
Thursday, June 24, 2021

More links posted as consequence (Facebook)

 Today I learned that more links have been added to my Facebook intro to photos that are meant to show me in more revealing ways. They're referred to as more explicit, but I prefer just to say they're more revealing. They're the result of the consequence for me failing to proved any proof of being seen naked yet by anyone who knows me. 

I was warned almost a week ago that unless I showed some proof, they would be added by the 25th of the month, but as far as I can tell they were added sometime today. 

I was almost afraid to see which photos the links went to, since I was only able to see one example photo before today. I was told it was ten in total and that's about what I can see. Just as I was told they would be, they do show me naked in some revealing ways, and I do dread the idea that people who know me will see them, but I have to admit that it could have been worse if it was desired by my contract holder. 

Some show me masturbating or with an erection, and a couple show my bare ass either with it raised or with me bent over. The photos below are in the order (I think) from the first link to the last the way they are now on my Facebook page.


It's intimidating to know that I'll be seen by people who know me with my bare ass so on display, and being seen masturbating or touching my erect penis is even more intimidating. The hardest one to accept is the one where I already came and my cum can be seen on my stomach. There's something about having people who know me see my actual cum that makes it the most intimidating of all for me. But I suppose that's the point, since the photos are there as a consequence, even if it was due to something I didn't see how to avoid.

I am sure they will be seen too, since there's just no way possible that I have not yet been seen naked by multiple people who know me. I know full well by this point that they are looking, seeing, and then just not saying a thing to me about it. Some may have even seen me naked already even before any posts about the links were on my timeline, but more certainly saw the posts and discovered the links on my page afterwards. 

I wasn't given any date or time limit yet, but I was only told that at some point, more photo links will be added, which seem bound to show me in even more humiliating ways. I still hope for proof of being seen to avoid this, since I know that once a link is added, there is almost no chance for it to ever be removed. 

I still can't believe I've come to think this, but I actually almost desperately hope that people I know will see me naked and let me know they saw me. At least enough to have it considered for my obligation to be fulfilled. If that happens, then at least it could mean no more links are added, even though the links there now will probably always be there and if I will always have to stay exposed naked to anyone who clicks on them. 

I can only suppose that at some point in the future, everyone who will ever see me naked through the links will have seen me, and it won't matter much that the links are there. There's probably quite a bit of humiliation for me before then though.

Update: Despite a few posts on my Facebook timeline that mention the links and with one even mentioning where the links can be found and accessed, There has not been one shred of evidence for me being seen naked by anyone who knows me. No notifications or messages have been received, and not one friend has yet removed themselves as a friend, which would be expected if they had an issue with what some are sure to have seen of me by now. 

It's something I definitely never expected, but something that's appearing to be more and more likely... That my Facebook friends are viewing photo/videos of me naked, or have viewed them, and are just not mentioning it to me. Nearly every prior post to my timeline has been viewed or reacted to in some way by friends there, so the current posts about the links on my page have to have been seen by them as well. 

I know that whether anything is mentioned to me or not about me being seen naked, that I will always have to accept the fact that any friend is likely to have seen me naked or even masturbating naked in a video, and that some of them have positively seen me that way, but nothing being mentioned to me about it is equal to a lack of proof of me being seen. To my exposure contract holder and to a few others, this lack of proof requires consequences for me when it's failed to be produced within certain amounts of time. As of now, these consequences tend to be for me to be exposed and seen naked in ways that are more revealing or humiliating for me. The first of those consequences has already been applied through the added photo links to my Facebook page.

Further consequences have been said to be certain at some point if no proof of me being seen naked is produced. It might be more photo links or even video links being added to my Facebook page with those links being among the first things seen of me naked by friends or by anyone else who visits my Facebook page. I haven't learned yet what the full consequence might be or when it might occur. 

Since I feel and believe that I am being, or have been seen naked for sure by numerous friends on Facebook, any added links are just offering those friends easy access to even more photos or videos showing me naked. They are seeing every single aspect and detail of my naked body, and at the moment I do not even know the name of even a single one of them. As one commenter in a post mentioned, it does appear that my naked body and my exposure is just entertainment for them. I'm sure that when they see me in person and recall seeing me naked, that will just be further entertainment for them.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Notice of Facebook exposure (not from friend)

 When I checked my email this morning, I found an email from my exposure contract holder. I tend to get nervous when I see this, since it usually means I'm not obeying some rule or requirement, failing to be exposed enough, or that my punishment is being changed or increased in some way.

