
Showing posts with label dick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dick. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Stuck in Chastity cage update 2

This is the next update to the post: 

It's now into my third week of having the Chastity cage locked on my dick and balls, and it's hard to know where to begin. 

It should probably begin with saying that the key to the cage is still useless, and that it only makes sense to forget about even trying to see if it might magically work somehow. About five days before beginning this post I gave up on that entirely, and I no longer waste time on it. Also, other than a few tries with the key, there has been no effort made towards getting free of the cage. It's so obvious to me that the cage will only ever be removed in a professional setting, and only when it has to be removed. 

I wouldn't dare try some haphazard, amatuerish, or risky method for trying to get free of the cage. Possible injury is only part of why that's true. I am intensely afraid of ending up with my dick somehow being free, but of still having the cage hanging from just my balls. That happened to me once, a pretty long time ago and with a different cage. It was also made of metal and about as heavy as the one I'm living in now. Every move I made felt like being kicked in the balls, until I made my way to the key and got out of it. This time the key would not get me out of anything. I know that it's best and safest to just leave things as they are rather than risk making things much worse. If there is one thing I'm completely sure of, it's that my larger sized balls would never be able to slip free of the cage without me being neutered in the process. 

Well, I guess I have to say that I think I keep noticing little ways that I seem to be adapting to the cage. One way is that I would often just grip or hold my dick when alone or while falling asleep. I wrote it off as a comfort or security thing, since it did seem to work.

Since that's not possible anymore, I've noticed that my hand still instinctively reaches there, even if it can't get beyond the cage. I found out that having my hand and palm over and around the cage works just about the same way. I just grip the nubby shape of the cage until I relax or fall asleep. 

Lately I've also had some dreams that as far as I know are the first ones where my dick is caged on the dream. In the dreams I had so far, For some reason I can only look straight ahead and I keep feeling down for the cage and then find it there. One time when I reach down I feel that the cage is gone. In the dream I panic for some reason, and I guess it's enough to make the dream end and for me to wake up. Before the fog clears in my head, each time I wake up I reach down, feel the cage, and feel relieved to find it there. Once I'm fully awake I try making sense of it, but mostly I'm surprised that my dick is caged in dreams now. 

When there's no reason for me to be clothed and I'm doing anything naked like watching TV or reading something, I keep becoming aware that I'm using the thumb of either hand to rub the flat solid metal bar that runs along the top of the cage. I feel like I've been doing it for a while by the time I notice I'm doing it. But it's an amazingly reassuring feeling for reasons I don't understand.

There's no choice for me except to adapt to the cage being there, but every time I see it happening in one more way, it feels like I've lost ground that might be lost for good.Three weeks ago I wouldn't have expected or believed much at all about what adapting would involve. Adapting physically really turns out to be just a part of it, and the quicker part. The other parts kind of sneak in there and only get noticed once they're happening or after they already happened. There's no fighting it and no resisting it since it's never known when it will happen or what it will be when it happens. 

Frequent attempts at having erections are still happening. My dick can spend an amazing amount of time just continuously trying to get fully erect. It seems like even though my dick can't ever be close to fully erect, it refuses to stop trying. It can be like that for nearly an hour straight, but more often for a half an hour or so. But the gaps between attempts at getting hard aren't usually very long. My dick can get kind of a worn out feeling from it happening so much. It has to be that the cage is rubbing my dick enough sometimes, and it triggers another try at getting hard. But sometimes I'll think of something arousing, and that's all it takes to make it happen again. At that point all I can do is wait until it subsides on its own. Every single morning though, I wake up with what would otherwise be an intense erection, but instead it's totally crammed inside of the cage. 

My dick obviously doesn't think for itself, but it's hard not to think that my dick actually likes the cage. It's always trying to get hard in there, the cage keeps me from touching it and especially from using it for my pleasure or enjoyment in any real way, and it's like it's in it's own little protected area. It's like my dick has managed to have some amount of superiority over me, and it's making me, or allowing me to feel just what it wants me to feel. And the worst part is that I feel like I don't t have any defense against it. 

Knowing that there is no way for me to remove the cage myself or on my own is always a reminder to me to just accept things as they are. 

Having the cage on does make it better and easier to just stay naked at every possible moment. I don't have or own any type of underwear or anything else that's loose fitting, and most of my pants are a bit too tight for the cage to stay where it needs to be. Pants tend to force the cage, and my dick along with it, into positions that aren't comfortable for too long of a time. I have to tolerate it whenever I have to wear pants, but it's much better without anything on below my waist. 

I've even resorted to finding ways for the cage and my dick to avoid being inside of my pants as much as possible. I can only really do it when it going without pants at all would be very noticeable, like walking to or from the car when going anywhere, or when being very close to anyone else is unlikely.

Some photos might be best to show it.

Unless I'm carrying things I can usually cover a lot with the bottom of my shirt, but mostly nobody pays much attention or sees me close up enough to notice anything. It keeps my dick from being even more contorted in the cage until it's really necessary. Once it's necessary, it has to be slipped back inside of my pants. It's especially useful during longer drives and when being without pants would be too obvious. 

