
Sunday, November 15, 2020

David Steckel naked and indentified

 A minor issue that was pointed out to me some time ago, which is that in some photos of me naked, I am unable to be identified. The reason for this is that some photos show my naked body in some way without my face being visible, either because the photo shows my lower body or the photo shows me from behind.

Since photos of me are already on many websites, many of which I am positive that are unknown to me, there is really no way to correct the issue completely. I was recently informed though, that in as many photos as possible of the sort described, that I need to be identified through a photo inset of my face.

The laborious task of finding and adding a face photo was begun, but part way through it I was further informed that I also needed to be identified by name as well. This meant starting over and adding what was necessary for anyone seeing the photos to be able to identify me by face and by name.

After some additional time, some of these photos now contain the necessary identification of me and are included here. As always, the photos are public domain and free for any and all uses.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Another penal-ty for David Steckel

 It came sooner than expected, but my penalty for the most recent contract breach by me has been issued. I now have a specified amount of time for the penalty to be served by me. 

See related, previous post on this topic at:

There are a few parts to my penalty. The first part was me being sent the names of three people who I know personally, and are also friends with on Facebook. I was told that I had to choose one of the three to see my exposure online. If I didn't choose then those three and several others I know would be contacted and informed of how to best see my exposure.

After a lot of consideration and hesitation, I finally chose one of the three people from the list. The choice is a female friend in her thirties who was chosen partly because she seems most likely to find my exposure funny or hilarious, and very unlikely to be offended by it. She will surely laugh at me and possibly mock or ridicule me, and probably show my exposure to some of her close friends and her mother, who I also know personally.

This friend once saw me in the shower naked, but only briefly before she left the room. Her mother said that she would have stayed there and looked at me, since she'd like to "see that", meaning what her daughter saw of me and more. Once she shows my exposure to her mother, some lewd comments from the mother to me about it is probable. 

The way she has to see or discover my exposure is that she has to receive the Dropbox link by email, and have access to my full exposure. Sending her the link would not be easy to do, but I'm sure I could do it if that was what was required. 

The last part of my penalty might just be the most difficult part. Someone I know or someone I've asked has to be who sends her the link, so that she won't know if I know that she has seen my exposure. I'm not supposed to contact her at all unless she contacts me after seeing my exposure. 

There's not anyone around who I can ask to send the link to her, but I have to find someone to send it before the allotted time runs out. This requirement does make it harder and adds some humiliation by needing someone else to send the link, but she is going to receive the link anyway at some point from someone. This is the only way to limit my exposure for now to just her and whoever she shows it to. 

So please, if able, assistance is needed to simply send her an email with nothing else required to be in it besides for this link: 

Her email has been given to me, which I did manage to find out that it is really her email address. For privacy purposes, it cannot be shown publicly, but it will be provided to anyone who can do the favor of sending her the Dropbox link, even if it's more than once. 

It's not clear how it will be confirmed that she has received the Dropbox link, but the contract holder has shown an ability to find or know of things that still stun me, like finding this female's email address when I never knew what it was before now. 

I admit that I am a bit desperate at this point to serve my penalty as accurately and completely as possible, since I've already received a few penalties so far and I want to try to avoid more. 

I do know this will humiliate me to her and all who she shows me to, but I accept that as a consequence of me deleting a photo that showed me naked and thinking I'd gotten away with it. 

The closest public photo(s) of me that might begin to sum up how I feel about having to be exposed to this female friend is this one:

                      David Steckel foolishly and uselessly trying to cover up while naked.

So, anyone willing to send her the Dropbox link, just please contact me at: or on any website I'm on where I can be contacted, and mention that you will send her the email. Her email address and the Dropbox link will be provided. Once the email is sent by you, that's all, and my penalty will have been served. 

Thank you.




David Steckel's email:

Monday, October 19, 2020

Already another penalty. What is happening?

 I've been informed by the holder of my exposure contract that more photos of me naked have shown up that aren't already included in the other public photos of me naked. I was sent a copy of the photos along with being told that I am to receive another penalty for another contract breach by me. From what I understand, one or more people used the email address to send the photos that was to be used to report me if links to the Dropbox of photos and videos of me naked, and a link to my Twitter page were not on my Facebook profile, set to public viewing, and working like the should. 

