I've hesitated to reveal this fact because of how embarrassing it is to have to admit it, and also because of how comical or humorous it might be for everyone to know of it. But I know it has to be admitted since my lack of a right for privacy means it can't be kept secret, and I know that over time many others will find out about it anyway. So it seems best to just admit it and get it over with.
To begin with, I'm not supposed to or be permitted to masturbate until I cum or climax. The details about that aren't very relevant here, so those won't be described here.
But because of this, any time I felt like I was at risk of violating this by climaxing, I would put on a chastity cage or "cock cage" and place the keys out of easy reach until I either felt like the risk of climaxing had passed, or until the cage became too uncomfortable to tolerate wearing any longer.
The first cage I wore allowed my dick to slip out of it, especially when soaped up in the shower, and with some pain and discomfort, my balls would be able to slip out through a gap in the main ring.
I knew this wasn't acceptable, so a second cage was obtained. This second cage had a ring that was too small. Closing the ring and locking the cage was extremely difficult, and once in place my balls became numb and became a deep red color. Obviously this was to workable, so a slightly larger ring that fit the cage was obtained.
This new ring along with the cage prevented any release or escape other than being unlocked with the key. My dick could not be removed no matter how soapy it got, and my balls could not possible slip through any gap. All that was necessary to keep my dick locked in the cage was for the key to be out of easy or quick reach.
A while ago I felt the need for the cage, since I was experiencing an arousing period of time. I will often play with my dick but stop short of cumming, but during one of these times I accidentally went too far and I climaxed and came. I knew I not only had to do something to keep that from happening again, but also do something that could serve as a penalty for me for being so negligent that I came. I knew the cock cage would work for both of those things, since it prevents erections and easy access to my dick, and it's also a bit heavy and uncomfortable since it's made out of titanium and steel.
I figured a couple days of wearing the cage would was justified. I knew that after a couple days I would not be able to tolerate wearing the cage any longer, and then it would be removed.
So I endured the cage for a couple days while doing all of the usual things I do, and then decided it was time to remove the cage. I retrieved the keys from where they had been placed, tried to insert the key in the lock, and found that the key would not go into the lock more than a fraction of the way it needed to go.
I assumed that some lint or something got into the key hole, and tried using pins and other things to try to clear out the obstruction in the tiny sized key hole. But nothing I did made any difference. It seems like whatever is in the key hole has been wedged fully and deeply into the key hole either from when I tried the key or by me trying to get it out.
So for day after day now my dick has been imprisoned and trapped in the cock cage, and even though I keep trying, the key will definitely not go into the key hole even close to far enough to unlock the cage. After nearly bending and breaking one of the two keys off in the lock, I'm having to resign myself to the fact that the cage can never be unlocked again, which is not easily done.
Cutting off the cage is probably the only way it will ever be able to be removed, but the areas that would require cutting are tightly pressed against my dick and the risk is just too great for it to be attempted by me. Even a professional at metal working would likely have trouble cutting it without any issues for my dick. I also can't just go into a metal working shop and expect a request like that to be honored or accepted.
So as things stand at this time, I am permanently stuck with my dick locked in a cock cage without any real hope or any chance for it to be removed. The thought of months and years being spent this way is hard to accept, but it doesn't seem like there's any other choice at least for a long, long time.
At times I feel desperate for the cage to be removed, but all I can do is look down at it and know that it has to stay there no matter what.
Worst of all is that I have to accept that it's all my own fault, and that I basically asked for this by placing the cage on in the first place. Being upset with myself and with my choices doesn't help much, but at times I can't help from thinking that it's just me getting what I deserve in this case.
Not just me deserving to have my dick imprisoned in a heave metal cage permanently, but deserving the definite embarrassment and humiliation that is sure to result from it.
Now, every metal detector I ever go through will react to the cage and will cause me to end up having to step aside and show the cage to some security person, possibly while still in public view.
