
Sunday, December 27, 2020

No questioning any aspects of my exposure naked

 It seems that I keep having to do this, but I've gotten myself into some trouble over asking a question about a comment in a previous post. I owe all viewers of my exposure and voters in the poll an apology for my actions. 

I didn't see my question as interference in my online exposure naked, but it wasn't what I asked that was the issue. The fact that I asked anything at all is what ended up being the issue. 

What I did was, when I saw a comment from my contract holder asking others to visit a Google photo album, find a comment there that offered the email address of a some friend of mine, and then share the link to the album with them, I asked which friend it was.

Since I'm blocked from viewing the album myself, I couldn't see which friend it might be. My curiosity and a little bit of anxiety over this possible humiliation got the better of me and I convinced myself that my asking would be harmless. When someone anonymously commented and called my comment into question, I began to think that my asking a question was a mistake.

I knew for sure that I'd been wrong to ask when the person who holds my exposure contract actually commented there as well. They more or less publicly reprimanded me for asking my question. Later, they send me an email that detailed how and why my question had been such an issue.

I was told in no uncertain terms that when anyone does or says anything about exposing me in any way, that it's not my place to question it at all. My exposure only concerns those who desire to see me exposed, those who choose to expose me, and those who view my exposure. My only part is to be the object of exposure and to be seen naked. 

There is to be no difference between my exposure to random people online and my exposure naked to people who know me or who are friends. My own feelings or opinions about this are not relevant. The exposure contract does make a lot of this clear, and my recent punishment of being exposed to Facebook contacts through links has removed any rights I may have still retained for keeping my online exposure hidden and concealed from people who know me. I didn't factor those two things together when I asked my question. 

Due to my question, I now know that this still unidentified friend must absolutely have my exposure shared with them. I know this means they have to see my naked and see that I am exposed online for anyone to see. I also know there is no way to prevent this anymore.

I was surprised when I found out that they aren't to be notified about my exposure by me until I found out why. One reason for this was so that I wont know when this friend first sees me exposed naked, which will allow them to view me naked without me being aware of it unless they choose to tell me about it after they've seen me. Another reason is so that this friend will know that I am unaware of them seeing me naked, which cannot happen if they are notified of my exposure by me. They can then be free to view me at their leisure and share my exposure with others all without any concerns that I know anything about it. For those reasons, only a random or anonymous person is asked to share my exposure with this friend of mine.

As my penalty for asking a question, and for showing that I still need to learn my place in my exposure, I am required to ask the assistance of others in sharing my exposure with this friend either until this friend informs me of having seen me naked, or until someone notifies me that they have shared the link to the Google photo album with this friend. This has to begin here and now.

Please visit this Google photo album at:

Please locate the comment with this friend's email address and just send them the link to the album.  Please allow them to see what their friend has deceptively kept concealed from them until now. Thank you.

                                     Visit the Google photo album to view the full email address. 

                                                     Until the friend of David Steckel views him naked and exposed,

                                                     the friend's email address and their identity must remain concealed

                                                     from  David Steckel. Please submit the Google photo album limk

                                                     to this friend of David Steckel's by email. Thank you.


I've also learned that the poll was been updated to be more accurate. I was told that the poll was unchangeable and not able to be altered or closed, but I know better than to question how it has now been updated. I just know that the voting results have made it clear that I will remain exposed to Facebook contacts permanently through links to my exposure being public in my intro there. 

This seems to be a slower and random process for exposing me to people who know me, while having this friend seeing my exposure is more definite and instant once my exposure is shared with them. I do understand though that I cannot do anything about either one of those things.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Exposure to Facebook friends - update.


For over a month, votes in the poll at:
have continued to increase for requiring that links to sites exposing me naked be available publicly in my Facebook information (intro) at:

The posting of these links was one part of a punishment handed down to me by the holder of my exposure contract for several violations of the contract by me.
The links allow friends and visitors to my Facebook page to have an opportunity to see me naked online. Being seen naked by people who know me is really the actual punishment, and the links are a way for that to happen.
Rather than the punishment just being implemented outright, the holder of my contract decided that a poll would be created to allow others to have the final say about whether or not I would have to serve my punishment.