I don't know who sent them to the contract holder or where they came from, but they are definitely photos of me naked. One is clearly some faceless guy jerking off to a video of me naked putting a marker in my ass. Another one is a photo similar to what is shown on the computer screen in the first photo, and it looks like it ws clipped from the same video by someone. 

The third photo though, is one I know all about. It was taken on a cool day while I had socks on due to cold feet. It wasn't a good photo and it was taken by someone as I was reading a text on my phone. When I was required to submit every photo of me to the public domain, the photo seemed to poor to bother keeping, and I deleted what I thought was the only copy. Obviously I was wrong since the photo has reappeared. What makes it worse now is the fact that I was just penalized for other photos of me naked that suddenly appeared, and I just recently swore to the contract holder that there were no more non-public photos of me naked. 

I'm still learning to live with my last penalty of requiring the Twitter and Dropbox links permanently displayed in the contact info about me on my Facebook page, even if I mostly believe that it might go unnoticed by most who might visit the page. 

All that is required this time so far is that I am to accept any and all friend requests on Facebook, and that the posting settings there allow all friends to post on my timeline. The settings were already set that way, so really all I have to do is to accept every friend request I receive from now on. I am not to contact any new, unknown friends unless I am contacted by them first. I don't know if the intent is to make sure some new friend that I don't have yet can post something on my timeline that will expose or humiliate me to everyone I know on Facebook and beyond, or if it's just to cause my mind to run wild from the possibilities. I was told the rest of my penalty will be decided soon and that I was not to reply or contact the contact holder in the meantime. 

These are the photos that showed up:

                                                      David Steckel naked and being jerked off to


                                            David Steckel naked inserting a marker into his ass

                                                      David Steckel naked wearing except for short, white socks

If it was just the other two photos, I would feel I was being penalized for photos that were created from something of me that was already public domain, but the one of me with socks on is something I have no defense for. I admit that when I thought I had deleted the only copy, I thought it would never matter. I really should have just submitted it along with the rest of what was submitted. Now it's a public photo anyway and I'm due to receive a penalty because of it.

The contact holder controls the Dropbox and is the only one who can log into it. My access to it is the same as everyone else's, which I am told is to make sure that I can't affect anything in the Dropbox. By the time I received a copy of the photos from the contract holder, the photos were all already added to the Dropbox. I saw that they were titled in way that put all three of them right near the top of the page there, which I can only assume is to make sure every visitor to the Dropbox sees those photos right away. 

If or when I receive a full penalty, an update will be added here. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Public Notice for the penalty of David Steckel (naked)

 Recently, the holder of my exposure contract found me guilty of violating the contract on several occasions, mostly due to photos of me naked appearing online that I'd lost of forgotten about, but which were supposed to have been included when I confirmed that every photo and video of me naked was now publicly available.  I cannot prove that I did not know of those photos until they surfaced, so I received a penalty for my apparent withholding those photos that suddenly appeared.

My penalty is that a link from the Dropbox must be permanently shown on my Facebook page in the section where contact details are located. A permanent link to my Twitter page must also be shown there. Since my Twitter page does expose me a lot, and the Dropbox always has to offer every photo and video of me naked, I am going to be seen naked by anyone who happens to click either of the links on my Facebook page, and they will then have full access to everything in the Dropbox, all without me knowing a thing about it, and definitely without me being able to do a single thing about it. 

The holder of my exposure contract feels that my penalty must be known about as widely as possible and to be participated in by as many others as possible in order for others online to view or check out my Facebook page to make sure I am complying with and serving my penalty.The contract holder even has an email address (one which I am forbidden from using, since I am to only use a specific but different email address when needing to contact them). 

I was recently sent a notification of my penatly, which is to be displayed across the internet, and which the holder of my contract feels will call public attention to my penalty. 

I can attest now though, that I have no intention of defying my penalty. I can never know if or when someone might actually be looking at my Facebook page just to check on whether I am serving my penalty or not. It's hard for me to look at the links there on my Facebook page, since I know what they will show anyone who finds them and clicks on them, and I know the purpose of them being there is so I am seen naked by others who may never have seen me naked otherwise, including and probably especially by those I know on Facebook.

Everything that follows was sent to me by the contract holder, which I am required to include here.



David Steckel has chosen to violate a valid contract. His penatly for this is quite simple and fitting. On his Facebook page of David.Steckel.75 two links must exist and both must link to their intended web pages at all times. 