When I'm getting dressed to go out somewhere, it's just a matter of not tucking things away as the pants are pulled up. One the pants are buttoned up, everything is held pretty securely, and it's comfortable enough to forget about it. Especially since I do have clothes on and I feel dressed. If it's windy out, I might feel the wind on my dick and remember to try to pull my shirt down. On a recent calm day I walked out and I was sitting down in the car before I realized that I had walked all the way to the car without a thought about it. It never occurred to me to bother trying to use my shirt as cover. I think that if I had seen someone nearby I might have realized things sooner, but I can't know that for sure since it didn't happen. 

If I would end up having to talk to someone or to be face to face with them, having a longer shirt on at the time might be helpful. The odds of anyone seeing the cage, my dick or my balls seems pretty low though. I'm sure I won't forget to try to buy slightly looser pants next time.

One thing about constantly wearing the cage that has been helpful is that there's a lot less need for me to be careful not to climax or cum again. I know that most other guys have the absolute right to do that as much as they want to, but it's not that way for me anymore. The cage doesn't just remind me of that, but it makes it really hard to go against it. So far the most I've been able to do is to tease myself to where I get an erection that's blocked and crushed by the cage. I guess that's one way the cage is serving some purpose. It's like one more safeguard for ensuring that I don't experience another climax and to not be able to cum. It's also a safeguard that can't be removed or ignored by me, because the cage truly cannot be removed by me. 

Being unable to remove the cage takes away any choice on my part about whether to remove the cage for one reason or another, even if it would have been placed back on me afterward. When I'm going out to do anything, meet anyone, or even going to a large family gathering, I don't have the option of deciding whether or not to wear the cage. I have to wear it no matter what I'm doing, no matter where I will be going, and no matter who will be next to me or around me. I also have to wear it no matter how great the chances are for someone to notice an unusual detail about the bulge in my pants. I still have to wear it if the chances of someone I know literally seeing my dick in the cage are pretty high or even pretty definite. 

Obviously though, if the cage was to be removed or whenever it really might have to be removed, it will have to be cut off by someone skilled using a special tool, and it could never be used again. It will probably involve me sitting somewhere naked, with my legs spread open, while one or more people focus their attention between my legs for a period of time. I will most likely be awake and aware the whole time, and feeling embarrassed and humiliated. This is almost definitely coming someday, and even if it can't be avoided, I need to avoid it for as long as possible. 

If the cage was cut off before there was some real and necessary reason for it, I would have no way of explaining it and I couldn't provide any real and true reason for it. I'm not very good at lying or deceptions, and I know it. It feels too wrong to me and I can't do it. Maybe that's why some people say that I'm too honest. 

All of that combined means that my dick will be staying locked in the cage, It may not be permanent, but it's at least semi-permanent for sure. 

Further updates to come soon.

Add on: 

One thing that I don't see mentioned anywhere online about being in a chastity cage is how unbelievably horny and aroused it can leave you. So far it's been happening to me often and a lot. It can't just be from not cumming for a long time, since I've done that before and this is much worse. It has to be the cage causing so much stimulation. 

It seems closer to being an endless cycle. The cage, or something I thought of, stimulates me, I start to get an erection but the cage holds it back and compresses it, my dick keeps trying to get hard until it feels like the cage and my dick become one solid thing. Then every tiny little movement makes the cage stimulate my dick even more, and my dick tries even harder to have an erection that it can never achieve. One thing keeps feeding the other,

I can't say that it doesn't feel good, but it's only good in a teasing way, and enjoying it only amplifies it all. I know that because I can never help from enjoying the feeling. But it can get really intense sometimes, and a few times I thought I was getting close to crying from having to keep feeling it and enduring it without being able to do anything about it. I didn't cry any of those times, but I did moan and whine in a frustrated and helpless sort of way. A half an hour or so might not sound like a long time, but it can feel long when every second of it is spent being overwhelmingly aroused and horny. Especially when the next time comes along so soon after. 

What I have seen online is how some guys say they can easily masturbate with a cage on. I don't know what sort of cage they wear, but I don't see how that can be achieved. I don't have near enough access to my dick to do more than tease it, which sets off the whole thing that was just described. I've already learned not to try playing around with my dick no matter how much I might want to, and when I'm unbearably horny and aroused inside the cage, to just sit back and take it as best as I can. 

Sometimes when I'm hopelessly horny anyway, and when my dick is already as hard as the cage will let it be, I do give in and thrust and press my dick into the cage as far as it can go for a second. Then I stop it for a second, and do it again over and over until I can't take the teasing any more. That is the best and the most that I seem able to do. 

One person online said that after a long time of wearing a cage, that spontaneous ejaculations start to happen inside of the cage. I don't know about that either and it might not even be true. But in a weird way I hope it might be true, since I wouldn't be directly responsible for it happening, and it seems like it would feel absolutely amazing. But I suppose there's no way of ever controlling anything like that, and having it happen in an unlucky location or at an unlucky time might end up with me having to be helped up off of the floor after it made my legs buckle and give out. Not to mention a cage and pants full of cum.

I guess time will tell though.


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stuck in Chastity cage - update

 This is an update to the post

It's  been almost two weeks the chastity cage was put on, and more than ten days since I found out that the key no longer enters the keyhole to unlock the chastity cage.  

I'm still trying to believe the feeling of panic when I found this out. Then how the panic turned into an aroused state of panic, and then how just a touch or two in one place on my dick that I could reach or touch, caused me to cum right there with the cage on. At the time, I barely gave a thought to how I had just violated the ban on masturbating or cumming on my own. But now the penalty for that means the chastity cage has to stay on and there's no trying to get it removed until it has to be removed for some other important reason. 

