those passing by have the ability to view and observe him in bed at any time of night or morning. Due to permanent obligations, David Steckel MUST sleep completely naked, without coverings of any sort, with lights remaining on at all times, and with the nearby window uncovered at all times. If he wishes to sleep, then he MUST be exposed the entire time without exceptions.

Note: All photos shown were taken by others through remote access of a webcam that was previously available. I had no knowledge of the photos being taken or of being observed naked in bed, just as I have never have knowledge of it if or when neighbors or others might be observing me through the window as I sleep. 

 As the photos show, sleeping for me also means being exposed naked to the view anyone in the nearby neighborhood. This has been true for well over a year at the current time. It’s largely unknown to me as to how many nearby others may have observed me through the window, although several nearby others do seem to pay specific attention to the window even during the day and smirk whenever they see me outside during the day.

I do admit that I would often prefer to spend nights with some amount of assured privacy, without the possibility of random observers viewing me naked as I sleep, but an obligation has removed that right for me. There are a few others who have stated that they do periodically come to check to be sure I am following through with this obligation. It’s never known if or when they do this, but they do seem to know details at times that would be nearly impossible to know unless they had looked through the window at night very recently.

Since I know it would be discovered and known if I fail to abide by this obligation, I simply have to accept remaining exposed naked each night and every night. Since it’s quite likely that most nearby others have already observed me naked at night by this time, there is probably nothing left for me to try to conceal from them anyway. During sleep I know I still tend to hump the bed, since I sometimes wake up in the process of doing this, and I do get erections at random times during sleep, and I sometimes wake up to find myself with one. None of these things are private for me anymore, but are essentially public to some unknown degree just as my naked body is.

So each night I have to ensure that the window next to my bed is uncovered, make sure the light level in the bedroom is sufficiently bright to ensure my visibility through the window, strip completely naked if I’m now already naked, and climb into bed which places me on display for all potential and probable observers to see. The brightness of the interior of the bedroom makes it almost impossible to tell if or when anyone is observing me from outside, but once I am asleep it doesn’t matter anyway. I could be seen once or a dozen times during the night and there’s no way for me to be aware of it or to make any effort to do anything about it.

Aside from nightly exposure naked, there is still and always will be the fact that photos and videos of me naked are available for viewing in many places on the internet, very often with me being identified by my full name and sometimes with other details about me.

Additionally, photos and videos of me have been irrevocably dedicated to the public domain. This gives everyone everywhere full and free usage rights to them, and by law it prevents me from having any influence or say-so about what anyone does with them or how they are used or displayed.

A Dropbox is filled to capacity with photos and videos of me naked that are legally public property, which everyone has the right to access, view, and download from if they wish to possess or use anything that it contains.

So all of this means that anyone and everyone can and will always be able to see me naked, see me during personal moments or performing acts that would be private for others even if it leads to or causes humiliation for me. They can and will even see me identified by name in most cases, leaving no question that it’s me who they are seeing exposed naked.
Of course it also means that friends, relatives, past classmates and coworkers, and anyone even remotely acquainted with me will very likely see me exposed naked somewhere or at some time. Several of them are known to have already seen me for sure, while many more of them are extremely likely to have seen me and are choosing not to reveal it to me.
Since once someone sees me naked, it can never be undone and I cannot be unseen. My exposure naked is already permanent to a very large number of others both locally and worldwide. My ongoing exposure naked is equally as permanent, mostly due to photos and videos of me naked being widespread on the internet, and the fact that they actually belong to everyone. I cannot lawfully ask for others not to use or display photos or videos of me naked, and if or when they do further my exposure in any way, it’s not lawful for me to ask or even suggest that they limit or remove anything that depicts me naked.

So all of this means that anyone and everyone can and will always be able to see me naked, see me during personal moments or performing acts that would be private for others even if it leads to or causes humiliation for me. They can and will even see me identified by name in most cases, leaving no question that it’s me who they are seeing exposed naked.
Of course it also means that friends, relatives, past classmates and coworkers, and anyone even remotely acquainted with me will very likely see me exposed naked somewhere or at some time. Several of them are known to have already seen me for sure, while many more of them are extremely likely to have seen me and are choosing not to reveal it to me.
Since once someone sees me naked, it can never be undone and I cannot be unseen. My exposure naked is already permanent to a very large number of others both locally and worldwide. My ongoing exposure naked is equally as permanent, mostly due to photos and videos of me naked being widespread on the internet, and the fact that they actually belong to everyone. I cannot lawfully ask for others not to use or display photos or videos of me naked, and if or when they do further my exposure in any way, it’s not lawful for me to ask or even suggest that they limit or remove anything that depicts me naked.