The Twitter page of @DavidSteckel1 exposes David Steckel quite sufficiently, so a link to that page must be available on the Facebook page of David.Steckel.75 

A functional link to the Dropbox which contains all known photos and videos of David Steckel *naked* must  also be available.

These links belong in the contact details of David Steckel on the Facebook page in order that they be readily visible and available to any and all visitors to the Facebook page of David.Steckel.75 

Visitors to the page  are asked to view or inspect this page to ensure David Steckel continues to serve his penalty without additional violations. This can be done anonymously unless informing David Steckel is desired. All that is needed is to ensure that the links remain publicly available in order for David Steckel to begin to, and to continuously serve his penalty as others on Facebook discover the links and then see him fully exposed naked. 


  If either required link is not present or properly functioning, please report this fact by email to                        

The basis for this penalty is of course, to ensure that now and in the future that David Steckel is seen naked and more by any visitors to his Facebook page who click the links, with no regard whatsoever for who sees him that way, such as friends, family, co-workers, etc. This penalty will only be effective and purposeful if it is fully complied with and fully obeyed by David Steckel. The links MUST remain, and for the penalty to be effective, David Steckel's Facebook contacts and visitors MUST be able to simply click a link to have full access to his complete exposure naked.

David Steckel has admitted that it would humiliate him very much if certain contacts of his on Facebook saw his displayed naked, but he seems convinced that nobody ever visits his actual profile page on Facebook, and even if they do, they would not notice the links there. What he thinks is not relevant though. He simply must serve his penalty. 

Thank you to any who assist in the observation of the required links at: 

By doing so, you are helping to ensure that David Steckel receives the penalty he well deserves, and that something wrong is being made right again. 

The two links required on David Steckel's Facebook page are offered below:

David Steckel on Twitter:   

Dropbox-David Steckel naked:

Saturday, July 25, 2020

David Steckel naked: Omitted photos now public as penalty.


A contract issue arose when photos depicting David Steckel naked were found online by a long-time viewer of David Steckel's exposure. These photos were found to be not among those already submitted for public use by David Steckel, which is effect a breach of the contract by David Steckel.

David Steckel related that the photos in question were possessed by someone else, and that he had no copies of them in his possession. He further related that he had no knowledge of their being posted online by someone else until being informed of and shown copies of these photos. He related that he recalled being the subject of the photos, but that he could not explain how he had lost track of the photos or failed to submit them for public viewing and display. Although David Steckel related that he knew nothing of the posting of the photos, he cannot prove it. Therefore, it has been decided that David Steckel did, to at least some extent, violate his contract.
The verdict: Because David Steckel did state that he recalled being the subject of the photos and could not offer any proof that he was unaware of the photos or their posting, he is found to be in violation of his exposure contract. The photos, without exception, will be submitted for viewing and use by the general public (schedule and itinerary to be provided). David Steckel will issue a personal apology to the general public for his violation of their right to view aspects of his naked exposure, and for violating their right of possession and potential reuse of the photos. Furthermore, on his Facebook page, in his contact details, a link to the Dropbox: David Steckel Naked, will me made publicly available to all visitors and viewers. This posting will serve as minor reparations for any exposure David Steckel may have failed to receive due to the omitted photos. This posted link will be permanent, and not open for appeal.
Appeal #1: Appeal not granted.

Apology by David Steckel (approved):

My name is David Steckel, and I owe an apology to every person in the world. Some pictures of me naked resurfaced that I had forgotten about and I had no copies of. I understand my obligation to be exposed naked, and that every picture and video showing me naked belongs to the public. I apologize that some pictures of me naked ended up not being submitted to the public and have not been made available to the public before now. I cannot make up for any opportunities for viewing them that was missed, or for any missed opportunity of sharing or posting them online, and I am sorry for this. I am sorry that pictures of me that are public property were not readily available.
Seeing the pictures again did surprise me, and I admit that I would have preferred for at least some of them to never have reappeared. But they did and now belong to the public along with everything else of me naked. I may not want some of the pictures to be seen or displayed publicly, but it is not up to me to decide who sees or displays pictures of me that belong to them.
I do apologize to everyone for photos of me naked that belong to them not being available to them sooner. The required Dropbox link is now displayed on my Facebook page, which will surely lead to some humiliating exposure for me, but I know that is the point and a penalty I will just have to get used to.

David Steckel

Notice: Visitors to this page:
should find the following two (2) links available and functional on the main page at all times. 

