
Showing posts with label display. Show all posts
Showing posts with label display. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2024

Obligation for stripping naked upon request or demand


An obligation that has been in effect for a while now has recently been reestablished through the release of more binding public notification document. The document briefly informs readers/viewers of this obligation that applies to me permanently and without end.

Although the document is to be viewed as publicly as possible, and it's everyone's right to be aware of and know about my obligation whether or not they desire to or are able to put it to use, there is some reluctance by me for it to become very widely known about, at least all at once. I know that the more widely my obligation is known about, the greater the odds are for me to strip naked upon request or demand, and possibly for it to occur multiple times. But I know that I cannot limit or prevent others from knowing what they have a right to know, or to infringe on anyone's right to request or demand that I strip naked.

A major aspect of the newer document is that it contains my real actual signature, which was included through a singing process available on Dropbox.
A final step of before inserting a signature states this:

By selecting "insert", I agree to be legally bound by this document and that the signature above is a legal representation of my signature.

Through this process, the obligation for me to strip naked upon request or demand became, in a manner, legally binding to the extent described in the text of the document, which states:

When he is met or encountered in person by anyone, David Steckel can be requested to remove ALL of his clothing in the nearest potential location and at the soonest time, for the purpose of seeing him naked, for taking photos or videos of him naked, for reasons of entertainment or amusement, or simply just to enable his humiliation.
He may not refuse to strip naked, and must remain naked until the purpose of his stripping naked is fulfilled.

In essence, it does limit this obligation to in person interactions that occur by chance or if I'm sought out in person. (more about this later).
It at least prevents me from being summoned or requested to appear in some specific place at some specific time.
But at any in person meeting the does occur, there is nothing preventing me from being obligated to undress completely, and then being obligated to remain naked until the reasons, intentions, and purposes for me being completely naked are met and fulfilled.
It does seem to leave it open or vague about some things. For one thing, it's unclear as to whether this means that all of my previously worn clothing can be, or is to be held or confiscated temporarily, as a way to ensure that I do remain naked for as long as it's desired that I remain naked.
In fact, it does not state or imply anything at all about whether or not my discarded clothing can be taken away or simply kept, or anything about me having any ability to become clothed again.
Since in most situations, this would be humiliating beyond imagination for me, I sought opinions on this from multiple possible sources.
Unfortunately, the most common and overall opinions is that my obligation is to strip naked when requested, and that potential results beyond that point does not change the obligation.
Furthermore, even if I'm told or informed beforehand that my clothes will be taken once i remove them, and that I will be left or stranded naked, I'm still obligated to strip naked.
So even if I know for sure that it's going to happen, I'm obligated to just let it happen.
I just have to strip naked and hope that I'm able to deal with whatever humiliation that will result afterwards.
Two opinion givers even mentioned in slightly different ways, that I should just expect to have to stay naked, because anyone requesting that I strip naked has every right to keep all of the clothing I removed. Only one opinion giver went further and said that I have to hand them each article of clothing as I remove it and say "This is yours now", and after giving the last article of clothing to them, say "Please keep them or donate them to a charity.
I doubt they were being entirely serious, but in any case there's nothing in the obligation that says that I have to speak or say specific things.
At some point during my stripping or while being naked, I might have a desire to ask if or when I can cover my naked body, but I'm afraid that I might not like knowing the answer to that question. And that's only if I don't already know that answer is one that causes me to remain naked until I can get to or find other clothing eventually.

Exactly where I'm obligated to strip naked is a little bit vague also. "The nearest potential location" doesn't explain very much. Opinions on that highly favor it to mean "Anywhere out of direct public view". That still doesn't work in my favor much, but it's still better than some other possibilities.
"At the soonest time" probably doesn't need much clarification, with the only possible exception being there being a personal emergency for me at that moment. But opinions on this tend to lean towards that in that situation, I would be obligated to offer and commit to a specific time, and
accept a location of choice from whoever made the request or demand. At that time and place I would then be obligated to strip naked in front of them.
It should also be disclosed that one opinion giver felt that once naked, that I should step away from the discarded clothing as a sign of breaking any connection I had with them.
It should also be disclosed though, that fewer opinions were sought and given back on whether there needs to be a move to step away from my clothes, since the issue only arose after most other opinions were received on the rest of the matter.