What I found was that someone on Facebook who I don't know and who didn't know of me before recently, sent a message to me. My contract holder found it before I even knew about it as they were doing one of their routine monitors/inspections of my Facebook activity. I found an image in the email that showed the message with the identity of the person who sent it covered up. Even before I read the text in the message, I knew this was because the message was required to be posted or shared publicly. Here is the image as it appeared in the email:

If the message text is too small to see, here is what it says:

"Hi. We don't know each other, but we do have mutual friends. I don't know why there are links on your page that let everyone see you naked, but I guess that's your thing. I've had two mutual friends suggest that I take a look at your links, and I just thought that you should know that I have seen you naked even though I don't know you at all. You should know that you're being seen naked by a lot more people than just your friends. If you're okay with that then you can just ignore this. Most people would be humiliated by this, but you do you."

My contract holder wanted this posted right away. I was told that this doesn't count as proof of me being seen by anyone who knows me because neither mutual friend they mentioned mentioned anything to me themselves and can't be verified. 

My contract holder said that the message shows that my punishment could be beginning to be served. I prefer to call it a penalty but they refer to it as my punishment. They said the  intent is for me to be seen naked by anyone even though the requirement is for me to be seen naked by people who know me.

In my Facebook messenger I can see who the sender is and I saw that we share 11 mutual friends, which makes it hard to know which two might have seen me naked and then told the sender about it. None of them seem any more likely than the others to tell their own friends or contacts about the links on my page. I don't even know what anyone involved has seen of me naked or whether it was one or two photos or everything including videos. All I really know for sure is that the sender saw me naked since they wouldn't have known what the links went to otherwise. I was probably seen naked for sure by the two mutual friends they mentioned, but since they didn't say anything to me I can't be positive about it.

Since this doesn't count for me being seen naked by people who know me, it probably doesn't change anything for me. But my contract holder wants it known that people are using the links on my Facebook page to see me naked.


Monday, June 14, 2021

Note to anyone following/waiting for my exposure (to Facebook contacts).

 I only recently learned from the person who holds my exposure contract that they have received some questions and complaints that no proof or evidence is being submitted to show that I have been exposed to and seen naked by people on Facebook who know me personally. 

I wasn't aware of this, and I presumed that my obligation to be exposed and seen by friends or contacts on Facebook might be considered to be fulfilled through the links to my exposure in my Facebook intro, and by two timeline posts (made by others) which mention the links.

My original requirement to be seen naked by Facebook friends did call for proof of it occurring, but it's just recently been pointed out to me that those things don't qualify as proof of being seen, They only qualify as the possibility for me to be seen naked there.

I was referred back to the full requirements of my original obligation that says only when a friend on Facebook mentions to me or sends a message to me that they have seen photos or videos of me naked can it be considered to be proof or evidence of it occurring. 

I was informed that there are people waiting for this evidence to be shown, and that they've been closely following my exposure to Facebook friends. My contract holder made it clear to me that these "followers" must be satisfied that people on Facebook who know me personally have seen photos and videos of me naked and that I have been irreversibly humiliated by it happening. My contract holder reminded me that this was the point from the beginning and it was always a requirement for me. 

I still can't show any recent evidence of being seen naked by anyone on Facebook who knows me, but some of them are almost sure to have seen me naked at this point. I know that unless it's mentioned to me though, there's no evidence to prove it. 

As hard as it still is for me to believe that I'm either being seen or have to be seen naked by actual people who know me and who I see in person, and as reluctant as I am to be openly displayed naked or masturbating for them to see, it was never my intent to cause anyone to wait for it to happen. I did know from some past comments on posts that there were a few people who wanted my Facebook friends to see me naked, and wanted me see it humiliate me, but I wasn't aware that complaints and questions about it were being sent to my contract holder all along. 

I did receive a reprimand for this from my contract holder, and reminded that my exposure naked to Facebook friends was both unavoidable and inevitable. I was told that unless I show some proof of being seen naked by at least some Facebook friends in the near future, that there will consequences for me that I will only learn of when they occur.