Now every visit to a medical facility will end up revealing the cage to everyone present, and even professionals are sure to find it humorous or comical. I will have to endure facing all of those people after they've seen how my dick is trapped in a cock cage that cannot be removed.
Just the bulge alone in my pants is quite noticeable, since there's no way to conceal such a bulge. I don't own or wear any underwear, so it's more likely that the cage will be noticed or seen at different times. Wearing swimming trunks will always be a dead giveaway.
Using a public restroom or in any restroom where others are present is sure to cause others to notice or see the cage unless only an enclosed cubical can be used by me.
And although it hasn't happened yet, it can't be forgotten that I have to remove all of my clothing and strip naked any time anyone approaches me at any time or place and requests or demands for me to strip naked. If that happens now, they and everyone else within sight of me will see that my dick is in a cock cage. There will be nothing I can do to prevent others from knowing about and seeing my dick locked in a cage. That would be some serious humiliation to endure, but it would be all I could do. Even a demand to remove the cage would be impossible to honor.
Lesser issues also exist, such as I now have to sit down to pee, since aim and control is too inaccurate unless standing in front of a wide urinal. But using a urinal means potentially and most likely displaying the cock cage to others on either side of me.
Those are just some of the issues that I'm aware of so far. Other issues could arise that have not even come to mind within the time since the cage became permanent.
I do wonder though, why the key hole on the cage so suddenly became blocked or damaged, since everything has always worked fine before. It's not easy to avoid thinking that it happened because it was what I deserved, even if I don't know exactly why.
Maybe I deserve to go all day, every day, and every night feeling the cage and its weight, not being able to have an erection that doesn't press hard against the metal cage that restrains it and prevents it from becoming a full erection. I can only look at how my dick tries to enlarge, and tries to expand through the openings on the cage, but is held back by the solid metal and kept trapped in such a small place. Truing to touch my dick only ends up in me touching solid metal that I can squeeze as hard as I can, but still does nothing. I have to keep seeing my dick stuck in a cage that I know can never be removed no matter how desperate or frantic I get about it, no matter how much I want it removed, and no matter how much humiliation or embarrassment it causes for me.
I don't know, but maybe I deserve each and every bit of all of that. I only know that I can't say or prove that I don't deserve it, so maybe that means that I do deserve it.
But whether I deserve it or not, it's real, it's happening right now, and it's permanent, and I know it. It means I have to make adjustments such as making keep things clean and hygienic, which is inconvenient but necessary.
I have to adjust to knowing that my dick is on my body but is not actually fully mine any longer. In a way my dick belongs to the cage more than it belongs to me, and even though the cage is inanimate and without feelings, it seems more than satisfied with being able to imprison my dick for all time. In this case it's clear that I have lost and the cage has won supremely.
I did accidentally find one thing that could be considered to be a benefit though. One opening in the cage is just big enough for my pinky finger to squeeze into it. I can use it to just slightly rub a small part of my dick near the head. Being so aroused, horny, and desperate, it feels so good to rub just that one small spot. On one recent night as I was doing this, my dick swelled so much that it was pressing against the cage so hard that even the cage was making my dick feel good. I began to thrust my hips involuntarily as if I was trying to shove my dick even further into a cage that had no room for it. I just know at that time I wanted my dick in the cage as far as it could possibly go, and I wanted it to stay there.
But then I suddenly crossed "the point of no return". I was about to climax and cum and there was no longer anything I could do to stop it. I never thought it was possible to cum with my dick so restrained in such a small area, but it happened.
I swear that I have never, ever felt a climax that intense or pleasurable, or one that lasted so long. I'm almost always quiet as I cum, so as not to announce my climax to anyone within hearing range, but this time I unwillingly moaned and hollered loudly multiple times. Anyone hearing it would have had no doubt about what was happening right then. Afterwards I could not believe that I had made so much noise and I was bit embarrassed about it, even though I don't think anyone heard me.