Before displaying the actual "document" something else that will obviously be the first thing noticed, is that the document displays two photos of me showering, with each photo being a split of both a frontal and rear view of me naked, from about mid-thigh and upwards.

There's no doubt that my face is visible so that others can have the ability to recognize me if or when they see me in person, and know that I'm the one who is obligated to strip naked if they request me to or demand for me to strip naked.
There's really no doubt that I'm shown naked on the "document" so that I'm seen naked, right along with my name, my signature, and my obligation. Clearly, anyone who sees the "document" will see me naked, know my full name (or recognize me if they already know me), see my legally binding signature, and know of my obligation.

                                                         PUBLIC NOTICE


The "(more about this later)" inserted previously...
Because my obligation only applies to in person encounters, opinions are unanimous about there having to be at least some way for others to more easily know or find where I might be located at any given time. Since there are obviously no grounds for me to contest this or to dispute it, anyone who can use Google Locations and provides a phone number or a Google email address to input into "Location Sharing" will be added to my location sharing list. It's a one-way thing where only my location is visible to others, and their own location is not visible to me or able to be known by me unless they specifically go through the process of sharing their own location.

My location is also available through an app called Family360. My circle there can be joined, although I think there is a monthly fee of two or three dollars to remain in the circle after any free period ends. The link to it does not work or a PC, and it apparently only works on mobile phones. (I can access the circle on my phone, but not on a computer.)
The link to my circle is: []
The code necessary to join or access the circle is: MMCN5D
The circle is named "David Steckel's circle.
(If anyone has an issue while trying to join the circle, please mention it to me so I can see if there's any way to correct the issue.)

Since when I'm out in public or anywhere with others around me, I never really know if or when someone might just approach me and request or tell me to strip naked. I don't expect it to be likely enough to happen that would have me feeling constantly nervous about it a bit, but I always know that at any moment I could end up heading towards a spot where I had to strip completely naked, and maybe even have to stay that way... and that a binding and signed document doesn't enable me to avoid it or "not feel like it".

I know every request or demand to strip naked will mean that at least one person will see me naked right when I strip. I won't really know if photos or videos will be taken of me while I'm naked, but if they are I know it's part of the obligation and that those photos or videos belong to whoever takes them.
I won't know how many other people would see me while I was naked, or how many other people the one who made the request or demand intends for me to be seen by. As much as I might wish there was some limit on how many other people I could be shown naked to, there's nothing at all in the obligation about any limits on how many other people I can be exposed naked in front of.
Since my clothes could also be taken away or kept, there's no limit for how long I'm obligated to be naked either. At those times how long I stayed naked would probably depend on how quickly I could make my way to where I could obtain other clothing, and things like do I constantly try to hide my exposure as I went along? Or do I (can I) just accept my public exposure and humiliation and make my way out in the open as fast as I can go?

Will I be nervous as I strip naked for a request or a demand? Most definitely... But at that point I'm obligated to strip naked no matter how I might feel about it at the time.
After stripping naked I can hope for leniency or mercy, but I know I have no right to expect or to receive any.

Finally, every posting made does have to offer the link to the Dropbox folder where almost every photo and video of me naked can be viewed and also downloaded for any purpose.
The photos and videos are permanently and irrevocably dedicated to the public domain, and legally belong to everyone equally, which means they can be downloaded and used as desired without any permission being necessary. It also means that I have no right to limit who sees the photos and videos or to limit how they might be used, and that I would be violating someones free usage rights even by asking or saying anything that infringes on those free usage rights.

The Dropbox can be accessed and viewed at:


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

100 days of no masturbation or cumming

April 11th of 2023 marks the 100th day since being prohibited from masturbating or cumming intentionally. On average I would have masturbated and came about 400 times during this period. 

So instead of masturbating, cumming, and then going back to non sexual and non arousing things and thoughts, I have for the most part remained aroused, turned on, and often thinking sexual or kinky thoughts when none of that would otherwise be occurring.