That sums it up, so in any future updates there may not be a summary like that.

It seems strange to say it, but I think I am actually getting used to the cage. There was some rubbing on the back of the base of my balls at first, but I seem to be adjusting to the curved metal down there. Just on the last day or so, I have been able to forget for a while about the cage being there. It's usually not for long, but it's something i didn't expect to happen so soon. But shifting around too much makes my dick rub the inside of the cage and it ends up making my dick try to have an erection. Sometimes I'm not even sure if shifting caused it or if it just happened on it's own.

But either way I end up having to feel my erection being blocked by the cage, and I feel my dick being forced to keep pointing slightly downward. But the slightest movement by me causes some slight movement between my dick and the cage it's pressed against. It's hardly any movement at all, but in my state at the time, it's just enough to be a sort of tease. I try not to let it go beyond that, since it would only be enough to cause an eternal tease, and I'd rather not end up making small thrusting movements that only end up making the teasing unbearable. 

I try to think about something else, and it usually works after a while, but the same things happens again later at some point. So the cage seems to cause me to try to have more erections, but the cage also always blocks them from going too far. But blocking an erection does nothing to block the arousal that would go along with an erection. Unless something changes, I might just have to get used to that as far it appears. 

I'd prefer not to mention it, but it's kind of an important detail overall. That detail is how to keep everything clean when a cage is in the way. It took some trail and error, and it takes some pulling, shifting, tugging, and stretching things to clean everywhere down there properly. And I mean properly and every day, because I could never stand it to be any other way. I now have small brushes to help make it easier and better, and I think I've got it down to a science now. I have to admit how that was one of my biggest concerns about being caged long term. But that concern seems to have been overcome. 

Nights feel a little bit different now too. Since I've been sleeping naked with lights on, next to fairly large uncovered window, and without any coverings, and since most of that part of the neighborhood has been able to see me in bed naked for well over a year now, or ever since the poll about it closed, it doesn't seem like having a chastity cage on should make any difference. But it does. It does seem to very slowly getting easier, but When I first get into bed at night, I feel very aware that from that point until morning, anyone seeing me will see the cage on me unless I'm facing away from the window at the time. But even then I'm not sure if the ring around my balls would be visible, since I can't see myself from the point of view that anyone outside would have of me.

I know that the rule for sleeping naked and exposed can't be broken just because of the cage being on me, so I know I just have to let anyone who looks in, see whatever there is to see.

I think one reason it's slowly getting easier to do is because it seems like there has already been enough time for some number of people to have seen me and the cage. Once someone sees me, there's no point in thinking about it any more, since they've seen me and it can never be changed.

Another thing that might be making it easier is that there's no way for me to hide the cage any more than I could hide anything else, and what I can't hide gets seen just like the rest of me. It can't be removed and at night there's no way to cover it up. It makes the only option be to adapt to it.

Something about the cage being seen on me by a chunk of the neighborhood seems harder than being seen naked by the same chunk. I think it's because it can show them that I'm not in control of my own dick or something like that. Since they can only see but not know anything else about it, I think they'd probably come up with their own story or reasons about why my dick was kept locked up in a cage every night. But in the end I know that the ones who will see me with my dick caged are going to see me, and there's not much at all that can be done about it. 

Going out in public with the cage on felt like a huge deal at first. Especially because of the bulge between my legs that the cage causes. With my looser fitting pair of jeans, the bulge extends down my left leg as its default position. The other two pairs of jeans I have fit tighter, and cause the cage to point directly left. The bulge is probably even more noticeable then, because it makes a bigger tent. I've only glanced over at a few people to either see them looking between my legs, or quickly looking up at my face if they realize I saw them looking. I know they probably don't know that there's a cage under there, so some of them probably think I'm better endowed than I am. Most people don't seem to notice much though.

Being out and away from home all day means being around other people all day, since there's not much alone time then. Everything that was done before still has to be done, but now with  cage locked onto my dick and my balls. I'm just now starting to have longer periods of time where I forget about the cage, but when I'm out and in front of a lot of other people I can become pretty aware that the cage is just under the fabric of my jeans. I know that nobody knows it's there, but sometimes it can feel like they know it somehow.

I wonder if  the cage being there also means that I'm now wearing four articles of clothing when I go out. Before the cage went on, I would wear three articles of clothing. A shirt, pants, and shoes. The cage can't be removed like clothing can be, but it's still something being worn. It wouldn't be considered as clothing in most cases, so I guess that's a matter of personal opinion.

If or when anyone approaches me and requests for me to strip naked, I would only be able to remove my shirt, pants, and shoes. There would be no way for the cage to be removed, and anyone who ended up seeing me would see that my dick was locked in a cage. There would be humiliation with or without the cage on me, but being seen naked with a caged dick seems even more humiliating. Just as how humiliating it's going to be whenever the time comes where the cage absolutely has to be removed for some reason. Other people are going to see it up close, will be working on it, and a record will be made or kept somewhere about the procedure. 

I've looked online for some of what to expect from wearing a cage for a long time. Some say nothing happens or changes, while others say differently. They list all sorts of changes that can or will happen over time. It seems only natural to hope for not a lot of changes to happen, but I might be destined to find it out for myself. Especially after months start going by with my dick still being locked in the cage. 

A few more pics of my caged dick and balls taken just a little while ago. It's the closest thing to proof that can be shown as proof of the cage still being locked on.