Being exposed (and seen) naked while being identified by name really is a permanent part of life for me.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Facebook post notifying friends to view me naked online.

 Anyone who has seen my Facebook page at: may have seen posts there that enable my Facebook friends and followers to view something of my exposure naked online. Most of these posts contain an image or a code to scan, and a link. A Facebook notification would then go out to friends and followers, and at least some of them would surely then view it. Since these posts began to be posted, it has been suggested several times that something be posted that asks my friends and followers to view me naked online, but until now I have never felt able to just come right out and do that. 
I knew there were enough reasons for it to be done, but I still hesitated to do it. I did hide my exposure from them until recently, and it's been pointed out to me more than once that it's only right if they see me naked just as anyone else can.
I finally knew it was time to just do what had to be done. 
So a post was made that explains a little bit about why these friends and followers should see me naked. It felt too strange to just ask them to see me naked, so the post informs them about how my exposure was hidden from them, and that they have the right to see me naked if they care to see me naked. 
It also lets them know that they should share it with others they know, since they may know others who know me but who I am not connected to on Facebook.
The post can be seen on my Facebook page at:
and on the Facebook page at: 

The content of the posts is:

Anyone who knows me here is probably already aware that I can be seen entirely without clothing being worn, and in some situations or positions that might amuse or entertain some others. Some may have already seen some of this for themselves, and if they have, they obviously have the right for it to remain anonymous.
There's no presumption that everyone would want to see what there is to be seen of me online, but it's there for anyone who might want to see it, anyone who's just curious about it, and when it's possible, for it to be downloadable for anyone to have, to re-post, or just to share in any way.
Some of what can be seen of me unclothed on the internet has been there for a while, and more was included later. It was always intentionally concealed from anyone who actually knew me in person in the past or present. Someone who knew me could still stumble upon something of me, but the odds were low for that to happen.
But the fact that total strangers could easily see me and watch videos of me online without me having any clothes on meant that they could see more of me, and be aware of more about me than people who actually knew me could. That might not actually be a deception, but if it's not then it's close to it.
Nothing can undo the original concealment, but it could at least be stopped. Anyone who knows me or knew me previously does have a right to see and know about whatever total strangers to me can already see and know. There's some humiliation for me that comes along with that, but that's just how it is.
Anyone with little or no real interest in seeing me without clothes on or doing some things without clothes on still might care to check it out a little, at least just to see what was attempted to remain concealed from them.
It's how I have to be seen if I am to be seen in an honest and accurate way.
Anyone who knows me should at least be aware of and know about what is online of me without clothes on, but it's more accurate if they actually see it for themselves. As much or as little as they choose to see.
For the purpose of honesty, anyone who knows me who is aware of or has seen anything of me online, might seriously want to consider sharing this with other people who might know me, or just with anyone at all who they know, so that it's as far from being a secret as it can get.
It's the only way for there to be any sort of compensation for the fact that the concealment ever occurred in the first place.
No one should feel any hesitation or guilt if they inform others or share it with others. Everything is already there to be seen or known about. Informing about it or sharing it is only directing someone to what's already accessible. Just honesty about me alone could make it the right thing to do, since nothing can be concealed once it's known about or once it has been seen.
I don't intend on reverting to concealment, but if somehow I would, it's best if the effort would be futile and pointless due to most others knowing about or having seen it all already.
I am who I am, and it's everyone's right to know who that is and to see it for themselves.
In the intro or "About me" section of my profile page, some links are available that might be useful.
The page: can also be visited.
An unfiltered web search will provide additional results through searching either "David Steckel nude" or "David Steckel naked"
It seems likely that many Facebook friends and followers were already aware of my online exposure, and some have definitely already seen some of it for themselves. But the post may cause some of them who dismissed or never engaged with previous posts about my exposure to finally access or view it. 
The post may also enable some to dismiss and hesitation or guilt they may have about viewing me naked or for sharing my exposure to ensure that additional others are aware of it and see it. 
In any case, I am now irreversibly committed to being seen naked by more people who know me than ever, and even to those who might know me but who are not Facebook friends or contacts. 
Even though not many are likely to share my exposure with additional people, it shouldn't require too many of them to do it for me to be seen naked by a significant number of additional people who know me.  