It's pretty strange feeling to suddenly go from feeling dread and anxiety from having to be seen naked by people who know me, to feeling anxiety over the need to prove I've been seen naked by them. I'm even actually now finding myself wishing and hoping for people I know to see me naked and to message me or contact me about it in any way, even though this also means certain and permanent humiliation for me.

For right now at least, I seem to be more afraid of "consequences" than I am of utter humiliation.

Note: I can't help going to the links in my Facebook intro just to see what the top links go to of me, since that seems like what most Facebook friends will see of me naked first. At the time of this posting, this is the photo of me naked they will probably see first:

They will see a whole lot more of me naked as they click their way down through the links though.

Update June 17th, 2021

Today I was informed by my contract holder that if I fail to provide proof of being seen naked by at least one person on Facebook who knows me personally, that the first and mildest of consequences will be implemented.

This consequence will be for links to more explicit and revealing photos of me naked to be placed at the top of the list of links in my Facebook intro. Presently the first links do show photos of me naked, and I have to admit that there are many photos of me naked that would be more humiliating if they were to be the most likely for people who know me to see.

I was only provided with one single example of which photos of me they might be.

I'm told a link to this photo will be one among others that will be placed at the top of the list of links, and once there they will remain there. I was informed that the photo links will be made available there on or before the 25th day of this month unless I offer proof of being seen naked before they are made available. I was told that most of the other photo links will show me in even more revealing or humiliating ways than the photo I was provided with.

I can't believe that I'm finding myself actually hoping to be seen naked by enough people who know me that at least one of them will be willing to mention to me that they saw me naked. I know even if I'm seen by a lot of them though, it's very possible that not one of them will mention it to me. If that happens I'll have no proof of being seen and the links to more revealing photos will end up in my intro. 

This does make me feel a bit helpless, but I can only accept however things turn out.

I was told that if this first consequence ends up being implemented, then I will be informed of the next consequence soon after that.


Friday, June 4, 2021

Completing my exposure (Facebook).

 This post is an update relating to my exposure through links in my Facebook intro and posts on my timeline there mentioning the links.

First though, there are currently two separate posts on my Facebook timeline that mention the links to photos and videos of me naked, and those links are present in the intro of my Facebook page. This means that twice, every contact of mine on Facebook has had these two posts show up in their Facebook feed. At this time, nothing has been mentioned to me about it by any contact, friends, acquaintances, or relatives who are contacts of mine on Facebook.

 Links there go to this Google photo album: 

It's highly doubtful and close to impossible that at least several contacts have not seen some of the photos and videos of me naked, and a lot more likely that they either don't want me to know they've seen me, or they aren't sure what to say about it to me. 

I was extremely nervous and anxious before and leading up to these timeline posts, since they were sure to notify my contacts about the presence of the links. I knew I had to be seen naked by people on Facebook who know me, but knowing that didn't ease my anxiety. Now that it's happening and I can't be unseen by any contacts who have seen me naked, it's almost a relief to be getting it over with. My contacts can finally see what's been online of me and available to others, but kept from them. 

I do expect some contacts or friends to mention something about it to me eventually or when they're ready, and I'll have to play that part by ear if or when it happens. Those contacts and friends I see often in person might be waiting until the next time they see me to mention seeing me naked. It will be humiliating in almost all cases, but that's all part of me being seen naked by them. Every one of them knows that what they saw of me is just as available publicly as it is to them, and some will probably be curious about how I can just accept being exposed naked so publicly. It might confuse them a little when I tell them that I'm exposed and displayed because I have to be exposed and displayed naked.

Of course just because post have been made on my timeline about the links, it doesn't mean that no additional posts can or should be made. Each post made is likely to increase the attention the links receive, and now that I'm definitely being seen naked by people who know me, it might as well continue from now on. So it will remain that current Facebook friends are free to post on my timeline about the links all they care to, and new friend requests will continue to be accepted without question to enable posting on my timeline.

To be honest, I expected some immediate reaction from at least one or more contacts, but that isn't the case so far. I'm sure some of them are at this very moment, going through the photos and videos of me naked and almost not being able to believe what they're seeing of me. It's probably true that some of them just can't stop looking yet. They may have known me for years, but until now they've never seen my bare ass, my dick, my balls, and definitely have never watched me masturbate. They'll have seen all of that now though.

More details will be provided as things progress.