I can't think of anything else that's worth relating here, but if I do think of something else, this post may be added to, or it will be related in a future update post.

I keep forgetting to put the Dropbox link in every post. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"PUBLIC DOMAIN" image on Wikimedia

I rarely, if ever know why one specific photo or video of me naked seems to get extra attention at some point in time, but it has worked out that way for a long time. Suddenly multiple people will comment about or ask questions about one photo or video within a short period of time.

The most possible and likely reason for it is probably because someone either recently posted the photo or video somewhere, or someone shared a link for where to view it on a page or site that gets many views.

For one image in particular, this has occurred several times now. The image seems to get lots of attention for a short period of time, then the attention seems to subside before later receiving much more attention again.

The image is posted and available on Wikimedia at:

This is the actual image:

The image was posted online on a photo website where the default settings for an uploaded photo set the usage rights to public domain. Since all photos and videos of me naked are actually and literally public domain, not only was there no need to change the setting, but changing the setting to anything more restrictive would present images and videos of me naked with false or fraudulent usage rights.

Within a short time after being available, the photo shown was uploaded to Wikimedia through something called an "upload bot" I actually only discovered this once people began contacting me asking about the photo and how I got it uploaded there. I could only tell them that I had nothing to do with the photo being on Wikimedia.

The photo seems to have met certain standards for clarity and number of pixels, as well as being a photo that filled a niche in a desired category for Wikimedia.

Although there's no way to know who views, downloads, or uses the photo, there's an additional page for the image called "pageviews analysis" that counts the daily views. That page, along with any comments directly to me are the only way to know how much attention the photo might be receiving at any given time.

The photo is also one of the top results when web searching "David Steckel naked" or "David Steckel nude", especially using Google or Bing. It's also probably the only photo of me naked that is not on an adult website, but is on fully public web page without any restrictions or limits on who can view or download the photo.

Ironically enough, there's no legal grounds for me to dispute the use of the image on Wikimedia. In essence, Wikimedia is legally entitled to display and to offer a public domain image unless it can be proven beyond a doubt that the image is not and was never made available anywhere, at any time under a public domain usage license. Since that proof doesn't exist, and proof of the opposite does exist, there is literally nothing I can do about the photo being publicly offered for viewing and use by anyone, for any reason or purpose. (Not that it would be proper for me to even try to influence how a public domain image is used. It's also useless at this point to even consider influencing the use of the photo, since aside from no recourse being available for it, the photo has already spread and been used too widely.)

It's known that the photo has already been used and published in two German language religious type of books.

One is entitled "Scham und Ehre" (Shame and Honor).

(Scrolling down slightly may be necessary to find the photo)

The other book is entitled "Selfie - I Like it".

(Slightly scrolling downward again might be necessary here)

The links above are for the e-book version, but both are also published in printed form. I do have a copy of both books in spite of not knowing the German language, but it's not necessary to know how to read German to see that I'm naked in the books. I have no idea how many copies of the books have been sold, but anyone who possesses a copy also possess a photo of me naked and named, due to the title of the photo.

Since the books are both available in print form, even if the internet disappeared, the photo of me naked in the printed books would still exist.

Since the two books have been available for some time now, it may not explain why the photo periodically gets more attention for a while.

The photo may not be the most extreme for revealing me naked, but in it my penis is clearly visible and my balls are at least partly visible for anyone to see. It's also on a fairly reputable website that's purpose is to make available and offer photos for others to see and use.

So to repeat, I did not upload the photo to Wikimedia, and did nothing to encourage it. I did not even know that Wikimedia had a "bot" that sought out specific sorts and types of images until the bot found an image of me naked and uploaded it there. Because it's a public domain image, the whole thing is out of my hands. Wikimedia had just made use of and amplified the fact that my naked body is truly public domain.

It seems likely that of all photos and videos of me naked that are available, this one image is one that will remain available into the distant future.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

See the latest slideshow video of me naked

 First, everyone is invited to view a recently added video of me naked. It includes a series of photos of me naked along with some text. In it, different parts of my naked body are focused on for viewing, finishing with random photos and a short video. 

It begins with a series of photos that focus mostly on viewing what's between my (spread) legs. Mainly on viewing my soft penis and my balls, but also viewing me naked overall.

It moves on to briefly focusing on viewing me naked while I am showering. Some text reminds viewers that this view of me is public.

It then asks viewers to look at photos of me with an erection or while masturbating naked. More text reminds viewers that this view of me is also public.

The next step asks viewers to "please" look at my bare ass, since it is part of my public exposure. A series of photos then focuses on me naked with my bare ass presented to view.

It then moves on to inviting viewers to look at me with my ass cheeks spread, and to view my asshole. I am then shown with my asshole on display.

Finally, viewers are reminded that I am only seen accurately when I am seen naked, and to view some random photos of me naked since I deserve to be seen in them publicly. The photos show me naked and in some quite humiliating ways, but as some text reminds viewers, the photos do exist, which means their purpose is to be seen. Also, the entertainment or the amusement of others is always primary compared to any humiliation for me.

Viewers are then thanked for watching the video and asked to share it if or when possible.

The purpose of the video is of course for everyone to view for their entertainment or amusement. Its secondary purpose for it to be available for those who know me to see, so that they will see some of the photos of me that they may not otherwise see or take the time to view. 