Sunday, December 17, 2023

More online exposure from unexpected source.

 A few days ago I received and email from an unrecognized email address. At first I assumed that it would be an email that had to be replied to, and that someone would soon be receiving the three signature images of me naked that are part of everything sent by me from that address. 

But the email seemed to be some group or organization, which made me think that I might not be exposed again because of it.

When i curiously opened the email, all I saw was this:

I recently found and watched a video of you at: I'm sure you deserved it and that you deserve for it to be watched very publicly, but what must be on your mind from knowing people you know are seeing it.   

The sender was listed as:

 Once I realized it was an email sent anonymously, I knew I wouldn't need to reply to it, since I couldn't. But I saw the link in the message and knew right away that it just had to go to a video of me naked. I clicked the link to see which video it might be. 

The moment the page loaded I saw that the video was the one of me that's currently being featured on Facebook, where a lit cigarette is in my asshole and I'm tied and have to wait for it to burn down and punish my asshole. 

At first this made me anxious, since it was proof that someone had watched that video, and had sent the link to it to me. But I quickly realized that the video was there for anyone to watch and that it was only one more person who had now seen it. So I didn't think too much more about it afterwards.

But the very next day I saw that another email had been received from the same place. This one went even further by including the link to the same video, but also including a working link to the Dropbox full of photos and videos of me naked. 

I recently mentioned finding and watching a video of you at: I just came across your Dropbox where a lot of pics and videos of you can be seen and downloaded. As I said before, I'm sure you deserved what the video shows of you and that you deserve for it to be watched very publicly. Especially by people who know you. Since your Dropbox link is public and anyone can have pics and videos of you, maybe more people you know and people everywhere should see the pics and videos of you, and be able to download them for any use they might have for them. It's probably best for this email to be accessible to others, and it will be. You just won't know where that is or be able to change it. You're welcome for that.  

This email was sent anonymously using Sendity.
Please do not reply to this email, Your reply I will go nowhere

My attention was on the links in the message and not so much on the text of it, and I wondered what the point was for sending me links to my own exposure. 

But then I noticed that some of the text mentioned the email being accessible to others and how it would be. I felt some anxiety rising as I wondered what that meant. I didn't see any other recipients listed. I wondered if separate emails might have been sent to other people. 

When I tried visiting the site where the emails came from all I saw was a page for sending an email anonymously. I pondered it all for a while, but then I decided it wasn't worth trying to figure out since there was nothing I could do about it anyway.

For two more days everything seemed to be over with, with no more emails like that coming.

But then another email appeared in my inbox from the same location. This one was both more stunning and more confusing, since it contained my name, me email address in the actual message, a list of links to videos of me naked, and it even mentioned how three photos of me naked have to be in every email I send or reply to. I knew whoever it was had to be someone pretty familiar with me and with my online exposure naked. 


To: (David Steckel) Your online presence seems to be endless. So much that more of you keeps showing up. Just in the last day, these were came across. 

 And then there's this: "Without exception, all emails and replies sent from must include the three signature images of David Steckel." Three very revealing images of you of course. There must be times when you dread that obligation. When you don't know who will be seeing you or when you really don't want someone to see you. But rules are rules which can't be changed due to feelings.

This email was sent anonymously using Sendity.
Please do not reply to this email, Your reply I will go nowhere


That was the stunning part. The confusing part is that it seemed like a lot of trouble to send all of that to me, since I would be the only one who could see it.

I was perplexed enough to go back to the website and to look at it a little better.

I still couldn't find anything that explained much. Then I noticed a few lines in a small box on the top right side of the page. When I clicked on it, a drop-down menu opened. As I read the options in it, my eyes focused on a line that said "Anonymous Wall". 

Assuming it was something that was only accessible to some sort of paid membership, I clicked on it without expecting to be able to access it. 

But a long page opened up with all kinds of random email messages that appeared to be sent to people anonymously. They were arranged by date and got older as the page was scrolled down. I clicked on one message and it opened up to show the whole message. It seemed like gibberish, so I closed it which returned me to the list page.

It began to occur to me that the emails sent to me might also be on the page somewhere, and as I started to scroll down to see if that was true, I know that I said out loud "No. It couldn't be. It can't be..."

But it was. Only a short scroll down and there was the last message to me. A further scroll down showed the other messages to me. 