If one or either link is not present and functional, please submit an email concerning this issue to:

for the restoration of the links and for other appropriate action to be taken.
Thank you.

(Shown) The public links circled in red on the Facebook page of David Steckel
are mandatory and must remain available and functional for all visitors. Visitors to the page are respectfully asked to ensure these links remain present and functional at all times, and are urged to report any issues with their public availability to

The photos: David Steckel naked

Photos of David Steckel naked that he may wish were not seen or public.

                                        "All the world is a stage, each another's audience"

To view, download, share all public photos and videos of David Steckel naked visit:

Sunday, June 28, 2020

David Steckel exposed naked as he uses the toilet

 David Steckel has no time or act that is private, and must remain naked during any act that would be private for others. So when David Steckel sits down naked on the toilet, his time and actions there are not private in any way, and are always public. However much he might wish for some small amount of privacy for some acts, David Steckel can have none. He must remain fully exposed for public viewing. His only option is to hope that others may choose not to view or observe him, which is the most privacy he can ever receive.

David Steckel naked and exposed while seated

 When David Steckel is naked in the presence of any visitors or guests, he must not only remain naked, but when seated he must ensure that his legs remain spread apart. David Steckel cannot sit in any manner that does not offer a clear and open view between his legs to all who are present. He is permitted to shift the position in which he is seated, but his legs must remain open wide at all times. Failing to do so is not only a show of rudeness, but also shows a complete lack of respect for any guests or visitors, and is construed to be an insult.
 Unless requested to by any guest or visitor, David Steckel must not look directly at any others present, in order for them to observe his naked, exposed body without being observed by David Steckel in return. In ALL cases, David Steckel is required to be the only one who is observed, watched, or looked at. Others can or will remain entirely clothed in they choose, and are entirely free to photograph or take video of David Steckel, including any close-ups of ANY area of David Steckel's exposed body.
 If, for any reason, David Steckel closes his legs however briefly, he must immediately and profusely apologize to all who are present for his failure to show due respect to them. When David Steckel needs to rise from his seat for any reason, he must provide that reason before rising, and it that reason must be approved by those present. Upon returning to his seat, David Steckel is again required to spread his legs wide apart and continue to offer a free and unobstructed view of the area between his legs. David Steckel can be seen above in a manner that complies with these requirements.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Public Exposure Agreement for David Steckel naked

                       Public Exposure Agreement
                                       for David Steckel Naked

Dropbox of FREE photos/videos of David Steckel naked 


Monday, May 6, 2019

      David Steckel Naked: Dropbox Link


Please use the dropbox link provided, for full and free access to all photos and videos that depict David Steckel naked. Every person has the complete right, and is entitled to be aware of, to view, possess, copy, download, share, post, and display all photos and videos of David Steckel naked, masturbating, or otherwise exposed. Although this overall exposure to the public is mandatory and permanent, others are entitled to, and asked to assist in this exposure, or to further it to any able extent.

The rights of all others for this exposure are protected through licensing, through contractual obligations for the exposed (David Steckel), and through multiple releases. Furthermore, the rights for the exposed (David Steckel), are limited and restricted to:
1) Being viewed naked in a free and unrestricted manner, by every person, through any means.
2) Being exposed naked in any manner or act, by any other person or entity, for any reason or
    purpose, without exception.
3) Accepting or enduring all potential humiliation and outcomes that may result from this exposure.
 **Under no circumstances is the exposed (David Steckel) allowed or permitted the following:
        a) The exposed will not seek or request the removal or censoring of any posting, display, or
            exposure of them, made or done by any other person or entity.
        b) The exposed will not contact, attempt to contact, or otherwise communicate with any person
            or entity that exercises their rights and entitlements to expose and display them naked
            publicly. Contact will remain limited to the exposed only being contacted by others, for their
            own reasons. The exposed must respect the rights of all others to expose them freely.

All others are entitled to be aware that all body privacy for David Steckel has been permanently removed/revoked, meaning it does not exist and will remain so. The exposure of David Steckel naked will entertain or amuse some, which is only proper and fitting. Because this exposure requires the awareness of, and viewing by all others possible, to and beyond any degree that will humiliate the exposed, and allow others to recognize the exposed (David Steckel) upon sight, the extent of this exposure must be as widespread ad possible. All possible assistance for this, by all others, is appreciated and entirely correct.