Links and other ways to access or view it are posted publicly on the Facebook page:

and on my personal Facebook page where friends and some relatives are very likely to view it.

The links will enable the video to be viewed here:

The title of the video is "David Steckel Revealed". My full name is included in some of  the text within the video, so that I will be identified by name to all who view it.

The video's file size is too large to include here, but all are welcome to use the link above to view it. Like all videos of me naked, it is Public Domain and free for any and all uses by everyone.

Here is a photo from each section or category that the video displays of me.

Note: It's unknown how many friends or relatives have seen the video, but it's now known for sure that several friends and family members have actually seen me online naked. So far they have only mentioned it vaguely in online comments or mentions while not mentioning it in person. It's also not known exactly what they've seen of me or how much they have seen. 

Since everyone has the right to see me naked while having their privacy fully respected, I can and will never ask where anyone saw me naked or exactly what they saw of me.  They have the right to view me as anonymously as they wish, to look at what they want to of me, to share it with whoever they desire, and to post or display me naked however they care to.

My role is always limited to being displayed naked and being seen naked in any way available. With each and every photo and video of me naked being legally Public Domain, I do not even have any right, legal or otherwise, to infringe on the rights of others to view or display me naked in any way.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Recent Increase in online views of my Exposure

 While other things have been developing and occurring, it's always easy not to think much about how and where I am regularly exposed at all times and on a daily basis. Much thought is also not given to previous or older blog posts.

For a reason unknown to me, this blog has been receiving a large number of daily views recently. The view count does tend to fluctuate up and down over time, but increases in views tend to last for a short time, then drop again. But lately the daily view count is averaging 200 and more per day. 

All that's knowable is the daily view count, the previous days view count, and view counts for specific posts in selected periods such as the last seven days, 30 days, 60 days and all time. Nothing at all about viewers themselves can ever be known. The weekly view count is now commonly well above a thousand. 

The view count is also subdivided into which posts received which number of views, and one older post in particular is receiving a vast number of the views. I don't know why this post has suddenly become very popular, since it only shows a single video of me from nine and a half years ago. The post is:

and the video it shows is:


A few other older posts are receiving a lot of views, and I know it's really none of my business what is being seen of me. It's just unexpected. 

The newer blog page at: has a different way of offering statistics, but appears to get anywhere from 5 to 40+ views per day. Being so new it may not be established yet, and to get any other link than the one above, and upgrade to a paid plan is necessary. 

One other site that has a noticeable increase in views recently is the Facebook page:

It's still unclear how the notifications for statistics work there. It seems that a notification is only sent when the page is viewed for the very first time by someone, but not if they return to view it additional times. After the page was first established, notifications for new views came often. Then it was only occasionally. Now it's daily and has been that way for a while. A screenshot of recent notifications:

It may have nothing to do with it, but a Facebook friend from back in high school who was invited to view the page many months ago recently visited the page, and within a day of her visit, the notifications for new views began to come regularly. It may be a coincidence, but it's at least possible that after seeing the page, she began to "spread the word" of the page and of my exposure to friends and others previous classmates. Of course if that is the case, she has every right to do as she pleases, but it's still more likely that it's all a coincidence. 

Just as with the increased blog views, it's just that it's unexpected. It does seem highly likely though, that some of the additional viewers in both cases are people who know me or at least knew me at one time or another. I've never come across or seen anyone I know or knew naked or fully exposed on the internet, so I can't speak from experience on that. But if I ever did I think I might be curious or even interested to see as much of them as there was to see. For many who know me, I happen to be the person they know or knew who they have seen, are seeing, or will see naked and fully exposed on the internet. 

In most or many cases this will be or become the defining aspect about me and what will be thought of and remembered most about me by them. Hearing or seeing my name or thinking of me will likely bring to their mind whichever picture or video of me naked that they saw and remember the most or the one they most recently saw of me.

There is no reversing that or avoiding it, so I will always be defined by my exposure and I have to be willing to accept that fact. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

New Photo(s) of my nightly Exposure

 Generally there would be no reason to mention it each time anyone anonymously accesses my PC and camera, but a photo was left in folder that was apparently taken during the night that reveals me naked in bed and asleep. Since a photo was taken and left available, it's being included here just so that it's clear that nothing about my nightly exposure remains concealed.

It may not be an ideal pose to be in for a photo, but as usual when I'm asleep I am oblivious to being exposed, being seen, and being photographed.

As it always is, it feels peculiar to see myself asleep and exposed. When I go to bed ad before I fall asleep I always know that I am exposed, but my awareness ends once I'm asleep. But of course my exposure doesn't end then, and goes on throughout the night.

Whenever a photo is taken of me naked, exposed, and asleep it always re-confirms for me the fact that at night my naked body and my exposure is as close to being public as it can be without being fully public.

I know that's true anyway, but photos of my nightly exposure actually show it's true.

Since neither the Teamviewer app or the Anydesk app keep or retain anything at all about anyone accessing my PC, and keep no record of any access, I never know a single thing about if or when my PC or the camera is accessed. I never even know which app was used.

I might know there was access if a page or an application is left open, but I often can't be sure if it wasn't me who left things that way. Only a photo or photos being taken or a video being taken, and then left for me to find is a way to know there was access.