I knew I wasn't supposed to cum, but somehow it felt okay since my dick was actually permanently locked in a solid metal chastity cage. I don't know if that's a valid excuse, but it was at lease something.
Of course I wanted to see if that whole event could be duplicated again, so I did try again. It turns out that just rubbing my dick is not enough to make it all happen. I also have to think hard about how I can never escape the cage and how so many other people are going to know it's there and see that it's there as time goes on. It turns out that when I'm very horny and aroused, I get more aroused by knowing that the cage definitely cannot be removed and that it's going to end up humiliating me for sure at certain times. In that short time I am actually thrilled that the cage cannot ever be removed and that I will have to be seen that way.
Of course afterwards reality sets in again, and I go back to wanting the cage removed until my next horny time.
So all in all, since the keys no longer work to unlock it, and cutting metal that's against my dick is too risky even if I ever managed to find someone willing to try it, I'm working hard to learn to accept my new reality and my fate that comes along with that reality. I have to learn that the cage really is permanent, and that it will be with me every second of every day and night, and with me with every single thing I do and every place I go. I hope I can get to where I can forget it's there for longer periods of time.
I can only presume that a part of me actually wants my dick to remain locked and imprisoned in a small metal cage permanently, and that I want it to end up humiliating me over and over again. I wish that wasn't true and I don't like that it' true, but is is and there's nothing that can be done about it.
Of course that's only true for short periods of time. Most of the time I do very much want the cage to be able to be removed, but the fact that I know it cannot be removed only leads to making me aroused and horny again. If the cage had never became irremovable, I would never have realized how aroused it makes me.
So I could spend time and effort fiddling with a lock that I know will never open, or I can spend time and effort trying to find someone or some way to safely cut solid metal that is pressed against my dick at all times, or I can learn to accept what I more than likely do deserve and what I'm now getting.
I will try to learn to accept that my dick will always and at all times remain locked in the small metal cage, ans it will never again be able to be removed from that cage. It's very daunting and intimidating to accept such a thing, but in the end I have to face the reality of there just being no way to ever remove the cage. I have to learn to accept and deal with the lesser aspects of it all, and to try to enjoy the few positive aspects of it all.
Below are a few quick photos showing the cage, my dick, and my new but permanent reality.
I realize that many might find this to be humorous or comical, and if it was anyone but me in this situation, I would probably agree with that. But even though it's me and I'm the one who will be enduring it and all that comes with it, I still do find it to be kind of funny. I realize that others do have a right to laugh at me or mock me, and I expect and deserve every bit of it. I caused this and now I just have to live with it.
EDIT 1: I completely forgot that every post has to include a link to the Dropbox: David Steckel naked. It has just been pointed out to me that there was no link, so here is the link:
EDIT 2: In decisions and discussions that have taken place on this topic on my other blog
it seems that I have violated a ban for me to masturbate or cum at all, Once I knew that cage was not going to come off, I panicked and at the same time I became highly aroused. I came unexpectedly and by doing it I violated ban that's recorded on a document that I signed and agreed to.
It appears that my penalty is to be required to continue to have my penis locked in the cock indefinitely. That is until there is a legitimate but separate reason for the cage to be removed, however long that might be. As part of this penalty I agreed not to do anything towards trying to have the cage removed like seeking ways to have it removed or seeking any assistance in getting it removed. The key is available but useless since it will no longer enter the keyhole in the lock.
I accepted this penalty because there is no doubt that I did violate a signed and sworn statement, which also includes accepting a penalty for any violations. I'm sure no other penalty would be any more pleasant than I one I have received, and selecting the penalty wasn't up to me.
So from now until the day the cage must be removed for another reason, I will be serving the penalty.
NOTE: An update for this post can be found at: https://davidsteckelnakedandexposed.blogspot.com/2024/09/stuck-in-chastity-cage-update.html?zx=6ba9b12d19fc83dd