
Friday, November 27, 2020

Exposure to Facebook friends: The verdict is in and the public has confirmed that it be carried out

 I have been notified that since the majority of votes in the poll   is extremely unlikely to change enough to alter the outcome, that the original verdict for my punishment will stand and must be carried out. As far as I know, the poll will remain open and voters will be able to continue voting however they want to. Only its creator is able to decide how long the poll remains open and I've heard nothing yet about any timeline for the poll.,

Even though the poll does remain open, it's been related to me that what the majority of voters have decided must still be honored, obeyed, and carried out in respect of their decision. What was also related to me is a more detailed explanation of what my punishment must consist of. I now know that my punishment goes beyond just a requirement for the links to remain posted for those who know me on Facebook to click on to see my exposure. 

My punishment requires that I am actually and provably seen naked by Facebook friends. I was not given an exact number for how many that might be, but only that it must be a two digit number of them. That only tells me that it is somewhere between 10 and 99. I now know that it has to be a provable view that that there is some evidence , which leaves it unclear how that might work. I can only assume that it means being provable through comments or messages to me. Without proof though, I'm told it will not count towards fulfilling my punishment, so I may end up being seen naked by some friends who never allow or offer any proof that they have seen me naked. 

The only other information I've gotten is that any new friends added that are a result of the poll and its postings do not contribute to the fulfillment of my punishment either, since they are likely to have already been aware of my exposure and viewed it before sending their friend request. 

It feels kind of complex at this point, but what I know for sure is that I literally have to be seen naked by more than a few friends for it to even be considered whether my punishment has been served.


Even with evidence that it was coming to this, it's still a little bit daunting to consider that the links not only have to remain, but that my punishment can only be served if am actually seen naked by many Facebook friends. It's nearly impossible for any of them to view me naked without also seeing me masturbating too, and doing things naked that I prefer not to think about them seeing. I can only wonder which friends will see me exposed naked first, and just how many of them will see me in total before my punishment will be considered to have been served. 

I've been reminded of several ways in which things can become much worse for me if it''s even suspected that I've tried to interfere with the serving of my punishment, so I'm fully aware that there is not a thing I can do about being seen naked by friends on Facebook. All I can really do now is to prepare for any questions or statements made by any Facebook friends after they view me naked. 

Along with the notification I was given, an explanatory image was also provided, which I am to begin including publicly in any related posts or notices. This has occurred before, but this one feels like it is further confirming something that is already certain anyway. 

I can only sum the entire situation up to getting more of what I wanted than I wanted, since I do have an interest in being exposed naked, but Facebook until now was one place where few if any friends were even aware of my exposure online, let alone having seen it. Now it not only seems that they will see it, but they have to see it or else I will only be punished in further and more severe ways. I definitely do not want any of those ways to come to pass, so I can easily see that this punishment is the most lenient that I am going to receive even if it appears harsh to outside observers. 

In the image I was sent for public submission, I may have preferred to be shown naked other than shown masturbating, but the choice was not mine to make. In the notice, I see others again being asked to participate, this time by somehow calling the attention of my Facebook friends to the links. I suppose that it hardly really matters though, since any friends who view my exposure will see much more of me than how I'm displayed in the notice, and my punishment will go on and last until they have seen me anyway. Even though I think it's unlikely for anyone to participate in that way, speeding up the process might not matter much either. In the end, one way or another, I know friends on Facebook as well as an unknowable number of random visitors are going to see me naked, and it's almost entirely unavoidable.

Edit: I was told that there needed to be a clarification about the links to my exposure on Facebook. Although I have to be seen naked by Facebook friends in order for my punishment to be served, it is to be pointed out that the links must remain even afterwards, which will enable them to be viewed indefinitely by all viewers of my Facebook page. 

I was reminded that voters in the poll chose by a large majority for the links to be permanent, and so they must be permanent even when and after a large number of my Facebook friends see me exposed completely naked. I'm also to apologize to any voters who may have been led to believe otherwise, and to thank and express my gratitude towards each and every person who voted in the poll so far regardless of how they voted. 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Please vote in the poll: Links to the exposure of David Steckel in his Facebook contact info?