I do make sure I follow and obey the requirement as closely as possible that I spend each night exposed naked to potential observers outside and to anyone who accesses my PC and camera, but I still feel relieved in a way when anyone is actually able to see that I am complying with the requirement. The thought of any violation of a requirement that would incur some additional penalty is something I truly hope to avoid.

So when anyone does see me while I'm exposed naked in bed at night, I'm thankful that I was seen complying with the requirement.

Since I know that anyone has the absolute right to view my exposure at night either from outside or on camera, I do try to be sure I never infringe on that right even though it can be humiliating for me.

I also know that anyone making use of their right to access my PC and camera are under no obligation to take any photos or video of me, or to leave any copy of them for me to find at some later time. So if I'm being honest I suppose I am thankful or grateful to them for not only taking any photos or video, but for leaving a copy of them. I know that whoever takes any photo or video of me naked technically owns or controls them. They have every right to have or keep them for themselves for their own purposes without leaving a single copy for me to find. So when something is left for me to find, in a way it's a favor to me, since it's newer and more recent proof that I am complying with and obeying the requirement.

I only hope that anyone who observes my nightly exposure finds my compliance satisfactory, adequate, and sufficient.

My exposure and humiliation is unavoidable, but being found not be in compliance is entirely avoidable.

Teamviewer address: 1 054 262 400 Password: Nakedandexposed1

Anydesk address: 990 573 524 Password: Showmystuff1

Any additional photos taken of me naked during the night, but not taken by me will be included here as they are left and then found by me in a camera roll folder on my PC.

This time it's two new photos on yet another night. If nothing else, at least it provides a visual record and verification that the requirement for my nightly exposure is being obeyed and complied with.

Finding new photos daily was unexpected, and if it continues an additional post may be needed to prevent this post from being too long and have too many photos. Since all photos included so far are from the same week, this post will include all photos from the same week.

A few more new photos were found, and in one I see that I seem to do something I never knew I did or expected to see while asleep. I can see that I did it, but it's strange to have no knowledge or memory of it. Clearly the taker of the photo saw it, but I can only wonder how often I might do it and how many nearby others may have seen me like that at any time.

But being exposed means being seen with nothing being concealed, so it's just one more aspect of exposure that I have to accept. Here is the photo of the unexpected position followed by two others.

These last few photos complete the list of photos taken of me by others while in bed and asleep during a single week.

These photos will hopefully be sufficient as confirmation and verification that my requirement for nightly, night long exposure is being obeyed. For those who have long insisted that my nightly exposure also had to be seen, the photos may not prove it absolutely, but I can attest to the fact that I did not take a single one of the photos and knew nothing about them being taken until finding them later in a camera roll folder.

I may wake up or get out of bed briefly or periodically during nights, but whenever I am in bed at night, I realize that I am required to be exposed naked, both through an uncovered window to anyone nearby, and through accessing a webcam.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Current status of blue jeans with holes

The hole on the front of the blue jeans no longer just grows a little larger after going through the washing machine and the dryer. Each time the hole now grows significantly larger.

I'm finding myself in a tough spot now, since I did commit to wearing them until someone actually says something negative or derogatory to me about the hole or what they see through the hole, but it's now extremely difficult to keep the hole covered in public with even the longer t-shirts that I have.

Some photos of the current size of the hole in front:

I did try shifting my dick to the opposite side of where the hole is, but my dick always shifts back to the side with the hole within a short time, especially when walking. 

Before now it was possible for my soft dick to hang down low enough for my whole dick not to be exposed, but the hole had now extended down far enough that it's almost fully exposed unless my shirt can be kept pulled down over the hole. 

If someone stood close enough to me and looked down into the hole, they would even see part of my balls along with my dick. 

My soft dick now also now flops out of the hole very easily and often, and only the bottom of my t-shirt prevents it from being exposed. Any erection I get now sticks up and out through the hole and causes an obvious raised area under my t-shirt. Even when my erection s covered by the shirt, the bulge under my shirt cannot be hidden. Anyone who would see it would basically know that I had an erection right then. 

It's now pretty humiliating to wear the jeans anywhere in public since even if my dick isn't directly exposed and can stay covered by my t-shirt,  the effort it takes to keep it covered and any visible bulges still reveal a lot.

If there hadn't been a commitment for continuing to wear them, the jeans would rarely if ever be worn in public. I'm thinking about limiting the times they are worn or wearing them less often than they have been worn up until now, but I'm not sure how much that would effect the commitment to wearing them.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Anonymously submit a chosen penalty for my requirement violation

 A sort of survey has been created to enable anonymously listing a penalty for my violation of a requirement. The requirement violated was my failure to include mandatory photos in a recent email, which are required to be included in each and every email sent by me or replied to by me. 

It has become clear to me that some deem it necessary that a penalty must be implemented for me for this or any violation of any of my requirements. A chosen penalty can be listed here:

In order for me to be unable to hide or conceal anything anonymously submitted, the current results are available here: 

A penalty deemed fitting for my violation can be listed along with some detail about it, and one must ultimately come from those listed that are possible to be implemented. 

One recent comment received on the "Secret Message" page lists a potential penalty, although it leaves the details open.

Depending on the number of results and any similarities between them, they may end up in a short duration poll for one to be chosen over the others through voting.

Even though there being a penalty does make me a little bit anxious and maybe a bit nervous, I realize that it can't always just be dismissed when I fail to follow a requirement. I realize that just because I'm obeying other requirements it doesn't excuse not obeying all of them. 