A few votes were cast for other options, but they amount to almost nothing compared to the number of votes requiring the links to be permanent, which basically insures that I will be seen naked by Facebook friends and visitors who happen to click any of the links.

It's keeps getting more clear that most voters feel that my punishment must be served, which not only will result in me being seen naked by people who know me personally.It's already known to have happened once already.

Because it's me who is being exposed, my thoughts or opinions are obviously biased in my favor. Voters are much more impartial, and so many of them can't really be wrong. I basically have to accept the fact that they must be right, and that I do deserve what the majority of votes are requiring.

I have basically resigned myself to serving out my punishment and being seen naked by people who know me, because it's all I really can do. It does seem sure to humiliate me at least a little bit at some point, but that's clearly just another aspect of my punishment.

As I've been reminded, I did violate my contract, and I am now paying for it. I know I will continue to pay for it as time passes and more people who know me see me naked online. I also know there is no way to avoid that.
The choice of the voters is all too clear and is undeniable.

Voting has slowed down after a month, but more votes continue to be for requiring the links to remain posted permanently. This only reinforces the fact that my punishment will be ongoing, possibly until every last Facebook friend has seen me naked.

I surely will be taking my exposure contract more seriously, but I know that doesn't have any effect on what has already occurred.

I've been reminded again that the poll will remain open so that votes can continuously be cast, but as stated already, votes for the links to be permanent only continue to increase. It's nearly certain that from now on, I will be one click of a link away from being seen naked by people who know me.
The links to my exposure that are now permanently available and public in my Facebook intro information are: Twitter page of David Steckel naked

I've been told that additional links can or may be added if it is assessed to be necessary or deserved by me, but so far the existing links seem to be sufficient.
I tend to visit my Facebook page less often now, since it's hard not to see the links so available there. It tends to remind me of how I didn't take my contract as seriously as I should have, and how I now have to pay for it through being seen naked by those who know me.

Lastly, the holder of my exposure contract thought it best that I state outright that I accept my punishment and that I will not attempt to limit or resist the verdict that voters have decreed through their votes. After several attempts at a satisfactory statement, the following statement was finally approved for posting by the holder of my contract.

"I, David E. Steckel, hereby accept my punishment of being exposed naked to Facebook friends and to all who visit my Facebook page. I accept the will of voters in the related poll, and I swear that I will do nothing whatsoever that might affect the fulfillment of my punishment. Due to multiple violations of my exposure contract, I have necessitated this punishment, making me alone responsible for its implementation and for all that may result from its implementation.
I would like to thank all who voted in the poll who understand that this punishment is necessary, and who expressed so through voting for it to be carried out in full."

Saturday, December 19, 2020

David Steckel Nackt Wixt (David Steckel Naked Wank)

David Steckel Nackt Wixt  Watch David Steckel Nackt Wixt video on xHamster.

 This compilation video was created and posted on Xhamster by someone else who selected some videos from the Dropbox that contains all photos and videos of me naked. It was created from one video showing me naked and masturbating, and another that shows me naked while inserting a magic marker into my asshole and then leaving it there and masturbating. (It should be known that the magic marker remained in my ass throughout the rest of that day, through the night, and until a necessary trip to the bathroom the next morning allowed it to be released.) The compilation finishes by displaying me naked and masturbating one additional time. 

All videos in the compilation are viewable separately on my own Xhamster page, but the compilation video presents me in a single video. 

The creator of the video asks the favor of  having others view what they have posted of me and to like or comment to them. They have made it clear they greatly appreciate likes and comments. Since it is their page and their work, they will receive any comments made. In this case I am only an object of display since the owner of the page is aware of their complete right to display me naked as desired, which is the same rights that all others have.  source of videos

They also created a photo album of me naked, and another small album of gif images.

 David Steckel naked - photos

David Steckel naked gif's  

 The link below is a posting that contains a description of my requirements and obligations for being displayed naked by others, as well as relating the absolute right that all others have to post or display me naked in any manner that can be conceived of.


Saturday, December 5, 2020

An informational background webpage of David Steckel

 Many for profit websites exist that will provide information on a person's background for a fee or with a paid membership of some kind. I was notified of being on one of these type of sites by someone online. The page of me is a free public "profile" page for the purpose of enticing people to pay for a more detailed informational package.

