David Steckel Naked
Requirements and Obligations for
David Steckel in relation to his
naked exposure. Rights/Entitlements
of the general public to view, use,
display all images/videos depicting
David Steckel naked.
1) David Steckel is required and obligated under written and
verbal contract, including all contractual additions and
any included addendum, to be freely and publicly exposed
naked through images, photos, videos, as well as through
any other media that is available to the general public.
2)David Steckel has no rights or recourse concerning any aspects
whatsoever, in relation to his exposure naked. All members of
the general public, with the exception of David Steckel, hold
any and all rights in relation to viewing, copying, downloading,
using, sharing, modifying, posting, and displaying David Steckel
naked in any and all manner.
To the extent possible under law,
David Steckel
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
All existing images and videos depicting David Steckel naked in any manner.
**Click link below to view or copy the Public Domain Attribution License, which waives all copyright and related rights for David Steckel, pertaining to all media depicting David Steckel naked. This License is irrevocable, and it ensures the permanent legal right for all persons, groups, organizations, and entities to possess, copy, download, share, post, display, or otherwise use any or all photos and videos in existence, that depict David Steckel naked in any manner.**
(Embed code for license available on the page linked to below, for use of proof or confirmation of attribution)
3) Any request by David Steckel, or any attempt by David Steckel
to limit, prevent, or to alter how other persons, groups,
or entities use or display any images/videos that depict
David Steckel naked, is entirely forbidden and would be in full
violation of all permanent contracts and licenses, under which
David Steckel is irrevocably bound. Any interference Of any
sort by David Steckel, with any aspect(s) of how other persons
or entities choose to display David Steckel naked is, in
addition to a contractual violation, a clear violation of
the public-domain copyright that applies to any and all images
and videos depicting David Steckel naked, in addition to being
a clear violation of the rights of each and every person who
displays David Steckel naked, of those who view any display of
David Steckel naked, and to those who would have, at some
future time, viewed David Steckel naked.
4) David Steckel is required and obligated under contract, to
provide internet links or other relevant means of access, to
all requests of any sort, to all images/videos depicting
David Steckel naked. Any internet links must be functional
and must allow all others FREE access to all images/videos
depicting David Steckel naked, and must allow for copying or
downloading of such media in order for the full and free use
of such media depicting David Steckel naked. Additionally,
David Steckel is contractually required and obligated to
encourage the further use and display of such media by others.
Any failure by David Steckel to assist in the further display
of any existing media depicting him naked, or to ask for his
further display to the largest possible audience, is to be
construed as a contractual violation.
5) David Steckel's entire naked body must always be freely
available for full viewing through existing photos and videos,
by any and every person with any desire to view him. Each and
every part, place, and area of David Steckel's naked body must
be, and remain, fully available for viewing and for further
display by all others, without exception. In every photo and
video where David Steckel's face was originally visible, his
face must remain visible, in order to allow for all viewers
the opportunity to recognize him. The name "David Steckel"
must also be identifiable in all locations where the purpose of
the location is for public access to such media, in order for
all viewers to have the ability to match the name with the media
being viewed. (Any postings made by members of the general
public, by private groups or entities are exempt and free from
any rules or requirements, but inclusion of David Steckel's
name and face in all postings is highly recommended and
preferable.) No Information about David Steckel and no part
of his body will remain private in any way.
6) All acts or actions performed by David Steckel, which would
otherwise be considered to be private if performed by others,
will not be private acts when performed by David Steckel. By
contractual requirement, all private acts performed by
David Steckel shall be, and will be considered to be public
acts, and must be freely available through photos/videos, for
others to view, copy, download, possess, share, and to display
further. This requirement includes, but is not limited to,
David Steckel masturbating. David Steckel is required to be
fully and completely naked in all photos and videos
that depict his masturbation, in order to maximize his exposure
during masturbation. David Steckel's face must be visible in
each photo or video depicting his masturbation, in order for
all viewers to observe his facial expressions during
masturbation, as well as for viewers to have the ability
to recognize him either currently or at some future time.
View and download all free public
photos and videos of David Steckel
naked at:
or scan the qr code below
** All persons are entirely and completely
entitled to post, share, or display
David Steckel naked in ANY manner, or on
any website of their choice, for ANY
purpose whatsoever. Because all photos and
videos are legally in the public domain,
no permission is necessary, and the right
to display David Steckel naked is
absolutely and permanently guaranteed.
Any and all attempts or requests by David
Steckel to limit or restrict ANY viewing
or usage of these photos or videos is to be
considered an attempt by him to violate
YOUR full and free usage rights for these
photos and videos, and must be denied or
ignored in all cases. This includes the
right to fully identify David Steckel by
name in any and all postings or displays of
him naked, as well as the right to include
any other relevant or identifying
information about him such as his Email
address (DaveS113065@gmail.com), his
location or address, and any websites or
web addresses related to David Steckel.
Any and all postings or displays of David
Steckel naked are free to portray David
Steckel in any desired manner,regardless of
accuracy, to fit the desires or wishes of
those who wish to post or display him
naked. This includes the right to alter or
edit photos or videos of him naked to fit
any desired narrative or depiction of
him. **
Public Notice of the requirement for David Steckel to strip completely naked upon any request made in person. Requests made in public must be fulfilled in the nearest non-public location, and at the soonest possible time. Non compliance by David Steckel is not permissible or allowable, and his compliance should be insisted upon or enforced when necessary.
Once a request is made, under no circumstances must David Steckel be permitted to continue to remain clothed.