Obviously any penalty received shouldn't require any violation of other requirements, such as the requirement that I spend every night exposed naked to others through a window, or the current requirement that I cannot intentionally cum or ejaculate. 

Since any violation of any requirement by me is essentially disrespecting and failing to obey decisions made by others, it can only be others who decide upon any penalty I receive. 

Once again, the photos I failed to include in an email, and ones that are required to be in each and every email sent by me or replied to by me are:

Any choices of a penalty submitted will be listed here:

1)  Get yourself as close to the edge as possible without cumming before leaving home. Wear the jeans with the hole. Go someplace public (mall, department store, etc.). Keep yourself as on edge while driving without cumming. Once you get to the public place go to the bathroom or dressing room. Leave the door unlocked (accidentally). Edge yourself a total of 5 times with 5 minutes in-between getting as close to cumming as possible without cumming. You are to then walk around the store for 20 minutes keeping yourself as close to on edge as possible without cumming in any way possible (feeling yourself through your packets, thrusting your hips, whatever). Pictures should be taken during this to show your humiliation and frustration at not being able to cum. The pictures and a detailed account of what happened should be posted.

2) Since your violation had to do with not being properly exposed naked, your penalty should be to be exposed the same way as in one of the pictures you failed to send. You have to be exposed naked all night anyway so your neighbors all see you. After it's dark outside and at least an hour before your usual time for going to bed, make sure your blind is up, that your room is lit up like it has to be all night, and get on your bed completely naked. Have your bare ass aimed towards the window as close to the window as possible while staying on the bed. Raise you ass up and lower your shoulders and head down onto the bed, and then stay like that for one full hour without moving for an reason, every night for two full weeks (14 nights) in a row. If you skip even one night you have to start all over again. The pose has to be just like in one of the pictures you were supposed to send. Since you didn't send it, you should have to be exposed like that in real time and in person for long enough for other people to see you.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Possibly publicly exposed wearing jeans with hole

 On a recent day, I had a few things to do which required going to multiple public locations. The list of things grew from just one to several things. Due to other issues occurring at the same time, I was a bit frustrated and exasperated. 

I had worn the jeans with the holes in them for a couple of days, and I had just laid out a different pair without holes that I intended to wear when I went out. I had laid those jeans near to where the ones with the holes had been placed. When I got dressed, probably due to my frustration at the time, I picked up the wrong jeans and put them on without even noticing. 

Since I thought I was wearing jeans without holes, I just grabbed a t-shirt that wasn't very long, since I didn't think a longer one was necessary. 

I still can't believe I never looked down or felt any air or breeze between my legs, but I went out confident that I had on a pair of jeans without any holes in them.

My first stop was a gas station, since my car was low on gas. I usually pay at the pump using a credit or debit card, but this time I was using cash, which meant walking up to a window where a cashier sat behind. Since several others were in line in front of me, I had to stand in line waiting for five to six minutes. Since I was sure I had a different pair of jeans on, I made no effort at all to pull down my shirt or to conceal anything. Once I pre-paid for fuel, I went back to the pump and fueled my car.

I then went to a bank, where I didn't have to wait in a line for too long. I was still sure I was wearing jeans without holes in them.

I then went to a grocery store where I didn't use a shopping cart, since I assumed I would easily be able to carry all of the items I was there to get. As I walked through the store gathering items from different aisles, I saw a few other items that I knew I needed but hadn't thought about until I saw them. I ended up with one arm held against my chest holding multiple items, and the hand on my other arm was also holding multiple items. 

I went to the checkout area and stood in line for a few minutes, still sure I was entirely covered between my legs. The cashier smiled and conversed a bit, but in hindsight I still have no idea if it may have anything to do with what I was wearing at the time.

When I got home, I still had other things to do at home, so I unloaded the groceries as quickly as possible. A couple neighbors were close by, but I didn't spend any time interacting with them.

Once at home I took care of most of what I still had to do before finally sitting down. Only then did I realize that I all along I had been wearing the jeans with the holes in them, and also wearing a shirt that was too short to have concealed or covered the larger hole in front.

When I did look down and saw my dick through the hole, I was stunned. I couldn't believe that I had been walking around with my dick almost certainly very visible without any idea about it at all. I'm still amazed that I'd been obliviously walking around with my dick visibly displayed. What's done is done though, and what's been seen has been seen.

Some photos from recently after my likely public exposure while wearing the same clothing that was worn in public, all except for shoes.

If anyone did see, and it seems impossible that no one saw, the hole is only going to get bigger until even my longest shirt won't be enough to conceal anything. I suppose I should be glad that I was a bit frustrated while out in public, which may be why I didn't get an erection this time. If I had gotten one, I would have been sure to notice which jeans I was wearing, but by then my erection would have been sticking out right there in public and there wouldn't have been much at all that I could have done to conceal it. 

Since no one said a word about the hole or my dick this time, I can only wonder when someone might say something, or if they'll mostly just look.  If nothing negative is said, then my dick may be seen by even more people and for a lot longer than I ever expected. Even just a slight glimpse of the hole lets it be known that I do not wear any underwear at all, which is bound to cause the hole to get attention. A closer look will surely show my once private part that is more and more becoming a public part.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Must report a rule violation for signature photos in emails

 For the purpose of openness and honesty, I must admit that I violated the rule for specific photos of me to be embedded in or attached to all emails I send or reply to. 

