This is the next update to the post:
It's now into my third week of having the Chastity cage locked on my dick and balls, and it's hard to know where to begin.
It should probably begin with saying that the key to the cage is still useless, and that it only makes sense to forget about even trying to see if it might magically work somehow. About five days before beginning this post I gave up on that entirely, and I no longer waste time on it. Also, other than a few tries with the key, there has been no effort made towards getting free of the cage. It's so obvious to me that the cage will only ever be removed in a professional setting, and only when it has to be removed.
I wouldn't dare try some haphazard, amatuerish, or risky method for trying to get free of the cage. Possible injury is only part of why that's true. I am intensely afraid of ending up with my dick somehow being free, but of still having the cage hanging from just my balls. That happened to me once, a pretty long time ago and with a different cage. It was also made of metal and about as heavy as the one I'm living in now. Every move I made felt like being kicked in the balls, until I made my way to the key and got out of it. This time the key would not get me out of anything. I know that it's best and safest to just leave things as they are rather than risk making things much worse. If there is one thing I'm completely sure of, it's that my larger sized balls would never be able to slip free of the cage without me being neutered in the process.
Well, I guess I have to say that I think I keep noticing little ways that I seem to be adapting to the cage. One way is that I would often just grip or hold my dick when alone or while falling asleep. I wrote it off as a comfort or security thing, since it did seem to work.
Since that's not possible anymore, I've noticed that my hand still instinctively reaches there, even if it can't get beyond the cage. I found out that having my hand and palm over and around the cage works just about the same way. I just grip the nubby shape of the cage until I relax or fall asleep.
Lately I've also had some dreams that as far as I know are the first ones where my dick is caged on the dream. In the dreams I had so far, For some reason I can only look straight ahead and I keep feeling down for the cage and then find it there. One time when I reach down I feel that the cage is gone. In the dream I panic for some reason, and I guess it's enough to make the dream end and for me to wake up. Before the fog clears in my head, each time I wake up I reach down, feel the cage, and feel relieved to find it there. Once I'm fully awake I try making sense of it, but mostly I'm surprised that my dick is caged in dreams now.
When there's no reason for me to be clothed and I'm doing anything naked like watching TV or reading something, I keep becoming aware that I'm using the thumb of either hand to rub the flat solid metal bar that runs along the top of the cage. I feel like I've been doing it for a while by the time I notice I'm doing it. But it's an amazingly reassuring feeling for reasons I don't understand.
There's no choice for me except to adapt to the cage being there, but every time I see it happening in one more way, it feels like I've lost ground that might be lost for good.Three weeks ago I wouldn't have expected or believed much at all about what adapting would involve. Adapting physically really turns out to be just a part of it, and the quicker part. The other parts kind of sneak in there and only get noticed once they're happening or after they already happened. There's no fighting it and no resisting it since it's never known when it will happen or what it will be when it happens.
Frequent attempts at having erections are still happening. My dick can spend an amazing amount of time just continuously trying to get fully erect. It seems like even though my dick can't ever be close to fully erect, it refuses to stop trying. It can be like that for nearly an hour straight, but more often for a half an hour or so. But the gaps between attempts at getting hard aren't usually very long. My dick can get kind of a worn out feeling from it happening so much. It has to be that the cage is rubbing my dick enough sometimes, and it triggers another try at getting hard. But sometimes I'll think of something arousing, and that's all it takes to make it happen again. At that point all I can do is wait until it subsides on its own. Every single morning though, I wake up with what would otherwise be an intense erection, but instead it's totally crammed inside of the cage.
My dick obviously doesn't think for itself, but it's hard not to think that my dick actually likes the cage. It's always trying to get hard in there, the cage keeps me from touching it and especially from using it for my pleasure or enjoyment in any real way, and it's like it's in it's own little protected area. It's like my dick has managed to have some amount of superiority over me, and it's making me, or allowing me to feel just what it wants me to feel. And the worst part is that I feel like I don't t have any defense against it.
Knowing that there is no way for me to remove the cage myself or on my own is always a reminder to me to just accept things as they are.
Having the cage on does make it better and easier to just stay naked at every possible moment. I don't have or own any type of underwear or anything else that's loose fitting, and most of my pants are a bit too tight for the cage to stay where it needs to be. Pants tend to force the cage, and my dick along with it, into positions that aren't comfortable for too long of a time. I have to tolerate it whenever I have to wear pants, but it's much better without anything on below my waist.
I've even resorted to finding ways for the cage and my dick to avoid being inside of my pants as much as possible. I can only really do it when it going without pants at all would be very noticeable, like walking to or from the car when going anywhere, or when being very close to anyone else is unlikely.
Some photos might be best to show it.
Unless I'm carrying things I can usually cover a lot with the bottom of my shirt, but mostly nobody pays much attention or sees me close up enough to notice anything. It keeps my dick from being even more contorted in the cage until it's really necessary. Once it's necessary, it has to be slipped back inside of my pants. It's especially useful during longer drives and when being without pants would be too obvious.