A poll currently exists allowing others to vote (anonymously by default) on the topic of whether links to my exposure should be or remain in the contact information of my Facebook page.
The poll is at:

The links are already required in that location, so it's not clear to me why this poll is necessary, and since I've already been informed that the links must remain permanently.
It might just be more of a survey than a poll, just to see what opinions others may have when voting is entirely anonymous. I can't be sure, but if there is enough "no" votes, then maybe sometime soon the links may not be required.
An image of the links actually on my Facebook page can be seen below, and the my actual Facebook page and the links can be seen at:


The links that are currently required in my contact information on Facebook are:

Your vote is appreciated.

Edit - I have been informed that I failed to mention that every voter can vote as much as and often as they wish, apparently up to 999 votes per day. I do not know why the poll permits this, but at least it can go either way as one of the yes options as well as one of the no options, so I suppose it still works out even in a way.
I have also very recently learned that if a pre-decided number of votes are cast in the poll for any one of the possible responses, that the results will be considered to be the "will of the people" and that result will stand permanently and will go into effect. I was not informed of what that number might be, but I understand that I will be informed if or when that minimum number is reached in any of the possible choices.
I am also unsure if what happens if that minimum number of votes is not reached in any of the potential choices, since prior to this I was led to believe that the links are permanent. It does seem that the poll allows for a possible change in that area, but as I've been told, the "will of the people" must and will be carried out.
Thank you to those who have already voted, and to those who take a moment cast their vote.  Your votes will apparently decide the final outcome for all time.

Further updates and any final results to come as necessary. 

Update 1: Since I cannot personally vote in a poll that is only for others to decide whether I should be and remain in a position that will at some point certainly have my friends and contacts on Facebook see me completely exposed naked, masturbating, and more, I could only wait to be informed of any results by the creator of the poll. Finally though, I did receive a link that allows me to see the current vote count. Of course since voting is anonymous, it will always remain unknown as to who voted, where they learned about the poll, and what led any voters to decide which choice to vote for.

I nearly expected no one to bother voting at all, aside from one voter who did choose to inform me that they voted. The number of votes so far is already higher than I expected, but what was most noticeable was that so far, every voter has decided that the links have to be in, and remain in the contact information on my Facebook page. What the voters want must absolutely be carried out, and so far they want me exposed naked to those who know me on Facebook. Unless the vote count changes drastically, they are going to get that very thing. With the links publicly available on my Facebook page, it will be only a matter of time before my contacts on Facebook inevitably see and click the links to my exposure. 

The poll's creator has informed me there is no plan to end the poll anytime soon, if at all, but the current results cannot be denied or ignored. Anyone who checks my Facebook page at: will see that the required links are already present in my Facebook contact information and are public. These links can never be removed unless voters allow and permit it, or if the websites they link to go offline, which is improbable and very unlikely. 

Each additional vote only seems to reinforce the fact that voters want my friends and contacts on Facebook to see me entirely exposed naked, and as of now it does seem that is what is going to happen.

Obviously I know that since it's me who is being penalized for what I've done, or more accurately for what I failed to do, I can have no say-so concerning any penalty or how it is carried out. Logically I do know that if it was another person besides for me being penalized, I would almost certainly agree that the person should have to pay some price for any violations they committed. From that standpoint, it would be hypocritical of me to expect a full, free pass in this case. 

With the links already in place on Facebook, I know I may already have been seen naked by some friends and contacts there, and as time goes by that becomes more likely if not certain. It is so far what voters have dictated through their votes though. 

I've been told that I can't consider the posting of the links as my actual punishment though, and that the links are just a means to have my punishment carried out. It has been made clear to me that I have to be seen naked for absolute certain by friends and others I know on Facebook as my actual punishment. Unless that happens, my punishment will never be considered to have been served. That only leaves the question of how many people who know me on Facebook will end up seeing me naked, since at least some of them do have to see me naked for sure. 

I did ask how this will be kept track of, and was told that it's not my concern. I was told I should accept that I was going to be seen naked by my Facebook friends and that I should remember that I deserve it for violating my contract. I was also told that the vote count only proves that beyond any doubt.

One thing is certain though. This is for real, and if, or more likely when my friends and contacts see me exposed completely naked, it will also be for real.