Three photos of me are always and in all circumstances to be included in any and all emails or replies sent out by me. The three photos are:

These photos were initially to be part of an email signature that would automatically be inserted into any composed email, but Yahoo began to no longer support photos in an email signature. This meant that the photos could only be included as attachments that needed to be manually added to each email.

I entirely neglected to do this in a recent email, and rightfully the recipient was aware of this failure and shortcoming by me, and also rightfully, they pointed this out to me. 

I admit that I was entirely wrong to have neglected a rule or requirement that always applies to me under all circumstances. I know these rules and requirements exist to be complied with and followed by me, and do not come with an option for me to neglect them. 

To be honest I am ashamed that I hadn't even realized that I neglected this rule, at least until I was caught and that my neglect was pointed out. In a way I'm grateful for having been caught and called out for it, so that this violation is not repeated. It shows me that I need to pay closer attention to what is required for me.

Just for informational purposes, I have two email accounts. One is with yahoo and my address is

The other is with Google and my address is 

There are issues for me when sending a gmail to a yahoo address, likely due to the signature photos being embedded into the message, causing the message to be blocked from sending. But between the two email accounts, a message that includes the required photos is always so far able to be sent by me. 

I know that just because there are several other requirements that I'm obliged to follow, it's no excuse for neglecting to follow any one of them. There's never any excuse for me failing to do what's required of me. 

Sometimes the length of time between sending or replying to emails can be long for me, so it's not as ingrained in me like some other daily requirements are. I clearly need to pay more attention to following requirements that need to be followed less often. If not for the attentiveness of a recipient of a reply from me, and the fact that they were aware of the requirement and pointed out my failure to fulfill the requirement, my failure in compliance may have occurred again. 

I know I should never need to be informed of a failure to comply, or to be "caught", but in this case it's probably fortunate that I was caught quickly and that I was informed about it and expected to correct it. 

So I apologize to the recipient who had to call me out on a failure of mine, and in general to everyone else for failing to abide by a requirement. I promise to pay closer attention to this requirement in particular, and to ensure that one way or another, the three photos of me are included to every single email and reply that is sent out by me, no matter how redundant or repetitive it might be, and no matter who the recipient is.


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Reply to comment about disintegrating clothes (jeans)

 An anonymous comment was recently received on the "Secret Message" page at:

Since replies to comments is not possible on the page, and the sender is entirely unknown, replying to it here on the blog is the best that can be done and maybe the sender will be able to read this reply.

The comment was:


 In reply to the first sentence, the sender and anyone else has every right to enjoy any situations or predicaments that are related to my exposure of humiliation in any way. Anything that occurs or happens where I am exposed or humiliated is certainly going to occur or happen anyway, so anyone who can or does enjoy any of it may as well take advantage of the opportunity.

So far it's just the one pair of jeans that is in the process of "disintegrating", with a small but growing hole at the top of the rear pocket, and a now quite large hole in front beside the zipper area. My other jeans and the shirts I wear with them are basically in decent shape. Even the jeans with the holes aren't all that worn out aside from the holes. 

But it's for sure that each time I wear the jeans with the holes in them out in public, I am more exposed in them than I was the time before, especially after they go through the washing machine and the dryer. In front of a mirror and without my shirt fully pulled down over the hole, I can quite easily see through the hole and see most of my dick. An erection makes it even more obvious, since it's usual position lines up almost exactly with the hole, and more often than not it will stick out of the hole.

It's anyone's guess how long it might be before somebody says something, since some of that depends on who ends up noticing or seeing some or all of my dick through the hole at some point. I do my best to keep the hole covered by the bottom of my shirt in public places, so as long as I'm successful at that, there's less chance for someone to see something and then say something about it. It's more or less inevitable that I won't successfully conceal things enough, either because of being unable to keep my shirt pulled down far enough, or because the hole simply gets too large. That's the likely point where someone will see into the hole and see my dick.

Even when someone does see my dick, that still may not be the point when something is said about it. They may or may not decide to say something to me about it. If they don't say anything, then that means someone else will also eventually see into the hole and see my dick. Things will repeat like that until someone finally does say something. If what they say is derogatory or negative, then the jeans can stop being worn.  

Until that point the jeans will continue to become more rag-like while being worn in public. Since no underwear can be worn underneath, every stitch and shred of fabric the jeans lose further reveals and exposes me.

At times while in public, I can often feel the breeze or the wind blowing across my dick, and it's difficult to know for sure whether it's just blowing into the hole or if my dick is actually outside of the hole. Since in public it's not always possible to be adjusting and shifting things around "down there", or to be able to just lift my shirt and look to see, I usually just end up trying to keep the bottom of my shirt pulled down as far as possible. How well that works depends on how long the shirt is that I'm wearing, and how far it might be able to be stretched downwards. As it is, if I ever end up having to reach up high with both hands while in public or within view of others, then no shirt I have would be long enough to prevent my exposure and almost certain humiliation. 

At the time of this writing, the jeans with the hole in are in the process of being washed and dried once again, so within days they will be due to be worn again, and the holes are sure to have been made larger. During the few days while they're being worn again, it won't be possible to avoid ending up in public at least a couple of times.  

                      As an erection begins to occur, it can easily slip out through the hole.


Once an erection becomes full, it can no longer just be slid back into the hole, and has to be left out until it subsides or until there is enough privacy to unbutton and unzip the jeans.