The poll for deciding about my masturbation can still be voted in, and will remain available until February 1st of 2024, when the decision with the majority of votes at that time will become permanent for me. Clicking the results button at the bottom of the poll page will show the current results whether voting is performed or not.

Just as they have so far, the majority decision must be and will be respected and obeyed by me at all times. Only others are qualified to decide what it is that I deserve in this matter. 

Of course one result on not masturbating, shown in the photo below, is an extremely common occurrence for me, at any time or place and often seemingly without a reason or direct cause.


The requirement that I remain exposed naked all night, every night means there's no hiding or concealing any erection I get, and that others are either likely or sure to see me with one. 

Also, as I continue to wear a pair of jeans with a hole beside the zipper (without underwear since none can ever be worn by me), and as the size of the hole continues to enlarge, my dick continues be become more visible and easier for others to see. Ongoing spontaneous erections will not only continue to pop out through the hole, but will surely pop out more often as the hole becomes larger. 

Wearing a long shirt and having it pulled down is already the only real means for keeping my dick from being openly exposed in public settings. Common erections due to not masturbating are nearly impossible to entirely conceal, especially once my erection extends fully out through the hole.  

                    My dick is often just inside the hole and on the verge of popping out


Once an erection begins to occur, my dick tends to come out through the hole. Getting it back inside of the hole is not always easy or possible if others are nearby.


Once I have a full erection in any public place or around others, it's not really possible to force my dick back into the hole without also only revealing my dick while doing it, or without trying to forcefully bend it. If not privacy is available to undo my pants, then my erection must remain outside of the hole until it subsides or until there is an opportunity to undo my pants. At best an attempt to pull down my shirt to cover it is the only available option while trying not to allow the bulge under my pulled down shirt. 

One second of loosing the grip on my shirt can lead to my erection being fully revealed and visible, such as having to used both hands for other tasks, or of course if someone else intentionally pulled up my shirt. 

Many of my shirts are just not long enough to offer much cover, even while being pulled downwards. Only one is actually long enough to not need to be overly stretched to cover my dick while also concealing a bulge underneath. 

Each time an erection occurs in public while wearing those jeans, I can only wonder if attempts to conceal it will be successful, or if this is a time when my erection will end up being openly exposed.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

A hole in jeans

 In a post it was mentioned how one pair of jeans of mine has a hole near the zipper area. It was mentioned in a comment that I should keep wearing them for as long as possible.

I do have a few pairs of jeans, so the pair with the hole is cycled through. As they are washed or laundered, each pair is worn again. Each time the pair with the hole is worn or washed, the hole inevitably gets larger and more easily noticeable.

It began as the tiniest of holes, but has now become large enough to be potentially revealing.

As of today they are due to be laundered again, but before removing them for laundering, a few photos were taken. The hole will surely be slightly enlarged once the jeans go through the washer and the dryer.

So far only a small part of my penis is visible through the hole, especially when I have a full or partial erection. Since I still have no permission to masturbate, erections tend to occur often. Most shirts I own are not long enough to cover the hole unless the shirt is pulled down and held at all times, which is not possible. 

When I'm out and walking around it's hard to tell how much can be seen, since my point of view is from directly above, while the view of others is more straight on.

The few strings covering the hole are slowly being worn away with each wearing and each laundry cycle. 

When at home I'm naked most of the time, and I only put clothes on when I'm about to leave home, excluding any underwear of course. It's almost always just a shirt, pants, and shoes.

I have noticed a few others in public just glancing down towards the hole, but I can't be sure what may have been visible to them at the time. I often even forget that I'm currently wearing the jeans with the hole either until someone glances toward the hole or until I'm walking and feel a flow of cooler air on my penis. 

It's inevitable that the hole will become large enough to see through, at very least showing that I'm not wearing anything underneath. 

It's hard to say when "for as long as possible" will be, but clearly that point has not been reached yet.  

Of course this is what the jeans are concealing at least for now


Sunday, June 28, 2020

David Steckel exposed naked as he uses the toilet

 David Steckel has no time or act that is private, and must remain naked during any act that would be private for others. So when David Steckel sits down naked on the toilet, his time and actions there are not private in any way, and are always public. However much he might wish for some small amount of privacy for some acts, David Steckel can have none. He must remain fully exposed for public viewing. His only option is to hope that others may choose not to view or observe him, which is the most privacy he can ever receive.