When I'm getting dressed to go out somewhere, it's just a matter of not tucking things away as the pants are pulled up. One the pants are buttoned up, everything is held pretty securely, and it's comfortable enough to forget about it. Especially since I do have clothes on and I feel dressed. If it's windy out, I might feel the wind on my dick and remember to try to pull my shirt down. On a recent calm day I walked out and I was sitting down in the car before I realized that I had walked all the way to the car without a thought about it. It never occurred to me to bother trying to use my shirt as cover. I think that if I had seen someone nearby I might have realized things sooner, but I can't know that for sure since it didn't happen.
If I would end up having to talk to someone or to be face to face with them, having a longer shirt on at the time might be helpful. The odds of anyone seeing the cage, my dick or my balls seems pretty low though. I'm sure I won't forget to try to buy slightly looser pants next time.
One thing about constantly wearing the cage that has been helpful is that there's a lot less need for me to be careful not to climax or cum again. I know that most other guys have the absolute right to do that as much as they want to, but it's not that way for me anymore. The cage doesn't just remind me of that, but it makes it really hard to go against it. So far the most I've been able to do is to tease myself to where I get an erection that's blocked and crushed by the cage. I guess that's one way the cage is serving some purpose. It's like one more safeguard for ensuring that I don't experience another climax and to not be able to cum. It's also a safeguard that can't be removed or ignored by me, because the cage truly cannot be removed by me.
Being unable to remove the cage takes away any choice on my part about whether to remove the cage for one reason or another, even if it would have been placed back on me afterward. When I'm going out to do anything, meet anyone, or even going to a large family gathering, I don't have the option of deciding whether or not to wear the cage. I have to wear it no matter what I'm doing, no matter where I will be going, and no matter who will be next to me or around me. I also have to wear it no matter how great the chances are for someone to notice an unusual detail about the bulge in my pants. I still have to wear it if the chances of someone I know literally seeing my dick in the cage are pretty high or even pretty definite.
Obviously though, if the cage was to be removed or whenever it really might have to be removed, it will have to be cut off by someone skilled using a special tool, and it could never be used again. It will probably involve me sitting somewhere naked, with my legs spread open, while one or more people focus their attention between my legs for a period of time. I will most likely be awake and aware the whole time, and feeling embarrassed and humiliated. This is almost definitely coming someday, and even if it can't be avoided, I need to avoid it for as long as possible.
If the cage was cut off before there was some real and necessary reason for it, I would have no way of explaining it and I couldn't provide any real and true reason for it. I'm not very good at lying or deceptions, and I know it. It feels too wrong to me and I can't do it. Maybe that's why some people say that I'm too honest.
All of that combined means that my dick will be staying locked in the cage, It may not be permanent, but it's at least semi-permanent for sure.
Further updates to come soon.
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One thing that I don't see mentioned anywhere online about being in a chastity cage is how unbelievably horny and aroused it can leave you. So far it's been happening to me often and a lot. It can't just be from not cumming for a long time, since I've done that before and this is much worse. It has to be the cage causing so much stimulation.
It seems closer to being an endless cycle. The cage, or something I thought of, stimulates me, I start to get an erection but the cage holds it back and compresses it, my dick keeps trying to get hard until it feels like the cage and my dick become one solid thing. Then every tiny little movement makes the cage stimulate my dick even more, and my dick tries even harder to have an erection that it can never achieve. One thing keeps feeding the other,
I can't say that it doesn't feel good, but it's only good in a teasing way, and enjoying it only amplifies it all. I know that because I can never help from enjoying the feeling. But it can get really intense sometimes, and a few times I thought I was getting close to crying from having to keep feeling it and enduring it without being able to do anything about it. I didn't cry any of those times, but I did moan and whine in a frustrated and helpless sort of way. A half an hour or so might not sound like a long time, but it can feel long when every second of it is spent being overwhelmingly aroused and horny. Especially when the next time comes along so soon after.
What I have seen online is how some guys say they can easily masturbate with a cage on. I don't know what sort of cage they wear, but I don't see how that can be achieved. I don't have near enough access to my dick to do more than tease it, which sets off the whole thing that was just described. I've already learned not to try playing around with my dick no matter how much I might want to, and when I'm unbearably horny and aroused inside the cage, to just sit back and take it as best as I can.
Sometimes when I'm hopelessly horny anyway, and when my dick is already as hard as the cage will let it be, I do give in and thrust and press my dick into the cage as far as it can go for a second. Then I stop it for a second, and do it again over and over until I can't take the teasing any more. That is the best and the most that I seem able to do.
One person online said that after a long time of wearing a cage, that spontaneous ejaculations start to happen inside of the cage. I don't know about that either and it might not even be true. But in a weird way I hope it might be true, since I wouldn't be directly responsible for it happening, and it seems like it would feel absolutely amazing. But I suppose there's no way of ever controlling anything like that, and having it happen in an unlucky location or at an unlucky time might end up with me having to be helped up off of the floor after it made my legs buckle and give out. Not to mention a cage and pants full of cum.
I guess time will tell though.