Now I knew what was meant by "accessible to others". The emails came from someone who was anonymous, but what they contained was available to anyone who scrolled down that page. With videos of me, a Dropbox, and my full name and email address all being so available, and where it's anyone's guess at how many other people might see it all, I assumed there must be a way to hide or remove those messages. 

But there appears not to be any method or means for removing anything. As I sat back and realized there was not a single thing I could do about it, I couldn't ignore the fact that by the time I found that page, that some people had probably already seen the emails to me.

Then I thought "Maybe they won't last long there. Maybe the moderation for the site will remove them". 

But not so far. Their policy seems to be that only threats of violence get removed.  The site appears to be content just to leave the messages in place where users or visitors to the site are able to see them. I can only assume the sender of the emails knew that or wanted that. 

I am curious about who sent and posted the messages, but then I think about how I probably don't have a right to know that. 

But since the emails can be seen by anyone on that site, there's no point in it being withheld from anyone else.

The list page or wall page can be found at: 

The three emails I received can be found at: (in the order they were received) 

For me there's not much to do except to wait and be seen with everyone being able to know my name and my email address. 

Some of the other emails I saw on the wall page seem to be from some not so nice or not so pleasant or polite people, so I don't know what I might expect once they click any of the links and end up seeing me naked. I'm a little, but not too concerned about that though. All I really expect to happen now is that more people will be seeing me naked, and will see me in some videos.

What I think about most is how, even if it was necessary, there really is nothing I can do about it, since rules for things like voyeurism and privacy rights do not apply to me. The sender must be aware of having the right to expose me as they wish. 

I suppose they do deserve some credit for their resourcefulness. 

They found and used a website that I'd never heard of before. 

They sent messages that I thought only I could see, but all along were visible to other people. 

They knew where to find things that showed me naked, and they basically made sure other people would see those things. 

They had to know that once the messages were sent to me, they would end up on a page where anyone could see them, and where I would have to leave them even if I found the page. 

So for now I'm just waiting as people using the site see me, and waiting to see if anything more than that results from it that would be known to me. 

I already realize that I will never know how many people will have seen me naked because of it all. There's always the contrast of how the ability to see me naked is so public, and how everyone who sees me naked can always see me anonymously and privately.


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Video for December 2023 available to Facebook friends and more.

 The video for December of 2023 that is now available for viewing by Facebook friends and by others happens to be one that would preferably have remained obscure and mostly unseen. But its absence from public view has not gone unnoticed by at least some people. Because it's a public video just as all of the others of me naked are public videos, when asked about its absence for viewing by Facebook friends, the answer would be that it is coming soon. 

Even when that was said, I knew that I did not want others to see the video, and especially not for it to be seen by people who know me. But if it was not available, then it meant that what was said was untrue, and also that a public video was being kept from or concealed from those with the right to see it.

The video can be seen at:

The posts on Facebook can be seen by Facebook members on the pages  


The video shows me completely naked and helplessly tied to a bed in a bent over position. My wrists are tied separately to the rail below the far side of the bed and my legs are tied in a spread apart position. My bare ass and my balls are clearly visible, and my asshole is at least partly visible. But the worst part is that the filter end of a lit cigarette is stuck in my asshole, which has already burned much of the way down as the video begins.

The title of the video is "David Steckel endures a hot-butt punishment" and I'm seen becoming more and more desperate as this "punishment" begins to occur. 

The preference for the video to not be seen publicly is not due to me being seen naked and exposed in it, since I will always be seen naked publicly anyway. I think it's due more to the fact that the video shows my asshole being "punished" and because I'm totally restrained, all I can do is wait there being watched as it starts to happen and during the whole time it's happening. In spite of what some of the text in the video says, it never left my mind entirely that people were going to be seeing everything. They would see me tied up and stuck bent over naked and with a lit cigarette stuck in my asshole. They would see me have to leave the lit cigarette there because there was no way for me to reach it or to remove it. They would see how my asshole held the cigarette there so that the ember would reach my asshole and then even stay in contact with my asshole for as long as it existed. 

Once the ember was very close to my asshole, they would see me start to squirm as it was felt. Once the ember reached my asshole, they would see me squirming, kicking my legs and feet, and fidgeting as much as my restraints would allow. They might even also be able to hear me whining and moaning as I endured what was going on in my asshole behind me. At the time I felt pretty sure that I had taken it rather stoically and that I had not really made any sounds. When I did see the video later, I found out that I could be heard whimpering even though I had not realized I had been doing it.