David Steckel naked and exposed while seated

 When David Steckel is naked in the presence of any visitors or guests, he must not only remain naked, but when seated he must ensure that his legs remain spread apart. David Steckel cannot sit in any manner that does not offer a clear and open view between his legs to all who are present. He is permitted to shift the position in which he is seated, but his legs must remain open wide at all times. Failing to do so is not only a show of rudeness, but also shows a complete lack of respect for any guests or visitors, and is construed to be an insult.
 Unless requested to by any guest or visitor, David Steckel must not look directly at any others present, in order for them to observe his naked, exposed body without being observed by David Steckel in return. In ALL cases, David Steckel is required to be the only one who is observed, watched, or looked at. Others can or will remain entirely clothed in they choose, and are entirely free to photograph or take video of David Steckel, including any close-ups of ANY area of David Steckel's exposed body.
 If, for any reason, David Steckel closes his legs however briefly, he must immediately and profusely apologize to all who are present for his failure to show due respect to them. When David Steckel needs to rise from his seat for any reason, he must provide that reason before rising, and it that reason must be approved by those present. Upon returning to his seat, David Steckel is again required to spread his legs wide apart and continue to offer a free and unobstructed view of the area between his legs. David Steckel can be seen above in a manner that complies with these requirements.

Monday, May 6, 2019

      David Steckel Naked: Dropbox Link


Please use the dropbox link provided, for full and free access to all photos and videos that depict David Steckel naked. Every person has the complete right, and is entitled to be aware of, to view, possess, copy, download, share, post, and display all photos and videos of David Steckel naked, masturbating, or otherwise exposed. Although this overall exposure to the public is mandatory and permanent, others are entitled to, and asked to assist in this exposure, or to further it to any able extent.

The rights of all others for this exposure are protected through licensing, through contractual obligations for the exposed (David Steckel), and through multiple releases. Furthermore, the rights for the exposed (David Steckel), are limited and restricted to:
1) Being viewed naked in a free and unrestricted manner, by every person, through any means.
2) Being exposed naked in any manner or act, by any other person or entity, for any reason or
    purpose, without exception.
3) Accepting or enduring all potential humiliation and outcomes that may result from this exposure.
 **Under no circumstances is the exposed (David Steckel) allowed or permitted the following:
        a) The exposed will not seek or request the removal or censoring of any posting, display, or
            exposure of them, made or done by any other person or entity.
        b) The exposed will not contact, attempt to contact, or otherwise communicate with any person
            or entity that exercises their rights and entitlements to expose and display them naked
            publicly. Contact will remain limited to the exposed only being contacted by others, for their
            own reasons. The exposed must respect the rights of all others to expose them freely.

All others are entitled to be aware that all body privacy for David Steckel has been permanently removed/revoked, meaning it does not exist and will remain so. The exposure of David Steckel naked will entertain or amuse some, which is only proper and fitting. Because this exposure requires the awareness of, and viewing by all others possible, to and beyond any degree that will humiliate the exposed, and allow others to recognize the exposed (David Steckel) upon sight, the extent of this exposure must be as widespread ad possible. All possible assistance for this, by all others, is appreciated and entirely correct.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

         David Steckel masturbating naked with an audience
 An internet audience was "arranged" for David Steckel. He will never know the identity of any audience member. He will not know the number of viewers he might have until he completes his "task", which is to enter the room naked, climb onto the bed, and masturbate in full view of his audience. He will then be disappointed to find that the connection to his audience has already ended when he attempts to view the size of his audience. Hmm... What an unfortunate "accident".


                     David Steckel strips and displays naked
For David Steckel, being seen clothed is a much greater privilege than he can ever deserve, even if his being clothed is sometimes necessary. Of course any clothing must be removed as soon as possible, so that he is once again seen in the only manner he deserves to be seen in... completely naked. But there is still the issue of compensating for any time spent by him clothed, which nearly always means some displaying in his deserved, naked state.