
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stuck in Chastity cage - update

 This is an update to the post

It's  been almost two weeks the chastity cage was put on, and more than ten days since I found out that the key no longer enters the keyhole to unlock the chastity cage.  

I'm still trying to believe the feeling of panic when I found this out. Then how the panic turned into an aroused state of panic, and then how just a touch or two in one place on my dick that I could reach or touch, caused me to cum right there with the cage on. At the time, I barely gave a thought to how I had just violated the ban on masturbating or cumming on my own. But now the penalty for that means the chastity cage has to stay on and there's no trying to get it removed until it has to be removed for some other important reason. 

That sums it up, so in any future updates there may not be a summary like that.

It seems strange to say it, but I think I am actually getting used to the cage. There was some rubbing on the back of the base of my balls at first, but I seem to be adjusting to the curved metal down there. Just on the last day or so, I have been able to forget for a while about the cage being there. It's usually not for long, but it's something i didn't expect to happen so soon. But shifting around too much makes my dick rub the inside of the cage and it ends up making my dick try to have an erection. Sometimes I'm not even sure if shifting caused it or if it just happened on it's own.

But either way I end up having to feel my erection being blocked by the cage, and I feel my dick being forced to keep pointing slightly downward. But the slightest movement by me causes some slight movement between my dick and the cage it's pressed against. It's hardly any movement at all, but in my state at the time, it's just enough to be a sort of tease. I try not to let it go beyond that, since it would only be enough to cause an eternal tease, and I'd rather not end up making small thrusting movements that only end up making the teasing unbearable. 

I try to think about something else, and it usually works after a while, but the same things happens again later at some point. So the cage seems to cause me to try to have more erections, but the cage also always blocks them from going too far. But blocking an erection does nothing to block the arousal that would go along with an erection. Unless something changes, I might just have to get used to that as far it appears. 

I'd prefer not to mention it, but it's kind of an important detail overall. That detail is how to keep everything clean when a cage is in the way. It took some trail and error, and it takes some pulling, shifting, tugging, and stretching things to clean everywhere down there properly. And I mean properly and every day, because I could never stand it to be any other way. I now have small brushes to help make it easier and better, and I think I've got it down to a science now. I have to admit how that was one of my biggest concerns about being caged long term. But that concern seems to have been overcome. 

Nights feel a little bit different now too. Since I've been sleeping naked with lights on, next to fairly large uncovered window, and without any coverings, and since most of that part of the neighborhood has been able to see me in bed naked for well over a year now, or ever since the poll about it closed, it doesn't seem like having a chastity cage on should make any difference. But it does. It does seem to very slowly getting easier, but When I first get into bed at night, I feel very aware that from that point until morning, anyone seeing me will see the cage on me unless I'm facing away from the window at the time. But even then I'm not sure if the ring around my balls would be visible, since I can't see myself from the point of view that anyone outside would have of me.

I know that the rule for sleeping naked and exposed can't be broken just because of the cage being on me, so I know I just have to let anyone who looks in, see whatever there is to see.

I think one reason it's slowly getting easier to do is because it seems like there has already been enough time for some number of people to have seen me and the cage. Once someone sees me, there's no point in thinking about it any more, since they've seen me and it can never be changed.

Another thing that might be making it easier is that there's no way for me to hide the cage any more than I could hide anything else, and what I can't hide gets seen just like the rest of me. It can't be removed and at night there's no way to cover it up. It makes the only option be to adapt to it.

Something about the cage being seen on me by a chunk of the neighborhood seems harder than being seen naked by the same chunk. I think it's because it can show them that I'm not in control of my own dick or something like that. Since they can only see but not know anything else about it, I think they'd probably come up with their own story or reasons about why my dick was kept locked up in a cage every night. But in the end I know that the ones who will see me with my dick caged are going to see me, and there's not much at all that can be done about it. 

Going out in public with the cage on felt like a huge deal at first. Especially because of the bulge between my legs that the cage causes. With my looser fitting pair of jeans, the bulge extends down my left leg as its default position. The other two pairs of jeans I have fit tighter, and cause the cage to point directly left. The bulge is probably even more noticeable then, because it makes a bigger tent. I've only glanced over at a few people to either see them looking between my legs, or quickly looking up at my face if they realize I saw them looking. I know they probably don't know that there's a cage under there, so some of them probably think I'm better endowed than I am. Most people don't seem to notice much though.

Being out and away from home all day means being around other people all day, since there's not much alone time then. Everything that was done before still has to be done, but now with  cage locked onto my dick and my balls. I'm just now starting to have longer periods of time where I forget about the cage, but when I'm out and in front of a lot of other people I can become pretty aware that the cage is just under the fabric of my jeans. I know that nobody knows it's there, but sometimes it can feel like they know it somehow.

I wonder if  the cage being there also means that I'm now wearing four articles of clothing when I go out. Before the cage went on, I would wear three articles of clothing. A shirt, pants, and shoes. The cage can't be removed like clothing can be, but it's still something being worn. It wouldn't be considered as clothing in most cases, so I guess that's a matter of personal opinion.

If or when anyone approaches me and requests for me to strip naked, I would only be able to remove my shirt, pants, and shoes. There would be no way for the cage to be removed, and anyone who ended up seeing me would see that my dick was locked in a cage. There would be humiliation with or without the cage on me, but being seen naked with a caged dick seems even more humiliating. Just as how humiliating it's going to be whenever the time comes where the cage absolutely has to be removed for some reason. Other people are going to see it up close, will be working on it, and a record will be made or kept somewhere about the procedure. 

I've looked online for some of what to expect from wearing a cage for a long time. Some say nothing happens or changes, while others say differently. They list all sorts of changes that can or will happen over time. It seems only natural to hope for not a lot of changes to happen, but I might be destined to find it out for myself. Especially after months start going by with my dick still being locked in the cage. 

A few more pics of my caged dick and balls taken just a little while ago. It's the closest thing to proof that can be shown as proof of the cage still being locked on.

I can't think of anything else that's worth relating here, but if I do think of something else, this post may be added to, or it will be related in a future update post.

I keep forgetting to put the Dropbox link in every post. 


  1. If it's a penalty then wouldn't everything about it just be another part of it? Not just that it stays on you, but for other people to find out about it or see it? And everything else about it? Why would any of that NOT be part of the penalty?

  2. I saw a post of yours on another website and found this post here. I would stay anonymous so this is where I'm commenting.
    Updates are a good place to vent and to give people a way to follow along with what's going on. So keep them up. But most interested people are going to just be content knowing that you're spending your days and nights locked in chastity. If you're stuck that way and you can't do much about it then they'll want it to stay that way for as long as it can. It's just part of human nature to want that and sometimes to even try to help it to stay that way.
    You, or more accurately your cock belongs to those people now, and satisfying them or contenting them means you will have to stay locked in that chastity cage for quite a while whether you like it or not.

    1. I know that most people will never know or care about my "situation". But anyone who does know or anyone who pays any attention to it, probably has the right to think or want whatever it is they think or want.
      I don't have many options, so the cage is probably really going to have to stay there for now and probably for a while.
      The truth is that anyone who prefers for my dick to stay in the cage is probably going to get what they want anyway, since for me it's the only option right now.
      It does feel like my dick doesn't belong to me as much as it used to, but I'm not really sure if it belongs to anyone right now. It seems like it mostly belongs to the cage, but maybe I'm just too close and involved to see it in a different way.