I had not wanted to put on any sort of show, and I tried not to show any reaction, but the point came when I just could not help it. I think even at the time my main thought over everything else was that it would be humiliating when everyone saw me like that. I knew that by the time the restraints were removed, the video might already be public somewhere on the internet. I knew that the point was for it to end up online in places where I had no way to remove it even if I tried, and in places and in front of people that I did not know about. 

For about a month afterwards I was told that the video had been posted on at least a dozen websites, but the two others who said they made the posts would not tell me what the sites were or how to fund them. I was basically told that it was so that a lot of other people would see the video before I even knew where it was posted or how much it was being viewed. 

Once one posting of the video was said to have reached five thousand views I was told how to find it. When I tried to find it though, I found out that to see it I would have to join the site and pay a large membership fee to be able to access the video there. It turned out to be a bondage and S and M website that specialized in a certain kind of video like the one I was shown in. At the time I could not afford the membership fee. I could see a listing for the video that included a title with my full name and a single screenshot image of me bent over a bed with my ass exposed, but clicking to try to play it or to see more about it brought up a box for joining the website and paying the fee. I had to give up on trying to get to the video there even though the huge number of members that the site had could all see the video of me whenever they wanted to. 

When I related this fact to the one who posted the video there, they said it was a shame that I couldn't see the stats and comments on the video, since it was receiving even more views that they had hoped for and some of the comments included things that seemed impossible to be done with an asshole, but were talked about being done to my asshole. I was told that a huge amount of cum was being shot out while I was being watched in the video.

Considering what some viewers might want to do with my asshole was enough to make my asshole tighten up a little bit involuntarily, but luckily my asshole had completely recovered from its ordeal by then. 

I knew that the best thing I could do is to try not to think about the video, about how many places online where I might be ending up, who might be seeing it, and what some viewers of it wanted to do with my asshole after seeing the video. For a while I mostly succeeded in that, until the one who posted the video on that website sent me a screenshot of the video page that site members had access to. The comments section was not dropped down, so no comments were visible, but the view count had risen to above 92,000 views. 

I could not believe that the video had so many views on one single website that wasn't even a free website. I told myself that some people probably just watched the video a lot of times, but I knew that even if that was true a whole lot of people still must be watching the video. 

After that the video was discussed or mentioned less and less, until it seemed forgotten about at least to me. I found myself preferring for the video to just slip through the cracks and fade away. I knew that it would stay posted wherever it was posted, since the video had been included when all photos and videos of me naked had become a part of the public domain. This meant I could never seek or ask for its removal from anywhere that it had been posted by anyone. I just planned to not increase or further its display online, or to draw more attention to it.

That worked at least as well as I had hoped it would until a video of me naked began being offered for viewing each month on the Facebook page "David Steckel Exposed Exhibitionist", and then shared on my own personal Facebook page so that friends and followers would see it.

It wasn't long at all before I started being contacted through anonymous emails asking when the "ass punishment" video would be shown to everyone on Facebook. I still don't know if it was all one person doing the asking or if it was more than one person, since the sources of the messages are often different. I would reply that it would be soon, while I tried to figure a way to avoid having the video end up where so many people who know me would see it and where anyone else would be free to watch it. 

I knew that besides for the humiliation it would cause me, that there was no reason I could ever come up with for why the video wasn't shown to everyone. Since my humiliation is never a factor, and is often even more of a reason for a posting rather than less of a reason, I knew the video had to be seen by everyone at some point. No matter what, I was going to be seen tied naked while my asshole was "punished", and that it would include being seen by people who knew me. 

So when I was recently contacted again about when the video would be shown to everyone on Facebook, I said that it would be by the end of the year. Since it's December at this time, there is no more time for delay left for me. 

So the video is currently available through a post on the Facebook Exhibitionist page, and that post has been shared on my personal Facebook page. The video will be watched for sure by Facebook members that include people who know me and friends, and by now that has already started to happen. 

Since I can't fool myself into believing that no one will bother to watch the video, I'm left to just reminding myself that the video does belong to everyone and that it's everyone's right to see it. 

A screenshot from the video:

The same screenshot image but with the cigarette circled:

 This is how friends, people who know me, and how many others will see me and are already seeing me. But I do know that I have to be seen this way, because a public video that legally and legitimately belongs to everyone cannot be hidden.