Update: One thing that is the hardest isn't really the fact that Facebook friends may or will end up seeing me naked. I can and will accept that fact if it is the decision of the majority of voters. I also know and understand the reason for my potential punishment of being seen naked by friends, which reminds me that I caused myself to be in the position I am in.  It's also not the hardest thing noticing that most voters so far want the links to be available for friends there to see them and then view my naked exposure

What is proving to be the hardest thing about it all is just having to wait while voters make the final decision. I've asked how long this may take, but was told that the poll will remain open to allow as many others to vote and decide the result for as long as necessary. I know better than to ask follow-up questions if I was lucky enough to receive a response at all to my inquiry, So what "as long as necessary" means is still unknown to me.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Google photo album of "David Steckel naked" released for public viewing.

 I don't know how long it has existed, or how many others have viewed it or that it has been shared with, but a Google photo album belonging to the holder of my exposure contract has decided to reveal it to me recently. 

The link for the album has now become required sharing for me just as many other links have been.

Along with the link, I received a short message that caused a slight knot in my stomach. I was told that the following paragraph was the only part of the message that I was permitted to share.

"David. This photo album belongs to the public just as much as the Dropbox does, and must be shared equally from now on. Among other locations, this link is required to be included in your information on Facebook along with the Dropbox and Twitter links. This is not an additional penalty, but only a correction to an existing penalty. You're aware that the price of non-compliance will be severe. The link must be posted in its proper location within 24 hours of this message being sent. As usual, you will comply without further discussion."

The link has been posted as required. Public Domain photos and videos of David Steckel naked

In one way, it does feel a bit unsettling to have another way for those on Facebook to see me exposed naked, but overall I suppose it doesn't change much. Those on Facebook could see me displayed naked already anyway if they see and click one of the links. One more link might not make much difference. 

Besides for the fact that anyone on Facebook can happen upon my naked exposure at any time, what I think about the most now is how I am in a position where one, and maybe a couple of people decide how and where links exposing me naked will be displayed, and I have to comply or else endure much worse. 

Of course I have only myself to blame for it though, since I did originally sign the contract. I failed to consider the power I was handing over then, and I didn't bother to fully grasp what the wording could require of me. I was also a bit naive and unaware of how extensive my online exposure could ever become. 

I've been told that I have already been seen by well over a million people worldwide, and that the number could be much higher. I do know just from being contacted over time, that many others have told me about how they have downloaded or saved photos or videos of me, which doesn't include any posts of me made by other people or websites. since many of those are unknown to me. I do stumble across one of them occasionally though. I can never do anything about it though, since every one of them have every right to display me naked.

I haven't been told why Facebook seems to be the focus of much of my recent exposure, but I can easily presume why that is. It is not only one of the last "bastion" where my exposure has not been openly available, but it is also a place where there is a large concentration of others who know me personally. That last part is probably the main reason though. 

I try to imagine those I know on Facebook seeing me like this:

or this:

and this:

It's much easier to accept that those on Facebook can and probably will see those and more though, if I do not try to imagine it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Links for David Steckel on "AllMyLinks" website

 Just a notification that links related to David Steckel for websites he has activity on, or is posted or displayed naked on are now available publicly on the website "AllMyLinks" at:


                                                                    QR code


As always, the page, the links it contains, and everything on the pages that are linked to are public domain and are free for viewing, sharing, display, or re-use in any way or manner that the mind or the imagination can come up with.

Of course all can visit the Dropbox:  to view, download, share, or further display David Steckel naked in any way possible. 

Also, ALL friend requests for the Facebook page of: must and will be accepted without question. All friends can freely post on the timeline there however they desire, and whatever they desire.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

David Steckel naked and indentified

 A minor issue that was pointed out to me some time ago, which is that in some photos of me naked, I am unable to be identified. The reason for this is that some photos show my naked body in some way without my face being visible, either because the photo shows my lower body or the photo shows me from behind.

Since photos of me are already on many websites, many of which I am positive that are unknown to me, there is really no way to correct the issue completely. I was recently informed though, that in as many photos as possible of the sort described, that I need to be identified through a photo inset of my face.

The laborious task of finding and adding a face photo was begun, but part way through it I was further informed that I also needed to be identified by name as well. This meant starting over and adding what was necessary for anyone seeing the photos to be able to identify me by face and by name.

After some additional time, some of these photos now contain the necessary identification of me and are included here. As always, the photos are public domain and free for any and all uses.