The site lists my job as being a "Professional Exhibitionist" and as me working for a company called "Naked". The opening paragraphs add even more:

"David is an internet exhibitionist. His primary function and obligation is to be exposed to and seen nude or naked by anyone and everyone. His purpose is nothing more than to be observed naked, exposed, displayed and shown as public property. Simply enter his name in any web search and put naked after it, then choose from the search results. David Steckel can be seen naked on Wikimedia Commons here: "

This is similar to one of the five reviews of me posted lower down on the page, but anyone can read these for themselves at:

The intro and the reviews offer a quite distinct description of me. Since the page can be seen to have existed for quite some time already, there's no telling how many times it has been viewed.

An option exists on the page to "Control this profile". I attempted to click this button and received a message that this profile has already been claimed. After attempting to contact the website asking how this could be, I was informed that the person who claimed the page has proven it is theirs and that the information it contains is considered to be valid and up to date. 

Other than some listed associates and neighbors being incorrect, the information there is more accurate about me than might usually be expected to be found on such a site. My listed profession and company are pretty obviously not entirely true, but they do correspond with other information about me there.

Since the page is public and free, anyone at all can see everything there. I unwilling to pay the site for so-called additional information about me, but I if that information was accurate, it might list a civil case I was involved in years ago or being cited for indecent exposure. That last thing only serves to reinforce the accuracy of what is available on the free page about me.

I won't be pursuing the matter any further. Anyone who does any real sort of web search on me and uses the right search words will see that I really can be found naked on the internet quite a lot. That leaves little or nothing about accuracy to be questionable. It's probably not a bad thing that people who might be searching for me see this major aspect about me.


There's also the fact that nothing posted of me naked by anyone can be removed once posted, or even requested to be removed. I'm not shown naked on this particular site, but this surely falls into the same category. 

Maybe it's best that I can't change or alter the page in any way. On some days I might think something needs a slight correction and end up making it less accurate in the process. Also, if someone else has claimed the page and wants that information about me to be there, then it's not my place to change it or question it. 

On the more humorous side, I can only wonder what others who share my name might think when they see this page or my actual exposure naked on other websites. It's doubtful any of them have left one of the comments or "reviews" there, but since they're all anonymous they'll always remain unknown.



Wednesday, December 2, 2020

First (known) exposure to Facebook contact.

 In prior postings, a punishment that I received for violating my exposure contract is described, and how a poll exists to allow voters to decide whether I would receive a pass on that punishment or if it had to be carried out. A large majority of the votes require for my punishment to be carried out. The punishment requires for links to my online exposure naked to be permanently posted in the contact information on my Facebook page in order for those who know me to view my exposure and to see me naked. 


Facebook:  (Links to my exposure can be found in the contact information there)

The number of people who know me who I am required to be seen naked by is directly connected to the number of votes for the links to remain permanently posted. Each additional vote for this requires that I be seen naked, masturbating, or performing some act naked by one additional person who knows me. I have to provide some evidence to prove this, and it has to be submitted to and approved by my contract holder before it can count as an actual viewing of me naked.

This has occurred for the first time and it was approved as a legitimate viewing of my exposure. The evidence is an image/screenshot that is included here:

So that the privacy of the viewer of my exposure is fully protected, nothing that might identify them is to be revealed. The part relative as evidence that my exposure has been seen has to be provided though, to inform voters that their decision is being carried out. 

Even though this counts as one view of me naked by a Facebook contact, the vote count for the links to be permanent rose by one vote too. Since the majority vote count has to match the number of people who know me who I have to be seen naked by, it leaves me in basically the same place as I was before.

If the vote count for the links to remain goes up faster than I am viewed naked, I will end up further behind and have to be seen naked by even more people who know me. I'm basically resigned this happening unless some proof is suddenly received that I have been seen naked by a lot of people who know me. No matter how many times I might be seen or think I've been seen naked by people who know me, it will not count without proof. 

I've been reminded again that the poll is likely to remain open permanently to allow voting to continue in an unlimited and unrestricted manner. It also seems to mean that the number of votes and the number of people who know me who I have to be seen naked by will be able to climb indefinitely too. 

I'm mostly resigned to this fact too, since I'm either unable to or not permitted to do anything besides for being exposed naked to the required number of people who know me.